CNet News

SAN FRANCISCO–At its first-quarter media summit on Wednesday, Nintendo formally unveiled the newest model in its long-running DS line of handheld video game machines, the DSi XL.

With a 93 percent bigger screen than the DSi, the XL is intended to offer a more social gaming experience, as it will enable multiple viewing angles, said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America executive vice president of sales and marketing. That means, she predicted, that when someone plays games on a DSi XL, the machine’s larger screens will be inviting to other people nearby, making for more social play.

“This product really fills a gap between portable play and social experiences,” Dunaway said, “that up until now is only available on consoles.”

  1. Rob-O says:

    “the machine’s larger screens will be inviting to other people nearby, making for more social play.”

    Man that even smells like bullshit. Everyone with half a brain knows that Nintendo created this new model so that everyone who bought a DSi will now have to upgrade to stay current.

    Console gamers are usually pretty stupid with a “move with the herd” mentality like rabid Apple fans, but the marketing pitch for this new model reeks of B.S. Surely they can smell it too.

  2. Skeptic says:

    I’m waiting for the 42″ model.

  3. Meatball says:

    It’s just a bigger version of the DSi, no one will have to upgrade. It’s for older people who have bad eyesight, and I would buy one, except that they didn’t bring back the GBA slot, so the new periphs coming out that use it (and yes, there are some slated for release this year) won’t work.

  4. amodedoma says:

    Cool, the DS has been a hit for quite a while, might that have something to do with how easy it is to pirate the games? Could be. When Sony PS2 was easily pirated the sales of that console were great for a long time. PS3’s sales have never reached Sony’s expectations. Xbox’s sales were dropping before bricking all those consoles, and I doubt they’ll recover much.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Dear Dsi users: You have just received a warm “F*ck you” From Nintendo.

  6. Bubb says:

    You beat me to that comment!

  7. colinprog says:

    I would of gone for it if it weren’t for the rumors of DS2 launch by end of year.

  8. Chris Mac says:

    soo.. the babysitter got breast implants?

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “This product really fills a gap between portable play and social experiences,” Dunaway said, “that up until now is only available on consoles.”

    I’m really getting sick of the overuse of “social”. Just say your friends can see you play your game.

    Beginning to smell like a bubble: just slap “social” into the description to make it sound hip and happening.

  10. Winston says:

    Bigger screen, same low resolution. I’m waiting for the rumored next generation DS that uses the kick-ass Tegra 2 processor with at least one high resolution LCD. THAT will be well worth buying.

  11. WhiteyMcBrown says:

    People need to chill out. This is not an F-U to anyone. You don’t have to buy every new thing that comes out. It’s the same Gameboy with a larger screen, so Nintendo released an update that doesn’t make your DS games outdated.

    I might consider buying this because I like the kind of games that come on the Gameboy DS and would like to play them on a larger screen. I like sidescrollers like Super Princess Peach (damn good game) and more creative games like Ace Attorney. I kinda stopped enjoying consoles after the SNES. I just don’t like the time investment you need in the more complex games and they don’t have the same pick up and play fun factor for me. Until now, I’ve had to pretty much had to resort to a tiny screen or using a powerful PS3 to play Peggle.

  12. Gordon E-Williams says:

    Maybe it’s me but since when is 4.2 inches 93% bigger than 3 inches (DS lite scree), someone at Nintendo can’t do their maths, it’s 33% bigger. Has no-body spotted this?


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