“During that period of Nazism and fascism’s growth — a real danger to the United States and democratic countries around the world — there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said ‘don’t worry! Hitler’s not real! It’ll disappear!” – Bernie Sanders, the only self-proclaimed socialist in Congress.

  1. deowll says:

    #7 Sure the dust bowl was in part due to humans farming land that dried out. Please note that the climate changed. A twenty year wet period ended in which arid land had been productive wheat land and a drought occurred. What we know now about the region affected suggests that such changes should be expected in that part of the country.

    16 and when did they do that? Nobody has ever done what is being suggested. A Democrat called it the Nuclear option when a Republican suggested doing it but it wasn’t done. If the Democrats do it they will indeed have been the first.

    21 Bobo you missed the fact that it burns a fossil fuel and thus is “evil” in the eyes of the devote. It is the money loving Repubs who will embrace it because it saves them money.

    28 I think the best guess, and it is a guess for a lot of reasons, is that sea level went up a foot last century on average and it might do that this century if the climate trends before about 15 years ago start back up. If they don’t…

    Sure some places like New Orleans are sinking but sinking is not sea levels going up.

    By the way how big a disaster was that foot last century anyway?

    One more thing. The climate has always changed and always will change. The man made global warming crowd seems to have the wild idea they can in some manner prevent that. They can’t.

    If they actually got what they asked for at Copenhagen the drop in temps would ruin crops across the northern grain growing belts and cause a famine! Insane!

  2. Skeptic says:

    What on earth is a “climate skeptic”?

    You’ll have to be more convincing if you want me to believe there is a climate. I just checked outside again, and there is no temperature at all.

  3. GlowingApple says:

    #24, FRAGaLOT

    The dust bowl is one potential example. Hunting species to the point of extinction, mining areas barren, are other examples. Basically industrializing anywhere will affect the local environment somewhat. No, we can’t look at other planets as a control, but we can look at other unpopulated and unindustrialized areas on our planet to see what kind of effect we have made.

    Any species makes an impact; whether the impact is for the better or the worse of our planet is debatable. Personally I look at the earth as a resource for us to use (I support hunting and mining), but also to care for (i.e. in moderation; after all, we need it to survive!). If you want to be an environmentalist, by all means, please do. It won’t stop climate change though. And if you want to drive a gas guzzler, go ahead. It won’t speed up climate change.

  4. GlowingApple says:

    #19, bac

    Godwin’s Law IRL?

  5. E@$+ C0@$+ says:

    Long Time Bernie Fan.

    Global Warming is BS but the Sun does warm up the Earth.

    look up the life cycle of a star. doesnt the star start getting bigger, and brighter, before it turns into a red giant? I may be missing some its been a while since I was in a school and paying attention.

  6. Lou says:

    By the look of the white hair on Sanders head. He has nothing to worry about.

  7. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #38 Glowing Apple

    Good points on humans impacting earth. This is one of the most frustrating things to me when people try to say that humans don’t have the power to change the planet. This is not a necessary point to prove when debating the man-made global warming scam, and is simply not true. Sometimes people go to far to try to prove things, but this is a case where many people know enough to debate some of the merits of AGW, but end up saying untrue statements like this to avoid taking the time to get into the details. I have had several people tell me this when discussing the topic, and I usually just mention how we have enough nuclear bombs to destroy everything on the face of the planet. Yours are probably examples because some would say nuclear bombs are an exception, although I suppose it could be argued that these are not truly global effects. Regardless, it should be obvious to people willing to think that humans can have an impact on the planet, but this neither proves or disproves anything related to the climate change controversy.

  8. Somebody says:

    We are debunkers, not deniers.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    The main weakness of political polarization is extremism on both sides.

    Our two party system encourages extremism, fixed viewpoints in conflict with the world and low standards for politicians.

    And we have a wasteful and inefficient government as a result.

    The goal of minimizing the impact on the environment is a good one, but it should be done cost effectively.

    Instead, due to our system and polarization, neither “side” is right and one side wants to engage in green profiteering while the other side wants the status quo.

    In a functional government, no one would be seeking to economically exploit the issue for profitable government solutions and no one would be seeking the status quo, but rather determining how most of the gains can be achieved at minimal cost.

    And as a result of our system, which does breed political radicals when it should breed educated consensus and genuine skepticism, we have a government that by large views the populace as something to exploit instead of to serve.

  10. Somebody says:

    This will amuse the wise and infuriate the foolish:


  11. Spaceboy says:


    haha, you left out “satisfy the simpleminded”.

  12. Rich says:

    There are those who criticize the “Holocaust Industry”, if you will, which seems less than wholesome, and those who doubt climate change. They are likely the same people- thinking people.

  13. angry says:

    I loved Bernie on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” as “Larry David”. Brilliant acting!

  14. LibertyLover says:

    #16, The Party of the Right in the US is the GOP and I guess now the Tea Party.

    The Tea Party rose out of disdain for the GOP. The GOP is trying to coop the Tea Partiers for their own ends. And failing I might add.

    If you start commenting on things such as this, it might help to learn a little bit about current events.

  15. jman says:

    pot meet kettle

  16. He’s not wrong. Unfortunately, he loses based on Godwin’s Law. But, even though he loses his argument, he’s still correct about the current situation. It’s unfortunate that he felt the need to make a comparison to WWII.

    Climate change will cost a lot more human lives than all the lives lost in WWII, making the comparison even more unfortunate. Climate change will also cause a tremendous number of extinctions, adding to the 6th great extinction event on this planet. That is even more unfortunate.

    As for the trillions of dollars he cites, it has been estimated that the value provided to humanity free of charge from a functioning ecosystem in terms of clean air, clean water, and other services is about $30 trillion per year. So the trillions he cites is probably a huge underestimate.

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    Of course glaciers are melting, moving, changing. That’s what ice does! Glaciers aren’t objects that are frozen in time and do nothing for millennia. You can’t blame what man has done in it’s short history, to what glaciers have been doing for millions of years.

  18. Rabble Rouser says:

    You deniers really get to me. You fail to see that the “studies” that you tout have been done by scientists who are funded by the corporations who will benefit the most by this denial.

    It really is grating.

    Bernie’s right. I hope he runs for President in 2012, he’d win in a heartbeat!

  19. The Walrus says:

    I never said the Republican were any thing like the Nazi just that they were closer than the Dems. Closer by about a foot on a ten mile scale. Your scale is not calibrated the same way is my guess I suppose it would matter as to what part of Nazi behavior you found most horrible.

    I’m telling you that Most of us who DO know and pay attention say the Tea Party is to the Right of the GOP

    16 times out of the last 22 times sence 1981 it was the GOP that dh to use Reconciliation to get what they wanted done. And yes most of those were budget bills but in the Congress ITS ALL BUDGET

    The “Nuclear option” is the GOP idea of changing the rules to only need 51 votes for any thing not Reconciliation.

    My point is not to fear the Dems are and always be incapable of running an Authoritarian Government. Lock step is not the way they march.

  20. #22 – Hmeyers,

    The science of global warming is poor enough that it is now called “climate change” and the behavior of some of them was bad enough to falsify data.

    Not that old lie again. It’s called climate change because even though the earth is warming on average over the whole planet, certain localities are getting cooler.

  21. #44 – Somebody,

    We are debunkers, not deniers.

    Good! Whip out your scientific papers disputing climate change to debunk it. I’ll wait. (There actually are a few. Go to it.)

  22. #46 – Somebody,

    Wow!! 75 reasons. Most of them are blogs, however. A few are mainstream media hype. A very small number of them are science articles. Not one of the science articles contradicts global warming.

    Sorry. I’m neither amused nor infuriated. Just disappointed in our species.

  23. Timuchin says:

    If we head into an ice age, will the climate dictators refund all the carbon credit money and disband? Dictators don’t do that! That’s what’s wrong with the Marxist theory as well.

  24. The0ne says:

    When is this guy going to die? Just curious. And I’m pretty sure that guy in the back and to the right hates him and is plotting something devious. 🙂

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s amazing what people and Google/Wiki can do for their ego’s.

    However, I hate to take issue with your last statement! I honestly believe one should have faith or trust that there is someone out there that IS doing the right thing, even if you or I are not. Therefore, I see light in the midst of what seems total darkness (translate, idiocy).

    As Bill Cosby said, one would never be happy or successful if on tries to please everyone 🙂

  25. #61 – The0ne,

    Certainly there are individuals doing the right thing. The question is not whether there are some people doing the right thing. The biosphere will not care about the efforts of a few. The biosphere will be affected only by the net effects of humanity. And, it’s not just about carbon footprint. It’s also about the sheer number of feet.

    Climate change is the second worst problem we face as a species. I say the second worst because it is merely one among many symptoms of overpopulation. Were the entire human population of the planet 6 million rather than 6 billion, we would not be having this conversation. How many can the planet sustain for thousands and millions of years? I don’t know. I’m betting the number is not in the billions though.

  26. SecretHerbs&Spices says:

    Poop! I thought it said Colonel Sanders.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #64, I read it. You are correct. There is nothing in there that says what he is accused of.

    However, the only way to accomplish what he wants is a complete federal takeover or expansion of every facet of the economy and things clearly reserved for the States. If it quacks like a duck . . .

    My favorite is the forgiving of student loans for those who enter public service. What a crock! Now we should educate out public servants on our dime? I don’t think so, Scooter.

    And if he truly wanted to get rid of big business, he would start repealing regulations that favor them. For instance, why give money to small dairy farmers when it is easier to just level the playing field.

  28. Brock says:

    The good news is we now live in a time when the idiots will have recorded for posterity their ridiculous statements and will have to live with their legacy. I hope they live long enough to get ridiculed in return…

    For example – in 2004 the Dem’s refused to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Check it out on youtube. Now they claim no responsibility for the financial meltdown – it was Bush and the republicans. Ask yourslef – How many republicans have subprime mortgages? And here they go again, trying to give away healthcare for free. I wonder who will pay for this enormous expense….

    The turning motion you see when you close your eyes is the US going down the toilet…. The idiots don’t realize, that at some point, people with the money will just stop working if the government takes away all their money and gives everyone else everything they need.

  29. Somebody says:

    # 59 Misanthropic Scott said

    “Sorry. I’m neither amused nor infuriated. Just disappointed in our species.”

    If you in fact hate humanity as your nom-de-blog implies, “Global Warming” is definately your ride.


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