“During that period of Nazism and fascism’s growth — a real danger to the United States and democratic countries around the world — there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said ‘don’t worry! Hitler’s not real! It’ll disappear!” – Bernie Sanders, the only self-proclaimed socialist in Congress.

  1. Benjamin says:

    Says the man who removed info (embarrassing to Bill Clinton) from the National Archives by smuggling it in his pants.

    The worse injustices in history are caused by governments criminalizing dissenting views.

  2. Breetai says:


    Fuck You McCarthy!

  3. L1A says:

    and i compare him to a nazi oppressor

  4. Hyph3n says:

    Benjamin said “Says the man who removed info (embarrassing to Bill Clinton) from the National Archives by smuggling it in his pants.”

    Ah, that was Sandy Berger who smuggled documents out of the National Archives, not Bernie Sanders.

  5. robin1943 says:

    #1 I think you are confusing bernie Sanders with Sandy Berger.

    As far as Bernie is concerned I think he has it backwards. The Nazi deniers were taken in by Hitler’s “Big Lie” and it is now the Global Warmers who are being taken in by the “Big Lie”

  6. Benjamin says:

    #4 My bad. That is an easy mistake to make. The names are similar.

    I do stand by the statement: “The worse injustices in history are caused by governments criminalizing dissenting views.”

  7. rob says:

    And the problem with this comparison is? I mean, anyone who denies that humans cannot have an effect on the climate have not heard of the dust bowl.

  8. GlowingApple says:

    #7, rob

    I don’t think the issue is people denying that humans have made an impact on the environment. There’s enough data to show that we humans can make an impact (for better or worse) on our planet. Concluding that the current climate (cooler than that during the medieval warm period) is rapidly growing warmer than the historical trend due primarily to our impact is another story.

    It’s like the evolution debate. I don’t know a single person that argues against adaptation (i.e. micro-evolution), but I know several that have their doubts about macro-evolution.

    We’re not quibbling over details we can prove from modern times, we’re arguing over the big picture theories that stem from ungrounded assertions.

  9. ScotterOtter says:

    “The worse injustices in history are caused by governments criminalizing dissenting views.”

    Benjamin, you can say that as many times as you want to, but it still has nothing to do with this subject. Nice try though.

  10. The Walrus says:

    Not to worry, generations from now the same conservative (put corporations first party) deniers will deny there ever was a Climate Holocaust killing millions and costing billions.

    Go get’em Bernie !

  11. RSweeney says:

    ah the irony

    Green zealots propose draconian measures which will control life at all levels.

    And they call those who oppose them Nazi’s.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    Where ever the truth lies, I won’t believe it coming from the mouth of Jesus-freak-like global warming fanatics shoveling incredulous piles of bullshit lies.

    We’ve been told the sea levels will rise 10 meters in the next 100 years. A few years later, it is revised to 3 inches.

    And these same people in the past sought to silence discussion.

    Worst science EVAR!

  13. two to the head says:

    Deploy the Green Police!

  14. brm says:

    Yeah, because climate change “denialists” are shoveling their opponents into ovens by the trainload.

    It’s soooo the same thing.

  15. bobbo, look how sloppy so many are with the words says:

    The “science” is pretty firm on the issue of GW–its the politics around it that is the mess.

    NOTE: the science around GW is not “proof” and even if “proof” of whatever was accepted as “true” that would not answer any of the political questions: what to do, on what time schedule, at what cost.

    Its all rhetorically close and overlapping, but not the same thing at all. Its like calling a Nazi Threat Denier a Nazi. The analysis really is all fubar.

    Its all more about libs=dems=change=common good vs cons=repukes=status quo=I got mine, screw everyone else.

  16. bac says:

    Americans are obsessed with comparing people and thoughts with Hitler and the nazis. Most of the comparisons are wrong.

  17. The Walrus says:

    aww but should there be a Climate Holocaust how will future generations view the “I got mine, screw everyone else” party of today?

    not to worry I got mine people oil and coal are like bottle of booze in the pocket of an alcoholic -going to drinking it until we just cant get any more even though moving to off imported oil would be in our nations best health interest not gonna happen drill baby drill.

    future generations will spit on our graves then burn our bones fuel

  18. bobbo, kindred spirits abound but don't form a political majority says:

    #20–Walrus==good to see that I am you, and you are me, and we are all together?

    I’m waiting to see the “tech roots” of this blog post regarding that Bloom Box of energy. It will be fun to see the Repug Shills complain that the small version won’t power a city therefore it is useless.

    Never a post about the Supreme Court Case giving Corporations the power to buy elections. Why is that important issues uncovered? Repukes claiming it is an important free speech case==hah!!! Perfect “nazi’s” when it comes to liberty issues.

    And so and nice sober/adult/scientific criticism of the IPCC that we all should keep in mind. They aren’t wrong so much as they could do better:


  19. Hmeyers says:

    The science of global warming is poor enough that it is now called “climate change” and the behavior of some of them was bad enough to falsify data.

    The fact remains that measures to reduce pollution and be more fuel and energy efficient is important no matter what.

    And I think the type of economy we are about to have will do this by economic forces in the form of inflation and higher fuel prices combined with “thinness of paycheck” and “thinness of jobs” in the USA.

    Watch economics do what politics cannot. 😉

  20. honeyman says:

    Here’s an article I read today on the Bloom Box, Bobbo. Sounds interesting.

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    >>There’s enough data to show that we humans can
    >>make an impact (for better or worse) on our

    So there’s data from other planets (as a control) that we’ve had any effect on those?

  22. bac says:

    #23 — here are some pictures and a video of the BloomBoxes over at engadget. No tech specs.


    Climate Change: So are the poles melting or not?

  23. bobbo, kindred spirits abound but don't form a political majority says:

    #22–HMyers===you demonstrate my point. Whether the politics call “it” GW or Climate Change==the SCIENCE is the same regardless of the name but the politics doesn’t deal with the science, only the LABELS hung on the issue.

    GW easier to deny if you stick your head in the refrigerator, so for the dummies, change the name to CC and then the dummies find meaning in that.

    There just ain’t no pleasin the dummies.

    At least you kept your eye on the ball “but” the science says if we keep burning fossil fuel the warming curve will tip and great change will come by way of ocean rise. So==SADLY==your economic fix will not work.

    The Bloom Box that uses natural gas will not work (I assume)–need to check the offered links to see what the discharge gas is–I do assume it is greenhouse and not good.

    Fun and very rewarding to see science making technological advances. It is a true wonder.

  24. honeyman says:

    #27 mcosmi

    Are you channelling the ghost of McCarthy?

  25. bobbo, kindred spirits abound but don't form a political majority says:

    #26–bac==I don’t follow GW/CC that closely but yea, I think the poles are melting, or one is while the other is growing or whatever.

    Because everyone likes to deny the group “average” based on a local variation, I like the charts showing average ocean height. Better and more objectively than all the defective temperature measurements and conflicting growth/shrinkinage, the amount of water in the ocean is a net/net/net outcome/effect that should make sense to all ((expansion due to heat not molecule increases still does not destroy its value.

    Steady trend upwards.

  26. BigBoyBC says:

    Let’s see, following Bernie’s logic:

    Climate Change Skeptics = Nazi Deniers


    Global Warming = Nazism


    Climate Scientists = Nazis


    Al Gore = Joseph Goebbels

    Makes perfect sense…

  27. honeyman says:

    #28 Bobbo

    Apparently is still emits greenhouse gasses but far less than oil or coal and it produces power with a greater efficiency than many traditional sources.

    Distributed power generation like the Bloom Boxes really is the way to go. Of course the owners of monolithic power generation stations wont agree.

  28. bobbo, kindred spirits abound but don't form a political majority says:

    #32–Honeyman==good news, thanks. Course there could only be slow adoption while China builds a new coal plant every week?

    “Eventually” ((30-50 years?)) everyone will agree the tipping point is coming for real with “the only” save being ABSOLUTE reductions in atmospheric co2. It can be done, very expensive, with lots of dislocation==so probably won’t be done.

    I very much like the “decentralized production” as a preferred industrial model. So much so, THAT alone should make Nuclear Plants passe.

    What makes Bloom Boxes unique in the new energy mix is that it is actually up and running in several larger uses. Stealth technology? ((Probably just a stealth investment opportunity?–he, heh))

  29. honeyman says:

    #33 Bobbo

    Here’s another article with The Governator sticking in his two cents for some reason. Guess he’s got a slice of the company.

  30. bill says:

    Count me as a skeptic.


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