Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we discover new stocks to watch and short! Plus a discussion about the implications of the weird situation in Europe, now Spain. PLUS predictions.

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  1. yankinwaoz says:

    John, you are correct about the market for powerful workstations drying up.

    The horse power requirement for client computers has dropped because of web based applications. All the heavy lifting is now being done at the server side.

    The evidence is the creation of a market for Netbooks. Cheap and lightweight with emphasis on battery life, weight, and size.

    Windows Vista required more horsepower. But no one wanted Vista. So people stuck with their current machine and WinXP and learned how to use online apps.

    I think Windows 7 is driving some pent-up upgrade demand. I know a number of people that have recently bought new hardware because they want Win7. But the upgrade is driven by the OS demands. Not the apps.

  2. deowll says:

    If the only answer is to raise taxes then that kills the economy which is the only real source of wealth and we are where Greece is. Heading for third world status fast.

  3. ECA says:

    I just want to know where to find Actual GOODS Whole sale prices to compare with what the Stock market is saying..

    I dont think so..The USA is one of the LOWEST corp tax nations in the world. thats not saying anything about Individual taxes..
    Corps in the USA pay for nothing, and it ends up being passed onto the Purchaser. Other nations take it out of the Profit at the end of the year.

    Also the USA has the Highest paid CEO/.. in the world. Our corps dont make things, they only SELL. they are the middle man, and make more money then the makers.


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