US analysts believe they have identified the Chinese author of the critical programming code used in the alleged state-sponsored hacking attacks on Google and other western companies, making it far harder for the Chinese government to deny involvement.
Their discovery came after another team of investigators tracked the launch of the spyware to computers inside two educational institutions in China, one of them with close ties to the military.
A freelance security consultant in his 30s wrote the part of the program that used a previously unknown security hole in the Internet Explorer web browser to break into computers and insert the spyware, a researcher working for the US government told the Financial Times. Chinese officials had special access to the work of the author, who posted pieces of the program to a hacking forum and described it as something he was “working on”.
“The disclosure of the cyberspying campaign has brought attention to technology security matters and the policies of the Chinese, who western experts say have been using software vulnerabilities to steal commercial and military know-how.”
Oh-oh… now your government is going to have to fix those vulnerabilities and ramp up cyber monitoring and protection even more!
So much inconvenience, time and money…
… the Chinese have won.
Yea==both Dems and Pubs ARE responsible giving rise to the shibboleth that they are two sides of the same corrupt coin. Maybe just a near shibboleth?
But yea==the oligarchy/corporatist/libertarian/”free market”/big business welfare/anti-union/anti-worker/anti-middleclass/vote against your own interest FORCES ARE STILL WINNING IN AMERICA.
Tiny silver fish
Facing upstream
Going downstream
In clear swift water.
Better RED
than DEAD!
or with NO GAS!
Gung Hei FAT BOY!
Hey, they denied that they hacked US!
WAKE UP DUMB ASS!! WWW = WW III (it’s already started. )
>> pedro said, on February 22nd, 2010 at 2:08 pm
>> #1 Both Democraps & Repugblicans are to blame for the Chinese fiasco. When would you stop your inane “my team is good and the other one is not” stupidity?
Because it’s not the same no matter how much you delude yourself into believing that Dems are as guilty as Repubs.
Answer honestly: which party would BLOCK LOCK STEP any effort to regulate private industry?
Of course, you know.
The conservatives are absolutely philosophically against any regulation of business (unless, of course, those businesses are in China).
You know I’m telling the truth on this.
The Dems are at least divided on the issue!
It’s an hour later and I’ve kind of re-thought Pedro’s scolding of me.
Fair enough Pedro, I’m willing to consider the possibility that there are conservative leaders who might want a pro-America, manufacturing national policy.
Which ones? What have they proposed which would return our manufacturing base from China to the US?
What have the conservatives proposed which would bring back living-wage jobs to America and a robust American industry which can compete globally?
(And, for the love of all that is holy, please don’t say “cut taxes” “free markets” or “de-regulation” — the very formula that is killing the middle class.)
…. by the way, Pedro. I’m not as partisan as you accuse me of.
I DO NOT think Democrats are always right.
But I have a hard time coming up with an issue that the conservatives weren’t horribly wrong about.
That’s different than believing that the Dems are always right!
For example, I think Bill Clinton (and most GOPs I might add) were wrong on free trade. I think he was also wrong on “Don’t Ask. Don’t tell” and the “Defence of Marriage Act.”
BTW, can you tell me a major issue that conservatives were wrong about? Maybe you and I can agree on something.
hhhmmm lets see…
hundreds if not thousands of compromised windows boxes in china “attacked” poor google… hhmm i wonder who could really be doing this?
as microsoft steve ballmer said they wouldnt pull out of china because of american companies being attacked by china.. he went as far as to say that they would still do business and follow all the laws of china for the “privilege” (wink wink, nudge nudge) of doing business there, soooo google would be out and m$ would be in, the potentially the largest market in the workd..
i wonder, who really could be behind these attacks… hhmmmm
We exported jobs because it was cheaper than innovation.
I’d say we have to halt the philosophy that the bottom line is everything. We need to have good corporate citizens again.
Henry Ford knew this. We have forgotten.
It’s telling that Pedro never gave me the conservative fix for exported jobs.
Conservatives have a very short list of fixes for nearly everything: tax cuts, privatization, de-regulation, tort reform, bombing, drilling and outlawing gays and abortion.
I’m not sure how any of those will bring back a manufacturing base in America.
Any fix I can imagine would involve government involvement in private industry and the conservatives I know are absolutely against that, under any circumstances, ever.