While the Tea Party movement started out with normal, conservative people with legitimate gripes about the way the US was going, now it seems to have been taken over by the fringe who worship nutball self promoters ranging from Beck to Palin. There have already been calls by some wacko TeaBaggers to kill the President, so I wonder if they’ll make Stack their patron saint and we’ll see more of this kind of thing as they get madder at Obama and the government.

Seven Deadly Traits: Decoding the confession of the Austin plane bomber

Joseph Stack spent months on his manifesto. He was adamant about convincing us—or himself—why flying his plane into an IRS building was an act of charity.

The five-page rant the software engineer wrote before his performance murder is illogical, hysterical, hyperbolic, and deeply dishonest. Stack’s convoluted arguments explain nothing, and the thumbnail sketch of his impoverished life is absurd. And that’s exactly why it’s so revealing. The software engineer tried to con us with a deceptive self-portrait, but the real Joseph Stack reveals himself in the way he concocts it.

I’ve spent 11 years studying routes to mass murder, in particular for a book on the Columbine school shootings, and it’s startling how similar all the manifestos sound. Many of Stack’s passages were practically lifted right out of the diatribes of Eric Harris, the Columbine mastermind. Yet while the notes are the same, the tune is not. Harris was a textbook psychopath, and Stack doesn’t read that way at all.
I spoke with several experts in mass murder Thursday, and we identified seven deadly traits of impending danger in Stack’s manifesto.

Read the article to find out what they are.

  1. dusanmal says:

    Venerable Uncle Dave should have carefull read the “manifesto” and Tea Party gripes…

    Plane crashing nut glorifies exactly what Tea Party abhors: Communism and hates everything Tea Party places value in: Capitalism.

    Fringe cook – yes. But LEFT fringe cook with a lot in common with Van Jones and very little (if anything) to do with Tea Party movement. You’ll find his likes destroying businesses at economic summits (notice lack of “tea baggers” at those destructive gatherings, just nutty Leftists).

  2. Dallas says:

    Agree completely. The Nutt Baggers are finding safe haven with the Tea Baggers.

    Excuse for violence to the extent that calling for the assassination of he President is now seen as routine.

    These creeps are a snort of cocaine away from terrorism. I expect Dodd to shoot up a museum any day now.

  3. RBG says:

    Likewise, it follows that commie Lee Harvey Oswald could become the Lefty patron saint.


  4. unlicensed bozo the clownish says:

    Why use the homo erotic term teabagger? it doesn’t help your position at all if you use that term. Unless of course you are a kool aid drinker that is working to suppress free thinking and public debate?

  5. Serious says:

    The amount of bitching in the comment section on this blog has gone wayyy out. Practice some self constraint guys… I don’t mind reading the comments, just try to make them a bit insightful and worth the time to read!

  6. Thinker says:

    Try giving this article a read for a slightly different perspective.


  7. Dr Dodd says:

    Just like the Obama lover that murdered for not getting tenure, this leftist also reeks of someone once on the Hopey McChange bandwagon.

    Typical lefty propaganda.

  8. Derek says:

    Nice job, Uncle Dave. You’re an idiot.

  9. Paul Benjamin says:

    We have been here before. Here is how it will go… A small group will get together and blow up a federal building somewhere obscure, say OKC. The GOP will take back the Senate and with the blue dogs help control of the house. A stack of lies will appear and be pumped until a move is made to toss out the president. It will fail. A dumb twit is found to run in the GOP and wins. The people who in control tell the nuts to sit down and shut-up they do.

    Buy stock in Sara, she is the dumbest candidate out there and should be the easiest to control. All she wants is for everybody to pay attention to her. All the ones in charge is somebody to follow directions with a pretty face.

  10. clancys_daddy says:

    From the article “When he complains of moving to a better life in Austin and discovering “a place with a highly inflated sense of self-importance,” he might as well be describing the document he’s composing.” or he might have been describing himself. The term teabagger in this context is not about sex. It comes from the reference to symbiotically reenacting the Boston tea party, with the use of bagged teas. Any body who really drinks tea would not use a tea bag.

  11. RTaylor says:

    Any nut will crack if enough pressure is applied, liberal or conservative. I myself have some stress fractures, but still intact.

  12. badtimes says:

    After I read his manifesto, I didn’t come away with the impression he was lefty or righty, just screwy.
    The Slate article closes with something that really struck me also- why did he burn down the house? That only deprived his wife and daughter of shelter. He must’ve really hated that piano.

  13. jccalhoun says:

    I don’t think he fits into the teabaggers or the left any more than the Unibomber did.

    It is funny that this guy isn’t being called a “terrorist.”

  14. bobmcd says:

    Gee, I have yet to meet any Tea Party Patriots who hate capitalism or are so fond of the communist manifesto. Uncle Dave, did you even read the “suicide rant”?

    The Tea Party Movement must be winning the debate, because the left has moved on to the “attack the messenger” stage.

  15. chris says:

    I’ve often heard the argument that if somebody is dissatisfied with America’s foreign policy they should move away (preferably to France).

    Well if you feel that the government taking ANY of your money in taxes is SLAVERY then you should move away.

    I can tell you about a paradise with beaches and a government that doesn’t intrude in your life. A place where you can keep weapons, and not have to worry about social programs sapping the fruits of your labor. A place called Somalia.

  16. GF says:

    Well, it looks like the “normal” Tea Party may be taking over the Republican party. Ron Paul just won the CPAC straw poll.

  17. BmoreBadBoy says:

    After reading both the manifesto and the article, I’ve drawn a few obvious conclusions. And to be absolutely clear, violence is never the answer when combating institutional corruption. Whoever you kill will be replaced and the corruption will continue, like any other institution.

    1. Stack is a very confused soul. He starts off making a lot of sense when denouncing government (which is self-serving), taxes (which is just a glorified form of extortion), the brainwashing of society from childhood that government is necessary and/or good (government schools’ main objective), major corporations in bed with the government to screw taxpayers over, the horrible joke that there is any justice in the Just-Us system and the legalese they employ to confuse and complicate what seems to be the English language. Unfortunately, he makes a weird left turn when talking about the Catholic Church. Sure they are a bunch of lying fraudulent imposters, but they only affect you if you’re gullible enough to believe the goods they are selling. If you don’t go to church and pay tithes, the priests don’t have you arrested and take away your house. They just condemn you to hell, which doesn’t exist, but I digress… If he were thinking more logically, the church is in the right not to have to pay taxes. Instead of lambasting them, he should stand in solidarity with the church: No one should have to pay taxes! – Including productive individuals as well as businesses.

    2. Stack makes another good point when he states there is more than one interpretation of every law (including the Constitution). That’s why it’s so complicated and obfuscated. Those with money to hire lawyers and pay off judges and politicians get one interpretation, and those without get another. Where I get confused once again is how is paying taxes patriotic??? If that were so, all of those so called “founding fathers” would be deemed traitors for not paying their taxes to the Brits. As I said before, taxation is just another form of extortion. Pay and you’re left alone. Don’t pay, and you go to jail. That is a THREAT.

    3. Sending $5000 and letters to your “representatives” to change anything? That’s a joke. Try matching the millions special interest groups dole out to those same representatives and then you might have a shot buddy!

    4. Yes, this guy is disillusioned. When you begin to feel trapped and isolated, and justifiably so, this can happen. Also, if you join a group of people who are feeding into your misguided mentality, this can make it worse. But if you think freely and independently and join others that do the same, it can be of great benefit. One such example of this is the Free State Project. Instead of killing himself, innocent people and government shills who will be replaced well before April 15th, he could have moved to New Hampshire and could have gotten support in his effort to not pay taxes, sit in a jail cell and spread his message to fight government tyranny. Instead, he’ll be written off as a kook (not a cook) and those who support the right or left wing agenda will use his manifesto to dismiss true libertarian thoughts on liberty.

    5. No, it is not greedy to keep 100% of what you worked for. You earned it, you deserve it. Why should you be forced to give any percentage of it to greedy, corrupt politicians? You should keep 100% for you, and there is no need for any rationalization.

    6. Mr. Stack did commit homicide. But so does the US government on a daily basis. They legitimize it by calling it war, but it is still homicide on a mass scale. And they also kill innocents. But they rationalize it by calling it collateral damage. And they also kill their own soldiers, they call it friendly fire. So while Mr. Cullen is criticizing one man for an act committed out of hopelessness/helplessness, why doesn’t he do the same with the US government, who commits the same acts out of greed and corruption? Perhaps he should run the seven deadly traits against the actions committed by our so called leaders every day.

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    “Just like the Obama lover that murdered for not getting tenure,”

    Yes, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal Obama fanatic murdered 3 people in cold blood. We must conclude that liberals believe that murder is a valid solution to any given problem.

    Maybe Davetard can write about that.

  19. MikeN says:

    THose 7 traits apply to lots of people include the president.

  20. Lou Minatti says:

    “Ron Paul just won the CPAC straw poll.”

    Ron Paul is a bigoted nutjob and he has a tiny cadre of very loud supporters who spam a lot.

    Many of his supporters are libtards, by the way. Need I remind you that the roots of the 9/11 Troofer/Rawn Pawl movement started amongst the left?

  21. Who says:

    I don’t know but I could see millions of people lining up for this guys funeral. Like Chris Rock said about OJ, “I’m not saying I condone it, but I understand.”

  22. Rich says:

    Yes it’s bad to purposely smack an airplane into a building- of course. But given some of the awful things we have in this world, you must understand- it’s a natural part of the system. He’s not really an anomaly. The IRS abused him, he abused them.

  23. me says:

    Where in any of this guys writings does he mention anything about the “Tea Party” or anything anti Obama?

    No where.

    Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for any type of association here!

  24. Rick Cain says:

    The irony here is that the tea party neoconservative idealogy is based on Trotskyite Communism.

    Teabaggers don’t know that Irving kristol, the father of modern neoconservativism was a Trotskyite.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Doesn’t Uncle Dave’s rant against the tea party movement show shades of the seven deadly traits?

    Does Uncle Dave fly a plane?

  26. Faxon says:

    Let’s see. The guy who flew his plane into the building was a private pilot. Therefore, insane radicals tend to congregate with people who fly planes. And, therefore, people who fly planes are all dangerous characters because of the folks they hang around with.
    Gee. Thanks, Unka Davie.

  27. Todd says:

    “There have already been calls by some wacko TeaBaggers to kill the President”

    1. they’re Tea Partiers.

    2. Name one. That doesn’t describe ANY tea partier I know. I wonder how many Dvorak Uncensored page readers have suggested killing a president (perhaps 1 to 9 years ago).

  28. bobbo, words are what we think with says:

    I find the manifesto guys quite instructive. Mostly I agree with what they think, what pisses them off, what motivates them.


    they fail to balance the pro’s and con’s in their life.

    If any thinking person gets lulled into only thinking about the bad elements, you have two choices: kill someone else, or kill yourself. Most people kill themselves.

    We all just need to remember that life is a journey filled with slings and arrows, but good Buddhists all, we must put that bucket of burdens aside and concentrate on the abstract happiness that being simply aware allows us to be. Happiness/contentment is found in the cracks. And there are a lot of cracks. Not in government, not in religion, not in those things “outside” yourself. Look inward. Notice your moments of happiness. Expand.

    It works most of the time as long as you are not hungry, cold, ill, in jail, etc.

  29. bill says:

    The solution to taxes is to make more money!

    I wouldn’t mind paying a few more millions.


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