This Episode’s Executive Producer: CB From Tokyo, Ger Beerden, Sean Connelly

Associate Executive Producers: Ian Munroe, Ilan Shemes

Artwork by: Paul T.

New Knighthoods: Ilan Shemes and The Separator

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Show notes here.
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  1. Rufus says:

    That was a good show. I really like the laid back feel of No Agenda.

  2. vaga222 says:

    Scots are cheap?!?! I’ve donated $200 to the show and you’ve gotten $0 from India with a population 23400% bigger 😛

    Anyway, another great show guys, I hope Adam sells his plane soon so we can get a third show a week!

  3. HenryG says:

    According to a report dated February 3, 2010 online at a site called

    the feds did not revoke Abdul Mutallab’s visa because doing so would tip off a larger investigation…you know like when we see on teevee crime shows the local undercover cops are all over some federal investigators who are in their territory and the local guys are told to stand down for the benefit of the “larger investigation”? Hmmm….Word on the ‘net says the Israeli Mossad orchestrated the Christmas Day Underwear Bomb Plot.

  4. sargasso says:

    “Britain at risk of worse deficit crisis than Greece” is not at all surprising, in fact it’s inevitable. Their government endlessly consults with “industry leaders” – Britain has industry? A nation that sells financial and insurance services, brokerage and banking – in a world with online banking, online brokeraging, online financial consultants. Better learn how to make ships and steel, again.

  5. TThor says:

    This was probably the best show ever; feel both guys is in super good mood thus laid back and free flow, the topics outstanding. Way to go!
    And – cool art work. What does the binary code translate to?

    Agree with #2 – I hope the plane goes for good money so AC can get the room to move for the third show.

  6. HenryG says:

    This article says the Nigerian terror suspect Abdul Mutallab was trained by the Israeli Mossad. Perhaps this is why the U.S. State Department did not revoke his visa…maybe this was the so-called larger investigation as reported at the Detroit News Online web site

  7. HenryG says:

    This was my first time listening to No Agenda. You guys are erudite, funny and quirky. I’ll be tuning in next time to see if your program is always as informative as well as entertaining….and yes I’ll be making a contribution after the test run so I’m not called out as a DB on the Internets.

  8. Anon says:

    When is Google checkout coming.

  9. deowll says:

    If they want to arrest you and try you for a major crime and you are hiding in another country they may be allowed to take you out.

    I don’t think they can get an okay if they can arrest you.

    At the White House I’m not sure anybody knows who’s on first. I don’t think they know how to be effective administrators.

    Athem said they are raising their rates on their gold plated insurance polices that have very sick people on them. The people who weren’t extremely ill dropped down to less gold plated policies in order to save money due to the economy leaving that policy as a money loser.

    Going to the government option won’t save us three cents according to the government accounting office. I haven’t found anything in the bill meant to save money other than cutting the amount set aside for seniors if they have the gonads to go through with that.

    Any body that would put terminator genes into a food crop should be terminated as an enemy of humanity.

    I like sorghum. I get it from the locals. They save their seeds I think.

    Have I missed the Olympics? Of course I did. They were held in Greece to honor the gods and while I’m a senior citizen I’m not that old.

    The government got paid off to let him go.

    Most males prefer it to a nursing home.

    We are going to end up with a world dictatorship or oligarchy. The UN is more corrupt than Congress.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000
    01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100
    00100000 01101110 01100101 01110110
    01100101 01110010 00100000 01100100
    01101001 01100111 01101001 01110100
    01101001 01111010 01100101 00100000
    01101101 01100101 00100001


    you will never digitize me!

  11. TThor says:

    #10 – thanks 🙂

  12. Greg Allen says:

    My problem with Ron Paul and the Libertarians is that they don’t understand that the biggest threat to liberty is now unregulated big business.

    Worse, Paul and his followers want to sell all our collectively-owned resources to big corporations at fire sale prices, giving them even more fascistic power.

  13. spsffan says:

    Hey, some of us Libertarians understand (unlike the Supreme Court) that corporations are creations of and protected by the state and therefore are subject to whatever regulation, restrictions and responsibilities the state puts on them.*

    People, on the other hand, have rights and freedom, but are also directly responsible for their actions.

    It’s quite simple, really. Pity that the SCOUS has had it wrong for about 175 years.

    *Unless of course the corporation in question is say, General Motors, which, the federal government now actually owns!

  14. Rabble Rouser says:

    Never trust someone with two first names.

    Ron Paul for President of the teabagger nation!

  15. Curtis E. Flush says:

    #14 – Ironically, the person who introduced the “teabagger” nomenclature into this has two LAST names: Anderson Cooper.

    Evidently he was trying to come up with a term that sounded even more gay than “Tea Party.”

  16. angry says:

    #15 Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper was just speaking as an expert of tea bagging…

  17. Serious says:

    #12 “My problem with Ron Paul and the Libertarians is that they don’t understand that the biggest threat to liberty is now unregulated big business.”

    – my problem is with misguided understandings of any position, in this case it happens to be of Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s view is that the problem is not unregulated business – the problem is that there is heavily over regulated favoritism in this market. U.S has a federal reserve bailing out private industry behind the veil without any transparency, literally choosing what is to be propped up and then hiding the information. The BIG business you see today is brought to you by politicians meddling in private business and being allowed too much power to do so.

    “Worse, Paul and his followers want to sell all our collectively-owned resources to big corporations at fire sale prices, giving them even more fascistic power.”

    – sorry, sell what collectively-owned resources? Ron Paul is for private property and ownership; if the property is yours you do as you please with it; if another persons property damages the value/resources of your property, you may stop them in court. At no point has Ron Paul said that he want to ‘sell collectively-owned resources’.


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