1. I would never try to ask a flight attendant out, not in a million years. They must get so many offers.

  2. Awake says:

    They must mean foreign airlines flight attendants. Like Singapore Airlines, Malasian, Dubai, etc… them girls be hot!

    Flight attendants on US based carriers have to be the most depressing, surly, smarmy, overbearing bunch of ‘service people’ in any industry… I couldn’t stand a date with one of them, much less a relationship. Blechh…

  3. Tippis says:

    A better question would be “why”?

    Do people even fly these days, or are they just shut away from women too much to notice that the myth of the pwetty airplane lady is a thing of the past?

  4. Gildersleeve says:

    The best flight attendant I ever had was on a domestic flight, out of Charlotte, NC. She smiled, talked friendly, was very attentive (brought seconds for drinks and snacks, offered pillows, offered me the exit row as I’m 6’4, etc), was the nicest person I’d probably ever met on an airflight. And she was 60+ years old. I tossed away any age discrimination ideas on that flight, except I’d never ask her out. I DID write the airline and suggested they give her do whatever they could to hold onto her.

    The prettiest flight attendant I remember having was on a NW flight to San Diego. I mean this chick was…. wow. But, she was probably the surliest thing I’d ever seen. Some people look better when they don’t smile evidently.

    The advice was interesting though. Wonder if there’s advice for asking out a waitress?

  5. Faxon says:

    The real question is; how do you manage to come “in” after spending a few hundred dollars at a fancy restaurant and drop her off at her condominium? Then, the question is; how do you manage to “get comfortable” on the couch? Then, the question is, of course, the point of the video; how do you get the bitch in bed?
    Then, of course, the question is; how do you get the fuck out of there without promising to call her?

  6. Brian says:

    #3 is right on. You would need a time machine to go back to when these bitter old hags were hotties.

    And first class… give me a break. That’s done by seniority. So older and more bitter.

  7. subatomic_rage says:

    And the evidence this works is… what?

    Let’s see, I’ve got a how-to website and now I need to crank out content on stuff I don’t know how to do. Hey, I was just fantasizing about flight attendants. That gives me an idea…

    Reminds me of Steven Covey, the 7 habits guy. What’s next? Oh I know! The 8th Habit. Follow-ons suck.

    Bitter? you betcha. Apparently, I was an old stewardess for an American carrier in a prior life.

  8. chris says:

    Hitting on women while they are at work is just about the lowest form of game possible.

  9. WmDE says:

    #4 The Great wrote “Wonder if there’s advice for asking out a waitress?”

    Say “Hi! I’m Tiger.”

  10. sargasso says:

    #9. true. it’s called harassment.

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    Wonder if there’s advice for asking out a waitress? Yes there is, after spending a number of years around food establishments. My mom was a waitress, my uncles were chefs, as were my grandparents. I paid for college working in a kitchen. The trick to asking out a waitress is to ask. Oh it helps when you don’t assume they are idiots with big boobies. Some ARE big boobies with big boobies, but don’t assume they are.

  12. bobbo, words are what we think with says:

    “Hey Bitch, where’s my Irish Coffee?”

  13. bobbo, words are what we think with says:

    Actually, I dated a Hostitute once but the context was we were in an Iranian Hotel that the aircrews stayed at. We both happened to be at the concierges desk looking for a city tour of which there was none so we agreed to rent a taxi and driver together to go out and look at the Peacock thrown and whatnot. Later that night we had dinner together.

    Typical normal date with two typical normal people. Uneventful but pleasant.

  14. Special Ed says:

    Excuse me, Ms. Sky Waitress, are you doing anything after work?

  15. angry says:

    If only Kevin Smith had asked more nicely…

  16. Rick Cain says:

    Rule #1 to asking out a flight attendant:

    1) Be ridiculously attractive

    Then the rest of the rules don’t matter.


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