It’s been almost a full day since Tiger Woods repented on world wide TV for his horrific (yet every straight male’s fantasy — have you seen his women?) transgressions. You’ve had time to mull over this earth shattering news conference that had networks like CNN and CNBC running countdown clocks before the event since nothing else of importance happened Friday. What do you think of it all?

As an interesting (if you’re bored out of your gourd) comparison, ABC has thoughtfully put together a number of mea culpas from assorted famous people.

Tiger Woods

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UPDATE: Tiger’s penis issues a rebuttal.

  1. tdkyo says:

    Even oversea news agencies (Such as France 24) couldn’t overcome but to report the Tiger Woods story. At least they didn’t spend as much time in reporting round o’clock coverage on the “developments” when rumors and unverified reports on the matter emerged back a few month ago.

  2. Tom Woolf says:

    Pretty sad… almost 100 votes so far, and ZERO for “He’s redeemed himself”.

  3. Dallas says:

    Unfortunately this is the type of stuff the media craves. It’s what the sheeple are interested in – someones else’s private life misery.

  4. Luc says:

    “Sorry I had sex.” Weird country.

  5. Buzz says:

    Who cares, but if someone can post the sponsors that idolize another role model who can’t seem to keep his dick in his pants, I’ll do my part.

  6. atmusky says:

    Tigar is a media distraction, gives pundits something to talk about instead of actually going out and reporting on something that matters. Hell this months Maxim has a whole section on how to cheat and not get caught. People f***ing other people is nothing new and will continue until humans no longer exist.

  7. Steve says:

    I didn’t recognize him without the Nike logo smeared on his head.

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    why do people give a shit? >sigh<
    and this is "real news" ya know?

  9. Nth of the 49th says:


    ps. I’ll be holding another scripted televised event in 30 days to ask you again to leave me alone and give me privacy, oh yea, I might comment on that golf thing.

  10. Thomas says:

    I really do not get the attention on this incident with Tiger. Why should anyone and especially the golf community care that he cheated on his wife? If he really did use steroids that should be far more newsworthy. Cheating. So what. Only an idiot expects sports stars to be bastions of fidelity.

  11. BertDawg says:

    How nice it would be if more people had the intelligence to recognize the huge segment of the media which thrives on crap like this for what they are – parasites who get paid enormous amounts of money to make mountains out of molehills.
    The tabloid culture and the people who have so little else of interest in their own lives that they gobble this stuff up are pathetic.

  12. TherapySchmerapy says:

    Tiger should have said, ” I fucked ’em, I liked it. So did they. I will fuck again. Thank you for caring”.

    Then Tiger should resume playing golf and never say another word about it except those four sentences.

    He continues to win, new endorsements will roll in, corporations can get on board with an honest man who likes to fuck.

  13. Rich says:

    He’s a swinging d$%#. I think he always was. Elin is either mentally addled or she always knew he was like this and married him anyways. I think she has hidden motivations. I totally bought the media “Golden Boy” image. Elin and I are both retarded, possibly.

  14. amodedoma says:

    I still don’t get it! Who the hell cares if this guy cheats on his wife, and has sex with dozens of beautiful women. Nobody’s bee’s wax but his and his wife’s. Bunch of hypocritical a-holes! Sex and morality in america is joke for everybody but them.

  15. clancys_daddy says:

    I agree with 14, 15, and 16. Its his dick, he can put in any ugly skank he wants to. Its between him and his wife. I don’t particularly care. His being a spokesman for someone is not going to make me buy the product.

  16. denacron says:

    He would swing a stick at a ball to make the ball get in a hole. He hit it less than some while getting it in a hole.

    [sar’efing] What a better world we were for it![/casm]

    Oh my! He used his short leg to fill a different hole. How dare he! Now the world is a worse place!

    If he designed a better vaccine or developed a life saving medical device or a cheap easily accessed power source or……

    Just another useless sports figure with a stiff stick. Meanwhile potentially useful people are out of work more and more. (*golf claps*)

  17. deowll says:

    #3 You need to go back and look at the vote. The vast majority of the Sheeple you look down on expressed the view that it was of no interest to them.

  18. deowll says:

    Roughly rounded off: 83% of people say that he owes them nothing. About 1% forgive him and the other 16 % think he’s a scumbag.

    I wonder how many people consider changing channels when talking heads bring the story up? I admit some interest in gossip but I don’t want to know what the talking heads think about Tiger Woods.

  19. MattG says:

    What man is honestly offended in any way by Tiger’s actions. It is the duty of our sport stars to sleep on our behalf with the women who would not look at us sideways. If his duty to his fans put him in conflict with his promises to his wife then that is his problem to sort out.

    Have you seen Rachel Uchitel? Give her another one for me Tiger, then get back on the course.

    How sad is it when our society is so fixated on where and when blokes get their end away when there is so much else going on. Thank jebus for NA!

  20. Rick Cain says:

    He plays golf. He’s not the moral compass for America’s youth.

    Babe Ruth was a drunkard and a philanderer, but he played excellent baseball.

  21. bill says:

    OK, so everyone who hasn’t cheated or will cheat please stand up…

    Everyone else, let’s go play a round of golf.

    There is point when you decide to be a rat and follow your ‘feelings’…

    It is what keeps or species alive..

    I say let him play!

  22. Freyar says:

    It’s not any of our business, seriously.

  23. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    why does anyone think any of us should care? Does anyone care?

  24. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’d like to see Tiger’s apology scored like an Olympic event, complete with freeze-frames and on-screen markups like the commentators often do with skiers. The use of slow motion replays to review the most critical moments of the apology would also be helpful.

    In the end, I want a numerical score from a panel of professional judges who really know what criteria of an apology are most important. Anyone who disrupts the flow of Olympic of events like Tiger did should expect to be judged by Olympic standards.

  25. BmoreBadBoy says:

    Tiger held that press conference for his endorsers. Most people are mindless. That’s why they buy things just because Tiger is promoting it. Experience tells us if you admit to something you did wrong publicly and then apologize, popular sentiment will turn your way. Then he gets to get back on the good side of his endorsers and make more money. That’s all this was about. To put it simply, most people are sheep.

  26. meetsy says:

    Oh give me a break! None of these women are hot, they’re lukewarm. If that is the BEST that a rich golfer can do, ptooee.
    He needs to get glasses, obviously.
    I’m so sick of this crap. Who cares!! We didn’t care this much when our President was diddling. We didn’t care when our to-be president Clinton had dozens and dozens of sexual harassment allegations in Arkansas, and several rumoured paternity suits. The news ignored it. So, what is being covered up while we’re wasting time with the Tiger crap? — a list of the waggings of our former president


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