Not hot. See! Lonely and alone. Poor thing.

Average women more attractive. — Finally the proof men need to show that they read Playboy for the articles!!

Average-looking women are more attractive to young men than shapely Playboy centrefold models, according to a surprising new study.

The finding suggests that there’s much more to the visual appeal of the female torso than the long-held view among human behavioural ecologists that a waist-hip ratio of approximately 0.7 is most attractive.

In a study involving 100 male university students, published in the journal Behavioural Ecology, a research team from UNSW and the University of Queensland tested a new and sophisticated statistical method – based on line drawings of torsos and studies of natural selection on wild animals – to test which female visual signals were most appealing.

The researchers, led by Professor Rob Brooks, who heads the UNSW Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, found that women of child-bearing age – 25 to 44 years – with average body shape were clearly preferred by the research subjects.

  1. Killer Duck says:

    Average women are probably nicer and better in bed too.

  2. Real Man says:

    It’s probably because they aren’t ultra-fake. Nothing is more disgusting than fake breasts.

  3. Real Man says:

    It’s probably because they aren’t ultra-fake. I’ll take illegal in Australia, small breasts over fake. Nothing is more disgusting than fake breasts.

  4. Aren’t real breasts in Australia considered kiddy porn and illegal?

  5. Improbus says:

    I suspect average women aren’t as high maintenance as a model/centerfold either.

  6. Faxon says:

    Right. I prefer the beautiful sexy babes myself. Another example of egghead academics making shit up.
    Maybe the study is looking into who you want to live with.
    I am considering who I want to sleep with.

    Let’s put it this way: Who is attractive to you when you are looking for a maid? A centerfold model? No.
    Who is attractive when looking to screw? An old worn out Mexican woman? No.
    Do you see why “studies” are such bullshit?

  7. bobbo, the seeing eye knows all says:

    Where is the BS meter?

    I would rather have a date with an “average woman” and have a chance at a good time that a date with a model and have nothing to talk about in an encounter with zero chance for it to go anywhere.

    Am I “more attracted” to the average woman? Definitions control all.

  8. sargasso says:

    You have to see the “average” Queensland girl, to understand.

  9. Dallas says:

    The average person prefers another average person.

    Those that worship girls with these huge, gross mammary glands are making up for some maternal void as a child.

  10. Curtis E. Flush says:

    The study is accurate. Average women are more attractive than centerfolds.

    HOWEVER, the women who POSE for those centerfolds are WAY hotter than average women.

  11. meetsy says:

    poor thing. How long has she been sick?
    See, we do have starvation in this country.

  12. bobbo, the seeing eye knows all says:

    I’ve actually met a few beautiful women in my life. Thing is, they are more beautiful in person than can be captured on film. Maybe 3D-HD will change that. Still waiting for my 20 yo big screen to break so I can move up.

    Average women usually are beautiful as well at certain angles, but only when they are happy.

    Rare occurrences all.

  13. bdgbill says:

    There is somewhat of a difference between what looks good in a magazine and what looks good in real life.

    I have met a few models and found them disappointing in real life. For one thing, they tend to be huge Amazon types with disproportionately small boobs.

    A model / actress we hired for a training film showed up in flip flops. This woman looked gorgeous in her photos but looked like something out of the WNBA in person. Her feet were so big that the wardrobe person didn’t have a single pair of female shoes that would fit her. They ended up shooting her from the knees up.

  14. ECA says:

    1. NO muscle tone, she will be on the bottom MORE then the top. It cant run, it cant help in the yard, its FOR SHOW. how skinny can I get and NOT LOOK MALNOURISHED..
    2. If you can see the BONES, you can guess what you will be feeling as you make LOVE.
    3. A little weight means(not in the USA) that they can cook, you hope.
    4. DIET of the sort they have, LEAVES NOTHING in the body to build with. NO BOOBS, NO BUT, ALL BONE.. you may save on the food bill, but they will spend TIME in the hospital BECAUSE THEY DIDNT EAT.

  15. Orange says:

    The university kids here were studying porn and the school children are navigating city streets in competition with the Toyota’s. Sidewalks are closed.

  16. Floyd says:

    I’m a male of near average height (5’9″) in my 50s. When I was younger, I dated lots of girls, pretty and average and one that wasn’t all that pretty but was bright. The reasons we broke up usually were because of compatibility, not appearance.

    My wife is still cute and bright after 27 years of marriage, and I respect her opinions (and vice versa) even when we disagree.

  17. eaglescout1998 says:

    I think part of the problem is that the “establishment”, for lack of a better term, has a different definition of beauty than the rest of us. Conventional wisdom would seem to indicate that, unless you are a stick figure, you’re too fat.

  18. Breetai says:

    ECA is right. On paper those models are smokin hot. In person, half the time they just plain look nasty.

    A Chick with a six pack looks good in photos but in person at least for me it’s usually a turn off.

  19. clancys_daddy says:

    I would like to obtain a research grant to study this further. Where do I apply.

  20. Rufus says:

    What’s average for Australia is rare for America, at least over 25 year old.

    The average woman’s shape in America is more like a pear.

  21. AdmFubar says:

    lets see…. guys like average gals because that is what is really out there and not a photoshopped image type..

    hhhmm whoda thunk???

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Average-looking women are more attractive to young men than shapely Playboy centrefold models, according to a surprising new study.”

    ALL men who agrees with that study are:

    A) With their wives/girlfiends when the research was made.

    B) They can’t afford that kind of woman.

    c) Has so much bad luck with women they have lowered their standards in an effort to get some.

  23. RSweeney says:

    Hip to waist ratio????

    What kind of of attractiveness scale is that?

  24. amodedoma says:

    Hey if I was living in Australia, it’d be true for me too. On my 2 visits to Perth I found the average girls there to be well above average in attractiveness and personality. Talking to them you didn’t get the impression that they were searching for defects like the american women do, now that’s what I call a turn on, easy and sincere access.

  25. chris says:

    Two bits:

    a)The average hot girl, rather than girls in general, is hotter than the average centerfold.

    b) The average hot girl doesn’t disrobe for everybody who wants to see her naked.

    I don’t fancy fashion models or beauty contestants as a group, though. Hotness, from my perspective, is most reliably judged by straight members of the opposite sex. Junkies and barbies just don’t do it for me.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    I’ve personally had two friends who where models.

    One was a fashion model and, yes, she was probably not as attractive as normal fit woman. Up close she looked unhealthy.

    The other woman I knew was a very different story. She was a model for a beer company — she even had one of those life-size card board version for the beer section of convenience stores! She also did appearances at events.

    She was hot, even close up. I mean really hot. And the cosmically unfair thing was, she was also really nice! And not stuck-up at all. And Brazilian. And just a helluva friend to have.

    And did I say hot? It was funny — even some of my straight women friends found themselves attracted to her.

    The only down-side was the attention she’d get when we went out… the guys could get really annoying.

  27. Overfifty says:

    Were the wives/girlfriends giving this test?
    “No honey I like that big roundy shape over the tight thin one.”

    Just saying.

  28. Orange says:

    Tiger have her? The Tiger brain, heart and soul washing is on tv now. Almost want to put a sledge hammer through the tube.

  29. Curtis E. Flush says:

    #28 – Nine iron.

  30. Curtis E. Flush says:

    #26 – Mmmm… Brazilian beeeer model…


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