Not hot. See! Lonely and alone. Poor thing.

Average women more attractive. — Finally the proof men need to show that they read Playboy for the articles!!

Average-looking women are more attractive to young men than shapely Playboy centrefold models, according to a surprising new study.

The finding suggests that there’s much more to the visual appeal of the female torso than the long-held view among human behavioural ecologists that a waist-hip ratio of approximately 0.7 is most attractive.

In a study involving 100 male university students, published in the journal Behavioural Ecology, a research team from UNSW and the University of Queensland tested a new and sophisticated statistical method – based on line drawings of torsos and studies of natural selection on wild animals – to test which female visual signals were most appealing.

The researchers, led by Professor Rob Brooks, who heads the UNSW Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, found that women of child-bearing age – 25 to 44 years – with average body shape were clearly preferred by the research subjects.

  1. Orange says:

    Maybe she can be a brand. Need a hot iron on her ass.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    Models like the one pictured in this post have no ass, and no hips. It’s not so much about the boobs but it’s about those “child bearing hips” that attract men to them. Most models tend to have a pre-pubescent body types so they can fit in those clothes they model on the runway.

    Also consider the fact that the majority of the fashion world is ran by homosexual males who prefer to see women who lack adult female physiques (lovely lady lumps). That is more “boy” like with bodies built like twigs and pipe cleaners.

    From that girls who idolize these models end up having eating disorders trying to say super thin, or end up going ape-shit on cosmetic surgery ending up looking more like plastic mannequins than humans.

  3. Dallas says:

    #32 LOL. So you like big asses and think you represent most men? Maybe if you’re an Eskimo.

    I would think think the classic 36-24-26 is representative of what most men like. Not 12-30-44

  4. Orange says:

    The hot chic corpse look that the fashion industry promotes is sick. Just put a rope around her neck and wear lace for me. We’re going to make a killing and you get to watch. What’s your feeling on punitive damages?

  5. Orange says:

    Operation Black Widow is active. This will take some time. Keep a pupil on the obits ladies. Keep the other on the kids.

  6. bill says:

    Are YOU CraZY???

  7. headlesshorseman says:

    Yes but the publications,

    “Reduced extrapair paternity in response to experimental stimulation of earlier incubation onset in blue tits”

    ,seems just as relevant.

    The men were shown headless , armless ,lower
    legless crude drawn outlines of the human
    female form.

    How the F can you call this a correct measure
    of attractiveness with no face. Maybe we
    will get some insight into the likes and
    dislikes of serial killers who decapitate.

  8. Orange says:


  9. chris says:

    Wow, this is about the strangest turn I’ve ever read in a DU thread.

  10. Buzz says:

    I married a beautiful woman who had been a beauty contest winner in her late teens.

    Unfortunately for the stereotypes being bandied around here, she is exceptionally bright, too. Smart enough to know that beauty glows from the inside.

    25 years later she looks ten years older. But on the inside, no different.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Playboy women are like normal regular women too, at least at first, until they get into the playboy culture, end up with breast implants and eventually go down a path of self-destruction through alcohol and end up either paralyzed from a car accident, dead through drug abuse, or end up on a chicken ranch in the nevada desert giving it up for $1000 a pop.

  12. ray says:

    Which university did they do the study in? The all white christian boys school? I’d take a model any day over an “average” girl.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    This discussion is bringing up memories!

    I had a friend in college whose mother was LITERALLY a Playboy centerfold in the ’60s. (about 20 years earlier.)

    Here’s the weird part — they had the pages of the magazine and some of the original photos framed on the walls in their house!

    By today’s standards, it was pretty mild stuff but it still made me feel awkward around her. I never asked my friend if it made HIM feel weird but you’d think it would.

  14. Buffet says:

    Only pathetic, pencilnecked losers would settle for an anorexic “average” woman. A real man wants a real (centerfold body) woman. Period. Losers would naturally state their preference for the sickly bitches, so as not to incur their wrath.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    >> 46 Buffet said, on February 19th, 2010 at 10:37 pm
    >> Losers would naturally state their preference for the sickly bitches, so as not to incur their wrath.

    “Sickly bitches”?!?

    I’ll bet you make women hot with that kind of language.

  16. Orange says:

    {SPAM — banned}

  17. amodedoma says:

    I say gimme a frontier woman, one that knows how to work without bitchin’ in excess. I want a woman who knows that taking care of the family is the best gig there is. A strong healthy woman who can defend herself and doesn’t mind if play gets a little rough. A girl that’ll give it all up for commitment, not for money. A girl that doesn’t mind getting dirty, or sweaty. Somebody who is unafraid and adventurous. Sounds just like my wife, almost…
    If all I wanted was a sexy fantasy I could have stayed single and collected porn.

  18. Buzz says:

    Caught a blurb on a TV newscast that some runway models, to feel full, dine on a few cotton balls with a bit of olive oil for flavor. I’m guessing that it probably cleans your colon, too

  19. Scott M. says:

    Men are conditioned to accept the women from whom they can get some.

    If they lived in a land where no woman was less than 350 pounds, they would find something attractive in those women.

    I’m not sure why academics need to state the obvious, then proclaim their findings as new information…other than to keep their grants active.

    That said, if the opportunity presented itself, any man would have a go at the woman in the picture.

    Oh dear. I have let the cat out of the bag. What will that poor professor have to write about now?

  20. WhiteyMcBrown says:

    People are generally attracted most to others that are within (or just a little higher) their range of attainability.

    If I’m a pretty average looking guy, then I’m more likely to find the average looking woman good looking and find her “more real” because these are the types of women that I’ve had (or can imagine my self having) real relationships and conversations with and sharing interests with.

    The same thing is going on with the ugliest people (finding other ugly people attainable and “real” because those are generally the people who have given them the time of day) all the way up to average(ish) people.

    The very few really great looking people are attracted most to these centrefold models. They don’t see these girls as fake because these girls aren’t (at least, not to them). They’ve been having conversations and they can easily relate to one another.

    If you’re crazy awesome looking (and let’s not downplay this… these are people who have been blessed with the best genes and work hard to be in shape), then of course you want someone who has been similarly blessed and takes really good care of their bodies.

  21. deowll says:

    I took a science mag to class one time that had a picture (Line drawing) of Lucy the Australopithecus in it. She was nude of course cloths not having yet been invented at the time she lived. The picture was in profile. The artist gave her modest boobs. I caught some of the boys drooling over it. I heard one say she was pretty. She had a face and head like a chimp with long arms and short legs.

    If she isn’t fat nor way to thin most of the guys will think she’s hot enough as long as she’s symmetric. Looks healthy, and will go out with them.

    I’ve noted for a very long time that a lot of the eighth grade girls look a heck of lot better than what walks down the runways as modals and I’ve pretty much concluded that what the faux fashion guys want is extra tall prepubescent or barely pubescent looking females: size 0 is in with them but that taste is downright abnormal.

    What a normal male is instinctively attracted to is somebody that can have healthy babies who will grow up to be healthy adults.

  22. Gildersleeve says:

    Guys are better at handling this kind of thing than girls. Men will go for anyone who gives them the time of day when it comes right down to it. Women will hang onto guys who are no good for them, past the point of violence frequently. Besides, ever see those ads for Big Macs or Whoppers or whatever? Those things look really delicious, when in fact the genuine article doesn’t bear any resemblance to the plastic models in the ads. With good looking people, at least there is a small chance you’ll get something that is as delicious as it looks. But it’s small; grab onto someone you will actually like, never mind the looks.

  23. meetsy says:

    I did modeling in my 20’s…and the fact that the agency would fine me (money) if I didn’t stay below what they determined was my “ideal” weight (5’7″ they wanted me no heavier than 104lbs). (My natural weight was 115-118.) To stay this way I couldn’t eat more than about 800-1000 calories a day — and extra carrot and my body would try and gain. I didn’t feel hungry, though, it was as if my body got used to being starved.
    I had lifted weights (bench pressed 180) since I was about 15, as well as ran 5 miles a week, but stopped both because of lack of energy. I tended to sleep a lot, and was cold all the time. I became really moody, and lethargic, and lost my sense of humor.
    I finally quit, because I was so depressed and miserable, and sick too much. My blood sugar was all over the map. My skin was horrible, and my hair was dry. It took me almost a year to finally feel healthy again.
    And, the joke of it, ten years later, I would have been FAT at 104… it’s 5’7″ and 90lbs, maximum. It is insane!!

  24. Mark Caplan says:

    The ideal waist to hip ratio the researchers, er, uncovered was 0.75 (30 inches over 40 inches), which isn’t far from the ratio of 0.70 long believed to be ideal. In other words, there’s isn’t anything terribly new here.

  25. NelsonOH says:

    I’m on board with the study. Women with so called “perfect” figures aren’t necessarily enticing. A woman’s personality and attitude are more powerful than her appearance. That’s not to say that men seek homely women, it’s just that there is more to attraction than a woman’s figure alone.

  26. As for my opinion on the study, well, I may be alone in saying so (but I’m guessing not), the sexiest organ in the human body is the brain.

  27. ECA says:

    Wheres my Saw..

    By the time you dropped to 104, you didnt have FAT, and your body was EATING the muscle to keep going.


  28. alex says:

    What else they could come up with in Australia where babes/dudes ratio is the worst in the developed world? 🙂 Sorry, forgot.. the worst is actually USA where obesity is even more common.

  29. sweetcherry says:

    oh so i guess centerfolds are to pretty for men. the truth is all men today are so ugly.We women are evolving to become more beautiful and men are getting uglier and uglier and they know centerfolds are way out of there league. women are all shaps and sizes but men are to stupid to know that. And us women are so much happier without men we don’t need them they are gross mean and lazy


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