He says he’s not going to run despite starting to do and say things a future candidate would do and say, but who believes what a politician says? So, which would be worse as President: Cheney who helped usher in some of the fascist police state tactics that are all the rage these days or Sarah Palin whose knowledge of history (and most everything else) is as deep as a dry river bed? Ignoring other candidates, is Obama so bad (in reality, not the hysterical Tea Party-level nonsense) that we’d be better off with one of them?

Fresh off his weekend back-and-forth with the Obama administration, former Vice President Dick Cheney took his fight to the heart of the political right, making a surprise address Thursday to the Conservative Political Action Conference and telling them President Obama will be defeated in 2012.

“I think Barack Obama is a one-term president,” he said.

Mr. Cheney’s appearance was greeted by a standing ovation, with some even getting on top of their chairs.

“Unbelievable! Thank you!” shouted one, while a small group shouted, “Run, Dick, run.”

“A run like that is almost enough to make me want to run for office. But I’m not gonna do it,” Mr. Cheney said.

Here’s more about the conference.

  1. Blind Stevie says:

    Yes calling someone a piece of shit is a cogent political argument. Probably the pinnacle of yor intellectual achievement. You couldn’t even spell shit correctly!

  2. The0ne says:

    You MUST have mistaken my meaning. I wasn’t speaking politically or nicely in any manner. Please go back and re-read. And although you may think I am the devil, I WISH!, I do have a little light within me to not spell out the profanity completely. Just a tad mind you.

    Cause you see, arguing with my satire, sarcasm, cynicism and/or jokes, without beginning to realize them in the first place is the funniest sht ever! 😀

    But you’re right, you are the better person because you can spell profanity words EASILY without any just thoughts and use ironic arguments. 🙂

  3. Howard Beal says:

    Cheney or Palin as candidates for the big desk in 2012, is Obama so bad (in reality, not the hysterical Tea Party-level nonsense) that we’d be better off with one of them?

    In reality the economy would be in about the same state if McCain had won. Obama is doing as well as anyone could in a cant please all the people all the time job. Lucky for the Right he is governing from the center as most Presidents do when they get in office. You would never know this if you just listen to Rush and Beck but its true ask any real Lefty. Remember the Center of us politics is to the Right of most of the rest of the world. The Tea Party folks are just not use to being on the losing side. They have all the representation any of us ever have they just need to win the elections. Palins and Cheneys will not win not even a clown like Romney could win the GOP needs a new hero.

  4. Craig says:

    It’s more like a horrific nightmare !!!

  5. MikeN says:

    Why would Dick Cheney run, when he seems to be making Obama do what he wants? For example, it looks like KSM won’t be tried in civilian court after all.

    Given the high deficits produced by Bush/Cheney, I think I’d rather go with budget hawk Palin.

    Of course I’d rather have the Bush/Cheney deficits right now.

  6. homehive says:

    If I could choose the candidates for the 2012 Presidential election, (giving the voters more choice than they usually receive),they would be:

    Dick Cheney for President
    Jeb Bush for Vice-President

    Ralph Nader for President
    Pat Buchanan for Vice-President

    These choices assume, of course, that our actual President, Rahm Emanuel doesn’t declare himself President for life in 2010.

  7. Phydeau says:

    #38 You’re confusing these guys with the last administration, with actual president Darth Cheney and amiable puppet Dubya.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Cheney’s got a problem running for office…he admits authorizing waterboarding, which is regarded as torture by everyone on the planet but the GOP.

  9. KevinL says:

    The funny thing about this story is that the Dems even have to address this. When Obama was elected, there was talk of changing the constitution to once again allow more than 2 consecutive terms. Because of course he was going to be so great of a president that the people would want him in office more than 8 years. I wish he was and maybe he will be that in the next 2 1/2 years.

  10. homehive says:

    If President Obama appears heading to be a one-termer as some predict that leaves the field wide-open for a HIllary Clinton-Amy Bishop ticket (I’m uncertain which one should lead the ticket, however).

  11. bobbo, the seeing eye knows all says:

    I see pop music reigning over rock and roll.

    I see pop culture of distraction reigning over politics of import.

    I guess DU is part of the Main Stream Media.

    Good job!

  12. Dallas says:

    #43 I hear that Joe the plumber is up for grabs. Evidently he is not speaking too kindly of McCain nor of YaBetcha.

    I’m predicting Obama/Clinton wins in 2012 following an economic reversal, exit from both Bush wars and peace.

  13. bobbo, the seeing eye knows all says:

    #45–Dallas==indeed that would be “nice” – but – while Obama can “choose” to continue ill conceived wars or not, he has no such choice in the economic area. Bush created a too powerful undertow for Obama to swim out of. I fear america will be out at sea with the sharks of reality. When people/politicians refuse to be rational, the uncaring hand of economics will ultimately make its moves.

    There is NO AVOIDING the crushing INFLATION that the WORLD ECONOMY will face in a few years, the USA not excepted. China and Japan with their Dollar holdings gets scewed too as only appropriate. Milk at 5.00 a gallon.

    Economy will reset with high energy. Industries move back home with labor costs more than offset by transport costs. Slowly the world rebuilds on expensive energy.

    Very disruptive. The law of economics the libertarian retards love to beat their chests about not realizing they are the pulp.

    And so it goes.

  14. Dallas says:

    #46 I agree with you. However, I’m a bit more bullish on the future. Every 1 percent drop in unemployment is something like $50B ( I think) deficit reduction. I believe we are in for a jobs recovery now that Obama has stemmed the bleeding in 2009.

    The Bush wars during the Cheney administration wars will come to an end by 2011. This will further unburden the debt.

    Energy wise, I agree that is a challenge because the Republicans have made the US addicted to foreign energy imports. However, Obama has a log term energy plan and I’m bullish that it will start paying dividends by 2015 – in time for the markets to respond favorably before his first term.

  15. Howard Beal says:

    #45 Dallas
    I’m predicting Obama/Clinton wins in 2012 following an economic reversal, exit from both Bush wars and peace.

    Yup as soon as we let Gays openly serve those homo phobic zealots of Al-Qaeda will not come near us.. Thats the kind of Shock and awe we need.

    Well, publicized criminal trials, no more Cheney style torture ect. the terrorist best recruiting tools are handed to them by the Cheneys of this country. If we practice the ideals we preach we win.

    The Cheneys of the world just poke those hornets nests with sticks, why? I don’t know to be the one who gets to hold the stick and let there friends sell more insecticide I guess.

  16. bobbo, the seeing eye knows all says:

    #47–Dallas==indeed that would be “nice” – but – even with “FULL” employment we would still be in FULL Deficit spending, so it matters not that we are not facing a “normal” economic boom/bust cycle. THIS IS A RESET. THE JOBS AREN’T COMING BACK!!!!! This is what “The Flat Earth” is all about. The world economies cannot “even out” and USA keep its artificially high peak of consumption. Simple as that. Not a zero sum game, but not America on Top while it exports all its manufacturing jobs.

    Its all rather mathematical. Loop to #46, para 2, et seq.

  17. Orange says:

    The power lines are giving out here. Last week it was the roof collapses. The politicians looted the treasury, so public safety and public works has a tough job. The dicks are all running. Floods next and I’m out of money and need a new truck battery. Tiger got a billion dollars. We all got screwed royally. We are getting new luxury hockey boxes that we can’t afford and dicks busted out the pensions. Bread lines soon.

  18. Breetai says:

    To Quote Lex Luthor while beating the shit out of the Question “President?! Do you have any idea how much power I’d have to give up to be president!?”

  19. Orange says:

    Dicks created USSA modeled on USSR. Comrades maybe get job sweeping floor at GM plant or sell funny money AIG contracts to make big killing. Could sell daughters in cheap flesh trade to pay bad mortgage so dicks make lots more money.

  20. Dallas says:

    #49 I’m familiar with the flat earth and read (actually heard) the book.

    Th old jobs are not likely to come back. Agree. Again, the Republicans has favored businesses to export jobs in an uncontrolled fashion for a decade while emerging countries celebrate.

    The solution lies not in yesterdays jobs but in tomorrows jobs — Renewable energy, energy conservation, energy grid infrastructure …. coupled with rebuilding of our own country.

    These are jobs that stay here and the Republicans will have a hard time exporting to China and India no matter how much filth money they are payed.

  21. Orange says:

    Rush For Commisar 2010

  22. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    Brown Liquid for President!

  23. Orange says:

    Swarm Intelligence (SI) is the property of a system whereby the collective behaviours of (unsophisticated) agents interacting locally with their environment cause coherent functional global patterns to emerge. SI provides a basis with which it is possible to explore collective (or distributed) problem solving without centralized control or the provision of a global model.

    No centralized control and no need for Dicks who delivered 911 openings. Gaping holes actually. The Dicks missed Madoff, which any thinking person could easily see. And $50 billion later it’s solved. It Really Sucks 2BU.

  24. HMeyers says:

    The future:

    All of our national politicians are corporate-backed on the national level. This means no reform.

    General Motors had the “hot potato” management style the final few years … they knew the problems could not be fixed so executives weren’t trying to fix problems but milk the company for $$$ and leave before it imploded.

    This is the strategy for our politicians … the government is collapsing of it’s own weight and rules and cannot politically be fixed … so they aren’t trying to fix anything.

    They just want to milk their offices as much as they can before the government meltdown.

    Pick any candidate or party, that is their goal.

  25. HMeyers says:


    Nice post. Keep an eye on our politicians … they have no intention of fixing problems, it politically cannot be done.

    And our mass media over the last 20 years has been busy establishing monopoly power (i.e. all the radio stations are owned by 4-5 companies, same with television and cable and — to a slightly less extent — newspapers).

    Expect the politicians to act like vultures, uninterested in even attempting to fix problems, and more interested in picking at the remains.

    The reason the mass media corporate buy-ups are a problem is there are very few “voices” out there, so everyone gets doped up by Fox News, CNN, MSNBC with the same messages that are news-approved by the giants as to not rock the corporate boat.

    [You might perceive the messages as different using a partisan lense and thinking one network is “conservative” or “liberal” but this is part of the plan too, to keep you arguing about Palin’s hair style or Obama’s birth certificate to distract you while the corps and politicians gut the treasury and issues mountains of debt in your name.]

  26. gquaglia says:

    I’d vote for him.

  27. Geo says:

    I like what you said: “Sarah Palin whose knowledge of history (and most everything else) is as deep as a dry river bed”

  28. Rick Cain says:

    Well of course the far american right has become more communistic. The origins of neoconservativism are in Trotskyite communism. Irving Kristol, the father of neoconservativism was a big fan of Leon Trotsky, and the movement came from jewish dissidents who left czarist russia and came to America.

    So if you join the modern GOP, you are essentially a communist, how’s that for irony.

  29. BertDawg says:

    Dream Ticket for Republicans who want another Obama term:

    President with bad heart / no heart – Cheney
    Veep with heart but no brain – Palin

  30. MikeN says:

    If I can trade waterboarding a few detainees for eliminating this years 1.6 trillion dollar debt, that’s fine by me. I’ll even exchange it for Bush’s highest deficit of $433 billion, or even the bailouts of $800 billion.


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