He says he’s not going to run despite starting to do and say things a future candidate would do and say, but who believes what a politician says? So, which would be worse as President: Cheney who helped usher in some of the fascist police state tactics that are all the rage these days or Sarah Palin whose knowledge of history (and most everything else) is as deep as a dry river bed? Ignoring other candidates, is Obama so bad (in reality, not the hysterical Tea Party-level nonsense) that we’d be better off with one of them?

Fresh off his weekend back-and-forth with the Obama administration, former Vice President Dick Cheney took his fight to the heart of the political right, making a surprise address Thursday to the Conservative Political Action Conference and telling them President Obama will be defeated in 2012.

“I think Barack Obama is a one-term president,” he said.

Mr. Cheney’s appearance was greeted by a standing ovation, with some even getting on top of their chairs.

“Unbelievable! Thank you!” shouted one, while a small group shouted, “Run, Dick, run.”

“A run like that is almost enough to make me want to run for office. But I’m not gonna do it,” Mr. Cheney said.

Here’s more about the conference.

  1. amodedoma says:

    Dumb dumb dumb, da di dumb, da di dumb!!!!
    All Hail Darth President!

  2. moss says:

    The Wall Street Journal, most of America’s on-the-fence media – oh, yeah, most bloggers – make no mention of co-sponsorship of the CPAC by the John Birch Society.

    Many of you are too young (and too lazy) to know the history of America’s best shot at a beerhall putsch; but, anyone who watched the takeover of the Republican Party that produced Barry Goldwater’s presidential run and failure recognized the mantras quite a while back.

    Goldwater never fit into the nutball ideology; but, like most opportunist politicians on the Right – acceptance of support, nitty-gritty street work, dollars and nonsense was more important than principles. He stole their support from the Klan, White Citizens Councils, the range of hate groups that fester like a boil on the butt of America’s history from lynchings to America First to Father Coughlin.

    Cheney and Boehner feel secure enough in their control to have the Birchers go public with their support – instead of simply relying on their work producing “spontaneous” TeaBagger trysts.

    Run, Dick, Run? Cripes – even Democrats as incompetent as Reid and Pelosi can beat a champion like him.

  3. Floyd says:

    Cheney=Scary. Darth Vader is about right.
    “Cheney for President” will ensure that Obama gets re-elected.

  4. atmusky says:

    Best thing that could ever happen to the Dems a Cheney/Palin Reps ticket.

  5. moss says:

    BTW – here’s an op-ed from a former chairman of CPAC:


  6. bac says:

    #4 — And the worst thing that could ever happen to the American voters. The situation would make the phrase ‘You have a choice’ into a lie.

    The USA needs a third party ralley. Just vote third party when given the choice.

  7. Benjamin says:

    I never liked Chaney and let’s face it, Palin is damaged goods. However, I will vote for either of them if it means an end to the Obama New Deal. The original new deal prolonged the depression and one my argue that the Bush/Obama stimulus and bailouts prolonged the current recession.

    The thing that should have been done is to let the bad banks fail, let them go out of business, and let new comers take over in a more efficient way.

  8. Rabble Rouser says:

    I hope he runs with Sarah “Caribou Barbie” Palin. It’s a guaranteed FAIL, worthy of a failblog entry!

  9. jbenson2 says:

    A much, much worse bad dream:

    Joe Biden for President

  10. jbenson2 says:

    And the ultimate worst bad dream:

    Barrack Obama for President for a 2nd term!

  11. Improbus says:

    Only Darth Cheney can save the Empire … oh, wait, this is a “republic”.

  12. Jess Hurchist says:

    …even worse than yet another Bush?

  13. lynn says:

    With his health problems, he makes John McCain look like Robert Pattinson. I don’t think we have to worry about him running. But gee, the picture of him trying to smile is sort of scary, isn’t it?

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    He’ll run on fear, and if fear is on the decline he has no platform.

    Anyone who would vote for this anachronism needs to have their head examined.

  15. The0ne says:

    I’ll be brave and say it. Someone needs to kill Cheney. Not I but someone. Please post your killing on youtube.

    As for Palin, someone post hot pics of her 🙂

  16. Floyd says:

    Palin is physically pretty, but apparently lost her mind a couple of years ago. Remember her speech full of non sequiturs when she resigned as Alaska’s Governor? That, plus allying herself with the Tea Party…which is a scatterbrained group if I ever saw one.

    There have to be some intelligent Republicans out there, if for no other reason than to have a two party election with Obama.

  17. Lou says:

    No one has done more to take away the rights of Americans.

  18. LotsaLuck says:

    Cheney lost any vote I might have given him when he ‘discovered’ that he was the best possible VP candidate back in 2000.

    As for Palin, just remember that the conventional wisdom in 2006 was that Hillary was a shoo-in for the 2008 nomination.

    Still lots of time, and lots of qualified candidates to choose from.

    Of course the lefties won’t like any of ’em…

  19. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    Cheney running would be a huge mistake, but if he were elected he would still be an improvement over the current situation. Hell, one of my dogs or even a puddle of brown liquid would be an improvement.

  20. badtimes says:

    Hey, at least he made the trains run on time.
    Oops- wrong guy.

  21. right says:

    Sarah “Y Girl” Palin is not smart enough by a half to hold any type of office but then, there are the current batch of stupid Republicans who slithered in somehow so who knows.
    I heard that Spain is still actively seeking to prosecute the Bush 6 and it’s too bad Cheney’s not among them. Hopefully he’ll fall in and get indicted at some point. It’s not like he’s hiding his criminal involvement.

  22. Phydeau says:

    From the article linked in #5:

    Today there are few things that set a “conservative’s” teeth on edge more than a defense of “civil liberties;” yet that is what American conservatism was all about–protecting the liberties of the people. It was a system designed to protect the people from an over-reaching government, not to protect the government from the people. American constitutionalism was a historical high-point in recognizing individual worth. Stop at CPAC today and you will find rooms full of ardent, zealous, fervent young men and women who believe the government should be allowed to torture (we condemned people at Nuremberg for doing that), who believe the government should be able to lock people up without charges and hold them indefinitely (something Henry VIII agreed was a proper exercise of government authority). Who believe the government should be able to read a citizen’s mail and listen in on a citizen’s phone calls, all without a warrant (the Constitution of course prohibits searches without a warrant, but nobody cares less about the Constitution than some of today’s ersatz conservatives).

    And good point in #7 — today’s “conservatives” are longing for a police state much like the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

  23. sargasso says:

    Mr Cheney’s natural leadership qualities lead to candidacy for presidency, regardless of history’s interpretation of his conduct as a VP. I personally feel that Bush was better suited as a VP, and Cheney a commander in chief. The guy is decisive, direct, has always been outspoken with his opinion and ambition, knows his own limitations and delegates authority and responsibility where ever he lacks expertise. His problem is his health, low self confidence and his shyness of the public.

  24. Dallas says:

    Like all we need is a cold war relic as president.

    Why isn’t this dinosaur out hunting with Sarah Palin in the dark?

  25. Phydeau says:

    #25 You make a good point… in fact I think history will show that Cheney really ran things and Dubya was the affable front man.

    Which makes me scratch my head over the wingnuts’ ecstatic greeting of Cheney at CPAC. Dubya is persona non grata, but the real architect of the disaster that was the Dubya presidency is welcomed with open arms? But eh, the thinking thing isn’t that popular in those circles.

  26. Blind Stevie says:

    #16 Theone
    “I’ll be brave and say it. Someone needs to kill Cheney. Not I but someone. Please post your killing on youtube.”

    No one in America deserves to be killed for their political views, no matter how much you are offended by them. Maybe you should take a quick read of the Constitution or maybe move to a society where such acts are condoned and free speech isn’t protected.

    #14 Lynn
    I agree Cheney’s health would be a serious obstacle to being a viable candidate. How many people have survived four or five heart attacks? How many people survive for 30 plus years after their first?

  27. The0ne says:

    So now you have the right to tell me I can’t have my free speech and citing the constitution to support your comments? You’re just like any piece of sht that uses the same ironic comments over and over again with little to no understanding.

    My view is this guy doesn’t deserve to live, that’s my view. You don’t know why and/how I came to this conclusion. Regardless, I have my rights, as you so eloquently put it, to have my say.

    I don’t have to like the person and I have every right to wish someone ill or even dead if they come close to making decisions that could get my family members in the service killed. Do my family members have an option once the administration makes the call to go to a pointless war(s)? NO.

    For example, just this morning, a Prius driver (again), zooms passes everyone at over 95+mph on the highway. If that driver were to have a severe crash, I stop and laugh my ass off and make sure he/she/they see it before driving off leaving them to their slow deaths. You want me to care for someone this idiotic? For heavens sake, even if I did want to morons like these people would probably sue me for wrongful “help.”

    Again, I’m not going to do it but if someone were then I be a happy camper.

  28. Phydeau says:

    #28 No one in America deserves to be killed for their political views, no matter how much you are offended by them. Maybe you should take a quick read of the Constitution or maybe move to a society where such acts are condoned and free speech isn’t protected.

    And yet, the wingnuts mutter darkly about the tree of liberty needing to be watered, a little revolution is good once in a while, bring weapons to Obama appearances, etc., etc. They don’t seem inhibited by such silly issues as constitutionality.

  29. GF says:

    And to think, what would this world be like now if Bush #1 had let Saddam keep Kuwait.

    Just a thought experiment.

  30. RBG says:

    15 Olo “Anyone who would vote for this anachronism needs to have their head examined.”

    26 Dallas. “Like all we need is a cold war relic as president.”

    Is that anything like desperately embracing a cold war relic as Secretary of Defense?

    “Sarah Palin whose knowledge of history (and most everything else) is as deep as a dry river bed?”

    The lefties need to get their talking points together as to whether knowledge of history is a good thing or not.

    Dem fear can only be a good thing.



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