1. Hulk says:

    I’m still trying to figure out what to do with them after the Rupture.. 🙁 🙂

  2. Jägermeister says:

    I’ll water your flowers after rapture. Donate $500 today.

  3. RTaylor says:

    If there isn’t dogs I don’t want to go anyway.

  4. Oyga Vault says:

    What a perfect way to extract money from fools!

    This is an even better hustle than those little $30 stickers sold by multi-level marketing cultists that “harmonize” your “biofield” by “neutralizing” EMF radiation.

  5. Orange says:

    Gangsta rappers? They get big $$$$ to act like pets to entertain the dumb sheep. The economy is weak so send Washington your dental gold and old wedding bands to meet GM credit needs so the wolves can build the sheep new carts. Ted Kennedy gave the prez a waterdog. Bo, rhymes with…Sicko

  6. McCullough says:

    They will be well cared for. Kept nice and warm…..

  7. W. T. Effyall says:

    You know, if the rapture believers were truly good people, they would not have pets to begin with.

    I mean, how dare you adopt an animal, when you know for sure you will be physically lifted up through the air, into space, beyond space… wait, how does that work? I mean, what if you’re taking a dump? Or, um, being fruitful and multiplying with the wife, so to speak. Does all that action get transferred to mid-air?

    Anyway, regarding rapture believers adopting animals, I think PETA should weigh in on this.

  8. ECA says:

    I watched “book of Eli”…
    YES, I know what will happen, and I thank those for my continuing LIFE

  9. sargasso says:

    For confused foreigners, the “Rapture” is a belief held by obscure sects within fundamentalist evangelical baptist Christians, that they will spontaneously all pop into Heaven at the same time. Leaving behind the un-enlightened, pets, livestock and drunk uncles.

    [Don’t forget about airline pilots…mid flight – ed.]

  10. Animby says:

    BTW – NO REFUNDS if these damned heathens can’t find your pet.

    Hell, you’d think an omnipotent god would take care of the problem as part of the rapture. I mean, would it take so much more effort to just kill the pesky critters?

    After all, god has killed before. How many animals perished during the flood?

  11. fulanoche says:

    #6 McCully
    Good one.

    Besides, I ain’t leaving my pet in the care of a non-Christian.

    #2 Jagster

    Hell, I’ll cut the lawn, shovel the walk, clean inside and out, and pay the taxes.

  12. Ah_Yea says:


  13. ECA says:

    Its funny as you read the info in the commercial…
    NON-Christians are being hired, to save and protect your PET..

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, I just came up with a better idea!

    The Rapture-a-matic pet feeder!

    Once our special patent-pending RapturaMeter has detected the mass exodus of all people worthy, our Rapture-a-matic pet feeder will automatically dispense the proper amount of food and water for your beloved left-behind day for the next 20 years!

    Only $9,999 plus shipping and handling. Get yours now while you can!

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – fulanoche – …and pay the taxes


  16. verycheeky says:

    The PEGAN HEATHENS like you will be here to take care of them… You know, the ones that are animals themselves who evolved from rocks then apes.. Bunch of monkeys here with rocks for brains!

  17. Animby says:

    #16 – My Scottish mother-in-law always referred to people like you as “cheeky monkeys.”

    Evolved from rocks? Yes, I’m hard-headed, I’ll granite you but I’m not a fighter, I’m a lava. Why don’t we just erase the slate and call it even.

    Very, are you really that igneous to think rocks evolve? Well, I’ll be magmanomous and chalk it up to your sedimentary lifestyle.

  18. Ron Larson says:


    One of my favorite bumper stickers:
    In the event of the rapture, can I have your car?

  19. Somebody says:

    # 12 Ah_Yea said, on February 18th, 2010 at 5:50 pm


    For the Win!

  20. Benjamin says:

    No one knows when the Rapture will happen. We Christians do not know if it will be in our lifetimes or ten thousand years from now. I am not paying someone to take care of a pet that may die before the rapture happens.

    Besides, we’ll be busy setting up our mansions in the New Jerusalem that we won’t give our pets a second thought.

  21. rcrach says:

    These guys have been around for a few years. I love their guarantee.


  22. sweelinck says:

    W T F?

  23. Don Quixote says:

    Only humans have souls. Animals are to eat. Your pet can come along as the next few days food.

  24. J.A.N. says:

    If I am not a Believer, then why would I find it ethical to offer protection from a consequence of an event I know will never happen? It’s like Rush Limbaugh selling global warming insurance. If I were a believer, I would trust neither the Rapture insurors or Limbaugh to provide the protection offered. A compassionate God (the only kind I would want to take me) would provide for the pets.


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