1. Jopa says:

    I’m gonna eat you alive!!!

  2. McCullough says:

    After looking in the mirror this morning, Bob became alarmed at the huge green growth on his forehead.

  3. Arnold Schwarzeneggar says:

    It’s not a tumah!!!!

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Men who stare at… balls?

  5. mrvco says:


  6. Crug says:

    Never take your eye off the… Gadzooks! She’s not wearing panties!

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    “Stay on target… STAY ON TARGET!….”

  8. bac says:

    OMG!! It is one of those green liberals.

  9. SparkyOne says:

    green energy in your face

  10. Dickmnixon says:

    “Do I let the world know I can shot laser beams from my eyes or take another one in the nose? Think damn it THINK!!!”

  11. Micromike says:

    Man, I almost swallowed my dip!

  12. Servo42 says:

    Are you Lookin at ME!

  13. zero says:

    Realise the Truth: There is no ball!

  14. Macbandit says:

    I will stop it with the power of my mind!!!

  15. Dannythedog says:

    He hit that ball damn hard…

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    The Zoolander gaze.

  17. evilpuke says:


  18. Dan The Man says:

    A tennis ball approaches. What do you do?


  19. Uncle Don says:

    Without his signature glasses, Harry Potter can only levitate an egg yolk so high.

  20. primum non nocere says:

    ¿Inyección alemana? No, gracias
    ¿Inyecciones alemanas? No, gracias

  21. cramroop says:

    “see the ball, hit the ball”

  22. Buzz says:

    Keep the ball on your eye!

  23. Sam says:


  24. Jollygreen21 says:

    “I’m more used to balls on my chin”


    “My large nose makes this look like a roman helmet.”


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