Last one? I think so.

  1. mcpepants says:

    lol that was great, no booth babes =(…

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    It looks busy enough to me. Is it so expensive to put on that even though it’s fairly busy they cannot make any money?

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    No booth babes, no Apple Inc, yet IBM was there?

  4. Rider says:

    First it’s not that busy.
    Second that’s the entire show, you should not be able to walk the entire floor in 7 minutes. I saw a map and it’s tiny.
    Third, it’s that small and the crowd is that thin. There is really no reason to have it. No is interested in it at all.

  5. Zybch says:

    #2 All the non brainwashed computer users called it that anyway.

  6. KMFIX says:

    I can see a place for a more hardcore, geek oriented Mac event…maybe in a place that isn’t so expensive to put stuff on at. Where small/garage operations could even exhibit. I’d go to that..

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    It’s really just a place for lame vendors to shill out their Mac/iPhone accessories (gel covers, stickers, and more frivolous crap) that no one really needs. I saw many booths referring to security (gee I thought Macs didn’t need that?)

    Not a single iPad in sight, IBM seems to have the biggest presence at a *MAC* Expo. That’s just flat out WRONG.. even to a non-mac fanboy that just WEIRD.

    I was a big Atari computer (8bit) user back in the 80s, and early 90s and the Expo shows we had weren’t much bigger than this Expo. Just vendors selling nick-nacks. Little to no software development demos. In fact it was probably located at the same hall that MacWorld was at.

    Next MacWorld Expo, out of Steve’s garage where they built the first Apples in the 70s.

  8. Walter Bishop says:

    and no one even said “Hi” to John whilst he walked the floor …

  9. RTaylor says:

    I have watched several of these videos you’ve done. I don’t understand, where is your entourage? Where are the groupies and the screaming autograph seekers? I guess you had on one of your guises, incognito no doubt.

  10. Bastian says:

    Why are so many people wearing “Members Only” like jackets!?! I can only hope that conventions like this only help the human genome contain unwanted traits. Doh!

    Ironically, I have used a Mac since 1988.

  11. tdkyo says:


    John dressed up as the Tech Grouch. No body noticed him.

  12. Losers lounge says:


  13. Rufus says:

    Yikes! Not a single booth babe. The joie-de-vivre is all gone.

    I like Macs (except the price), but this expo is so dead you’d think it was for Amigas.

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    #15 Amiga expo… nailed it dude! LOL

  15. Awake says:

    Last one I attended was 2 years ago, when Apple still participated. It was a complete waste of time. 30% of the booths were for iPod / iPhone covers, 30% were for iPod speakers (including the infamous toilet paper holder iPod stand, and 30% was for one-software-product microcompanies that have since failed/ Maybe 10% was interesting. The only thing that was a benefit is that I had the RAM in a Mac-Mini installed for free when I bought it at the show (at 50% of the disgusting prices that Apple charges for the same thing).

    This year the most ‘exciting’ thing seems to be leather gloves that work with touchscreens. Big huge yawn.

  16. qb says:

    These “vendor booth” shows are all dead. The internet has wiped them out like newspapers.

  17. MacTexan says:

    I was there and the expo portion of Macworld was definitely smaller than the three I attended in the past. Vendors stayed away in droves, but the conference (the part no media bothers to cover) was as busy as I’ve ever seen. Maybe it’s our crappy economy. Maybe they didn’t think over 30,000 of us would show up. I think some vendors may be regretting their decision to abstain. Trade shows may be a thing of the past, but Mac geeks will show up to Macworld because like other enthusiasts, we really like getting together once a year. Bikers have Sturgis, NASCAR fans have Daytona and Mac geeks have Macworld. If you think we’re losers, that’s your right. Just like its within my rights to think you’re an idiot to mock something you don’t understand.

  18. Ron Larson says:

    The group behind this expo should take a note from North Korea. (

    They should create the annual birthday celebration of their messiah, Steve Jobs. Call it AppleCon, JobsCon, Church of Jobs, whatever.

    The faithful from around the world would come once a year to worship. They would have to perform 10 laps around Apple HQ on Infinity Drive at least once in their life. They would then be required to throw stones (or shoes) at an effigy of Bill Gates.

  19. qb says:

    Ron Larson said “They would then be required to throw stones (or shoes) at an effigy of Bill Gates.”

    Bill Gates? Nobody has hated Gates for years.

  20. sargasso says:

    All expos are experiencing the same fall-off in attendances. This is not indicative of Apple, which is among the best performing technology companies in the world. I recently attended an industrial machine tool conference, which was half the size of the previous year.

  21. #10 Yeah, my huge entourage was missing.

    And now that some of you mention it, there were no noteworthy booth babes to be seen anywhere. Or I missed them. Only after watching the video did I realize it. The show was more like a flea market than a jazzy trade show.

  22. sargasso says:

    Looks like a veterans convention.

  23. jescott418 says:

    These types of events are dead. Apple knew it and was wise to pull out. I never understood why Apple never just showed at places like the Electronics shows. Why have something so exclusive? You already have Apple fans at things like MacWorld. But electronic shows would get yourself exposed to user’s who may not be Apple fans? But as John D said the Apple stores already are a platform for Apple and its products. Why do you need anything like MacWorld?

  24. Personality says:

    I would have expected more fat people. Are they at the Microsoft events?

  25. Zybch says:

    #23 So you didn’t see any of the coverage of CES this year then, eh?

  26. hhopper says:

    What happened to the beautiful HD video you took in the past?

  27. Cephus says:

    That was absolutely pathetic, there are local monthly computer shows that are bigger than the annual Macworld and attract a lot more people too.

  28. lakelady says:

    last one? then why were next years dates on the large banner as you left the Expo? Also – what day and what time of day was this filmed? Both can make a great deal of difference in how busy it seems.

  29. qb says:

    Totally off topic, but the HP Airlife 100 looks like it’s got potential. (Yes, I love gadgets).

  30. qb says:

    pedro, and you own and use what?


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