TSA Forces Child to Remove Braces. — This is all over the world press in an effort to show what a-holes Americans are. Good work Homeland Security!

SECURITY officers at a US airport have come under fire for forcing a disabled boy to remove his leg braces and walk through a checkpoint.

Four-year-old Ryan Thomas was flying from Philadelphia to Disney World in Orlando with his parents Bob and Leona when the incident occurred.

At the time Ryan, born 16 weeks prematurely with malformed ankles and low muscle tone in his legs, had only just begun to walk. His parents wheeled his stroller to the security checkpoint then broke it down and put it on the conveyor belt. They then walked Ryan through the metal detector. The alarm went off and the screener told them to take off the boy’s braces.

“I told them he can’t walk without them on his own,” Bob Thomas told the Philadelphia News.

“I said this is overkill. He’s 4 years old. I don’t think he’s a terrorist.”

Security also demanded Ryan walk through on his own.

Found by Steven Pelsmaekers.

  1. The_TSA_is_one_of_your_Big_Brothers says:

    The TSA are obviously what another poster referred to as “security theater”. Their real purpose is to provide a veneer of security while serving as part of the Police State apparatus that is taking over much of the Western world, including the US, of course. The TSA did not prevent the Panty Bomber (who, of course, had special black ops help to pull off his false flag operation), and I am unaware of ANY security breach they have actually prevented. In deed, as a body they seem particularly thuggish and corrupt and probably are committing a whole series of crimes on their own.

    If we believed in real national security, we would obviously be profiling travelers from Muslim countries, as those are literally the only ones we have had trouble with – instead of having Muslim TSA SCREENERS, and we would seal off the border which is like a sieve. We would also be preventing large scale immigration from Muslim countries, which really increased under Bush and continues under Obama. We didn’t allow Germans to immigrate here during WW1 and 2.

    The fact that we are doing NONE of these real security measures, means that what we are doing is inherently fake and is designed to achieve other ends. Which are, as I say, to give an illusion of security while creating the reality of a Police State.

    Orwell weeps.

  2. The_TSA_is_one_of_your_Big_Brothers says:

    Just to clarify, although it’s probably obvious from my post, when I say that the TSA is part of the growing Police State apparatus, I mean that their major purpose is to actually get Americans used to giving up their liberty to whatever thug has a uniform and an attitude. They are part of a conditioning process to get the average American used to being herded like cattle and treated like crap by authoritarian figures that he cannot question or hold to accountability. When are any of these TSA thugs, criminals, and morons ever fired or held accountable? I have never heard of an example, and that’s because they ARE doing the job the Police State wants. Terrorizing and controlling the American public IS their job.

    End the TSA, Homeland Security and the Patriot Act NOW. Pull the curtain back and spit right in the face of tyranny.

  3. The0ne says:

    You talking about someone reporting it as news. That’s not going to happen, it hasn’t happen and will continue to not happen. Your best bet is if the local city reporters do the job.

    If you wait, like millions of people do, for the cable news (Fox for example) to cover it then I can honestly tell you now that you’re wasting your life away.

  4. Benjamin says:

    #31 Dallas “What system do you propose towards securing air travelers and preventing jumbo get class guided missiles?”

    I proposed a system that has worked. No longer will passengers sit by and allow themselves to be flown into buildings. Passengers themselves will tackle the terrorists. The TSA didn’t stop the Panty Bomber or Richard Reid. Passengers did.

  5. sargasso says:

    Utterly disgraceful.

  6. The_TSA_is_one_of_your_Big_Brothers says:

    To Benjamin #36

    Absolutely correct. The ONLY people who have actually prevented or attempted to prevent any of this plane terrorism are American citizens ON the flights. But the government, and those who really run it, don’t want us to actually realize we can handle these situations ourselves. They want us to be weak and helpless and just do as we’re told as the ultimate purpose is not safety but control.

    Another idea I have heard that I think is good is to hire a different type of steward – one who is armed and trained in martial arts. And pay them accordingly. We don’t need people handing us drinks and pillows up there – we need people who can actually handle a security scenario AS it evolves. The passengers can do a lot, but changing stewards into security personnel would also be a good practical step.

  7. TJ says:

    #12 and #20
    The question and answer are not as clear as you both might think. There are two possible answers to that question.

    A) ˙ɹǝʇɐʍ ɟo uollɐƃ 1 ploɥ oslɐ llıʍ sʇǝʞɔnq uollɐƃ 5 ǝɥʇ 3 ǝq oslɐ plnoɔ ɹǝʍsuɐ ǝɥʇ

  8. Traaxx says:

    I wonder how many of the TSA agents are foreign trash. I haven’t gone through an airport since Sept 11, 2001, but prior security and most other position seemed to be only worked by the scum from other countries, trash of the world.


  9. sargasso says:

    #39. how did you do that upside down writing?

  10. Dallas says:

    #36 Agree but having passengers act is already in place. You’re recommending to abolish the TSA altogether and go on the honor system. What about a bomb on board or a guns?

    We should resume basic screening ala Clinton era and do away with the current Cheney designed police state. I would add plain clothes security agents that DO profiling.

    #38 An AIR NINJA is an interesting idea but is not very practical. I think George Bush suggested something like that.

  11. Benjamin says:

    #43 said, “What about a bomb on board or a guns?” Allow concealed carry holders to conceal carry on airplanes. If you don’t like that then instead just metal detect people and bags. We did all that before September 11th. Guns and bombs were too hard for terrorists to bring, that is why they resort to box cutters and chemicals in their panties.

    #43 said, “An AIR NINJA is an interesting idea but is not very practical. I think George Bush suggested something like that.”

    Depends. It will only work if they are deployed with AIR PIRATES. 🙂

  12. Professor Candela says:

    In loving memory of:

    Common Sense

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #43, You’re recommending to abolish the TSA altogether and go on the honor system. What about a bomb on board or a guns?

    1) Put the security back in the hands of the airlines. Stop restricting their “right to associate” and let them deny service to whomever they wish. Would you fly an airline with know security lapses? No? Then why fly in an industry with know security lapses?

    2) Let concealed carry citizens carry their weapons with frangible ammo to prevent structural damage. It’s one thing to think there are one or two armed people onboard who could stop you. It’s quite another to wonder if EVERYBODY could.

  14. Dallas says:

    #46. Agree with one but not so much on two.

    Going back to common sense screening makes sense (ie metal detectors, pat downs, etc). What I would add to the mix is Israeli style plain clothes security that profiles and has the authority to search and interrogate.

    The idea of any bozo to enter a plane with a gun is not what I want. The idea of a plane load of gun toting bozos even less.

  15. honeyman says:

    Rome is burning and the citizens of the Empire squabble about who lit the fire and the banning of matches.

    This is a direct result of aggressive Warrior Cult foreign policy driven by nepotistic corporate greed. Cant you see this? Fix that and Rome might be saved.

  16. fulanoche says:

    That’s what happens when you use Cheez-whiz on a cheesesteak.

  17. The0ne says:

    Yea, fcking trash of the world should leave our country alone! Who the fck do they think they are!?

    We came, we saw, we conquer the land fair and square dammit! Screw outsiders cause we were here first! See those poor natives in their “grounds”, that’s what going to happen to your sorry ass country if you piss us (US) off.

    Lame-ass retarded reason if I ever heard on on DU.

  18. Skeptic says:

    Re #39: sargasso… “how did you do that upside down writing?”

    … He was hanging upside down.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    #47, The idea of any bozo to enter a plane with a gun is not what I want. The idea of a plane load of gun toting bozos even less.

    Not every bozo gets a CCP. Thorough background check and required training.

    If you know someone with their CCP, they probably got their head screwed on straight.

    And I am not so sure about the Israeli style plain clothes security that profiles and has the authority to search and interrogate.

    Sounds a lot like Gestapo to me.

    Now, if you feel the airlines have the authority to search anything on their property (like luggage and passengers), I could ok that.

  20. johnbyrnes says:

    Profiling has failed us; we don’t need profiling to identify Individuals like the Christmas-Day Bomber or the Fort Hood Shooter! There is a better solution!

    Virtually all media outlets are discussing whether we should be profiling all Arab Muslims; I will in the one-page explain why we don’t need profiling. Over 15 years ago, we at the Center for Aggression Management developed an easily-applied, measurable and culturally-neutral body language and behavior indicators exhibited by people who intend to perpetrate a terrorist act. This unique methodology utilizes proven research from the fields of psychology, medicine and law enforcement which, when joined together, identify clear, easily-used physiologically-based characteristics of individuals who are about to engage in terrorist activities in time to prevent their Moment of Commitment.

    The Problem
    Since the foiled terrorist attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian national on Northwest Flight 253 to Detroit, the President has repeatedly stated that there has been a systemic failure as he reiterates his commitment to fill this gap in our security. This incident, like the Fort Hood shooting, exemplifies why our government must apply every valid preventative approach to identify a potential terrorist.

    The myriad methods to identify a terrorist, whether “no-fly list,” “explosive and weapons detection,” mental illness based approaches, “profiling” or “deception detection” – all continue to fail us. Furthermore, the development of deception detection training at Boston Logan Airport demonstrated that the Israeli methods of interrogation will not work in the United States.

    All media outlets are discussing the need for profiling of Muslim Arabs, but profiling does not work for the following three reasons:

    1. In practice, ethnic profiling tells us that within a certain group of people there is a higher probability for a terrorist; it does not tell us who the next terrorist is!

    2. Ethnic profiling is contrary to the value our society places on diversity and freedom from discrimination based on racial, ethnic, religious, age and/or gender based criteria. If we use profiling it will diminish our position among the majority of affected citizens who support us as a beacon of freedom and liberty.

    3. By narrowing our field of vision, profiling can lead to the consequence of letting terrorists go undetected, because the terrorist may not be part of any known “profile worthy” group – e.g., the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh

    The Solution
    Our unique methodology for screening passengers can easily discern (independently of race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, age, and gender) the defining characteristics of human beings who are about to engage in terrorist acts.

    The question is when will our government use true “hostile intent” through the “continuum of aggressive behavior” to identify potential terrorists? Only when observers focus specifically on “aggressive behavior” do the objective and culturally neutral signs of “aggression” clearly stand out, providing the opportunity to prevent these violent encounters. This method will not only make all citizens safer, but will also pass the inevitable test of legal defensibility given probable action by the ACLU.

    As our Government analyzes what went wrong regarding Abdulmatallab’s entrance into the United States, you can be assured that Al Qaeda is also analyzing how their plans went wrong. Who do you think will figure it out first . . . ?

    Visit our blog at http://blog.AggressionManagement.com where we discuss the shooting at Fort Hood and the attempted terrorist act on Flight 253.

  21. birddog says:

    .uʍop ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ p1noɔ ı ɥsıʍ ı

  22. Norman Speight says:

    You know what I firstly notice about these comments? How some correspondents use the abuse of a four-year-old to publicise their objections to Unions, or to Liberals. Now where the hell does that connect? Why don’t we also hear their objections to other matters like Global Warming, or eating too much imported food or the like?
    The REAL point of this should be – what happened – if anything – to the employees who perpetrated this totally unacceptable situation? Why are they still employed (if indeed they are)? Why doesn’t someone raise this with Obama, with Napolitano, indeed, even with those who depend on tourism such as Disney? By the way I’m also interested in just why Unionisation should result in a growth of these behaviours. I have never heard of a union which would link, or support such a violation of a child’s medical rights – have you?

  23. LibertyLover says:

    #56, So where would it end? If you give someone the power to interrogate and search at will, what is stop them from doing that to you because you gave them a bad look because you are having a bad day?

    I don’t expect conservatives to accept solutions readily because they “sound like ____ ”

    There you go with your “two sides” ideology again. How about carrying on a conversation instead of resorting to name calling?

  24. gooddebate says:

    Hey wasn’t a big issue when Bush created the TSA that these guys could get fired easily? Is it any wonder why we can’t trust the government to do anything?

  25. Dallas says:

    #57 are you afraid of the slippery slope airport gestapo security idea?
    Just offering a solution that works well in Israeli airports that would work here to replace the current process.

  26. JimD says:

    America, GLOBAL LEADER IN A-HOLISM !!! Look, we made “W” pResident !!! We’re Number One! We’re Number one ! Nevermind !!!

  27. noname says:

    It’s a given, Americans are self righteous ass holes. And your point is.

    Of course, in a few decades after a few corporate and bank scandals USA becomes too feeble to succeed in the world as 1st rate power, things might change.

  28. LibertyLover says:

    #59, Yes, I am. It’s close to that now.

  29. Dental Palmdale says:

    That is very unfortunate. My heart goes out to the kid. How insensitive of the man to force a young child to remove his leg braces. Sad.


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