Another angle here from ABC News.

  1. AC_in_Mich says:


  2. sargasso says:

    #1. no.

  3. Tim says:

    Please donate to Help for Half Moon Bay. Just send your CASH.

  4. Glass Half Full says:

    Some call it a wave. You stand within 20 yards of the ocean, you might get wet.

  5. GigG says:

    Let’s see, the sky is clear and the wave hits is already wet.

  6. Dallas says:

    Wonder if this had anything to do with Half Moon Bay recent pact with the devil?

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    Whatever happened to calling them “tidal waves?” It’s not like we are also calling hurricanes, typhoons. Just because they call them tsunami’s in the eastern hemisphere doesn’t mean we need to stop calling them tidal waves.

  8. KagatoAMV says:

    In the ABC story, the CG “artist rendering” of a large wave knocking over the crowd looked like it was made about 10 years ago.

  9. sargasso says:

    Tidal waves are made by the sea floor. Freak waves are a complex combination of tidal bores, storms and coastline wave mixing. You can predict a tidal wave when you sense an earthquake, you cannot predict a freak wave.

  10. nuschu says:

    #10. And Rick James is the only person alive who can accurately predict a Super Freak Wave

  11. denacron says:

    # 11

    Like Elvis.

  12. gmknobl says:

    #11 – Rick James is dead. This explains why no one saw this coming.

  13. Zybch says:

    #10, you’re absolutely right. Nobody could predict when GW Bush would wave.

  14. bill says:

    Oh, let’s see stand right near the ocean on a concrete breakwater with 50′ waves breaking off shore on the reef…

    Doah! After the waves break they keep going right onto the beach!

    This is proof of global warming! The waves are starting to break on the West coast all the time now!

    I’m terrified to live in California now!

  15. Yodas Lovechild says:

    I would have been more impressed if there was someone surfing on it! Mini Tsunami.. common.. Get a grip people..

  16. Steve says:

    Back in the 80’s a tidal wave was predicted to hit San Francisco at around 2:00 pm. Hundreds of people showed up at Ocean Beach to watch.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    I’ll wager some damn climate “scientist” is thinking how they can also blame Global Warming for this.

    The latest propaganda (lie) they’ve come up with is that “they predicted this bad winter” in their press release. Actually, it was a few years ago, that they predicted Hurricanes would become stronger and more numerous. And that DIDN’T happen. They got less frequent (the NWS had to keep revising it’s predictions downward each year). And only a couple storms each year were more than a category 2. 2009 season started really late. And was almost all tropical depressions.

    If anything, the few stronger “storms” were a fluke. Not any sign of Global Warming. And bigger snow storms certainly WASN’T what was originally predicted when they went to press. But it just goes to show us all, how these AGW fanatics are willing to seize upon this year’s “fluke” snowfall, as proof of their own pet theory. But just let skeptics try to use it as proof against AGW. And the whole nation’s bad winter is dismissed as a mere fluke.

    SO HOW IS IT IS OK AS PROOF FOR THEM?! BUT NOT OK AS PROOF AGAINST THEM?! They are clearly practicing a double standard of interpretation. And it’s clearly not REAL science. Unless science has become some kind of bastard child for self-serving liars. Who can claim black is white, white is black, up is down, warm is cold, anything they want is anything they choose it to be. And they don’t actually have to prove anything they dream up, to keep their grant money coming.

  18. gmknobl says:

    Dude, get a grip and read David Brin’s blog so you can actually see what real global warming scientists and real skeptics are.


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