Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we discover new stocks to watch — an ETF! Plus a discussion about the implications of the weird situation in Europe, namely Greece. PLUS predictions.

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  1. Father says:

    Gold is a terrible buy AH, the cost is currently 2.5 times the cost to dig it up and refine it.

    Greece is going to bring the whole house of cards down if they aren’t cutoff.

    I’m trying to push myself into buying some durable goods before hyperinflation begins, but it is difficult to pry the money out of my clenched fist.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    Many of us cannot fathom the events that will occur over the next 9-12 months.

  3. SparkyOne says:

    It is not the loss of faith, it is the loss of job, home and the future

  4. Buzz says:

    We need a running tally on how many of Howitz’s tales of doom and gloom have actually come true. Without the “what I was really saying was…”

  5. USA says:

    It’s nuclear winter here. We are being buried alive in snow. The mayor is acting like Hugo Chavez. I need to go dig out. Never dig in and keep marching.

  6. USA says:

    They had lots of help.

    Goldman Sachs earned about 735 million euros ($1 billion) underwriting Greek government bonds since 2002, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Goldman Sachs underwrote 10 bond sales. Prospectuses for six of them, obtained by Bloomberg, contain no mention of the swaps. The other four couldn’t be obtained.

    Churnem annd Burnem all were paid big bonuses and the newspaper looked the other way. Fishy, there’s nothing fishy here. Easy solution. Give AIG cash for make up, put lipstick on pig, have pig give Goldman AIG cash and send it to greeks wrapped in a blanket with a nice note. Blow out candles.

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    “They had lots of help.”

    Yeah, Greek politicians are trying to pin this on the Vampire Squid. They are like a failed real estate flopper who acquired millions in property with falsified loan documents who then claimed they were a victim of predatory lending when the properties were foreclosed.

    Nice try, and the scapegoating may work. That doesn’t change the fact that crooked Greek politicians and government employees who’ve skimmed the system are the ones at blame.

  8. Buzz says:

    If this headline is true, then now what will the “squeeky wheel” get?

  9. moss says:

    You lot are fracking hilarious in panic mode.

    You do realize, don’t you, the GDP of Greece is less than the GDP of Mississippi?

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #10, It’s just not about money. It’s a test of how the EU handles countries on the fiat currency Euro but not under governmental influence. If the EU bails them out, other countries may try the same crap. If they don’t other countries won’t trust the EU.

    The EU stands a very good chance of disintegrating if Greece can’t fix their own problems.

    What I am curious about is how much the Fed is helping out Greece. Considering their close ties to the banksters, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were.

    And guess who is footing THAT bill as well?

  11. KMFIX says:

    What happened to the home appliance segment of the show? 😉

  12. Orange says: says, “Today in 2020, California’s social safety net has vast, gaping holes. People are afraid to walk in the streets at night. Many families leave California even if it means foreclosure of their property, losing their life savings to get out. They are replaced by flocks of users keen on legalized marijuana and the fast fortunes of illegal drugs. Unemployment is now at 25%. Corruption and intimidation of law enforcement officials is wide-spread. Drug money so easily buys votes that many Californians have turned away from the democratic process. Rates of theft and robbery continue to rise. Foreclosures and evictions have destroyed countless communities and left space to be filled by drug labs and stash houses. Homeless shelters have become opium dens, crowded with addicts and others left behind by under-funded state welfare and drug-treatment programs. Appalled by these conditions, foreign and out-of-state investors have withdrawn; shuttered storefronts and lifeless streets in downtown are hard to miss. Many people from other states now refuse to travel to California, complaining it is too much like Mexico.” Or Greece. California is wrecking the market.

  13. JimD says:


  14. Palooka says:

    Could you post the name and location of the coasters featured in the title photos?

  15. qb says:

    It would be great if Andrew could comment on the S&P net short positions which is at an extreme position.

  16. #15 if you right click on the photo…hit view image and look at the URL it is usually there


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