- I review the Mac World Expo. Summary: dull.
- Google apologizes for Buzz gaffe.
- MSFT anoints AT&T as carrier for it’s upcoming offerings.
- Skype Blackberry deal.
- Apple cracking down again on jail-breaking.
- Look out for Steve Jobs biography.
- Sprint having delays with Android 2.1 OS.
- FCC talks about 100 Mbps to the home. Really? Har.
- Facebook gripes are protected as free speech.
- Rootkit causing problem with Windows.
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“FCC talks about 100 Mbps to the home. Really?” – NY state promised us 50 Mbps to every home in state by 2002 and spent 250 Mil.$… It is 2010 and at least sporadically FIOS is available…
ATT now has APPLE and MS..trouble.
A small group that dont know SQUAT. rather Aim for the FUTURE then what is already needed.
Microsoft will be showing off IE9 at their MIX10 conference. Highlights are much faster Javascript engine and hardware rendering. But if they hit 50/100 on Acid3 then I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Oh and rounded corners for CSS rendering. Rock on.
Can anyone explain how Microsoft can call AT&T the preferred carrier for Win Phone 7? How can they stop Verizon from buying phone from HTC? Will they restrict access to their app store? It sounds like marketing more than anything that has teeth.
Reporting error by J.C.Dvorak: It is NOT LHC in Europe that have created the (likely) hottest matter in the Universe since few microseconds after BigBang.
It is good ol’ USA National Lab in Brookhaven , NY. Proper story (worth appearing in the blog by itself):
Unlike LHC, goal of RHIC accelerator in Brookhaven is not to split single particles but rather create an ultra-hot “primordial soup”, hopefully observing “plasma” consisting of individual quarks.
STOP THE POP – Hey John, you have a loud, obnoxious popping noise in all of your Tech 5 intros (similar to what you’d get if you yanked a plunger from a large hypodermic needle). I’d suggest either lowering the volume a few decibels or removing it completely. The tech 5 podcasts are great – except for that.
I wonder why Microsoft chose AT&T? The are consistantly rated dead last in customer satisfaction year after year.
I’m about half sick of the Microsoft BSOD. Their stupid patches came around at a timewhen I added more RAM to my XP home system. I fixed the problem by taking out 1 of the 3 Megs of RAM, then it worked fine with the 3 Megs of RAM, now it only works with 2 Megs. Their patches coming in every few days throw off the whole business.
#6 dude, STFU
Mac World Exp sucked. We heard it before. From You. Moving on…
Haven’t listened to the podcast, but… How is the Sprint HTC Hero “delayed” in getting Android 2.1? They announced a while ago that it would be 1st half of 2010, and their announcement yesterday via Twitter said it would be early in the 2nd quarter.
Just a quick information: in Portugal we already have optical fiber to home in a large part of the larger cities, and the providers are extending their offer to a large part of the country. It’s usually a triple offer: internet at 50 Mbps or 100 Mbps, TV and telephone. The technology is available, it´s a business matter now.
What does wm7 stand for?
Your abbreviation search returned 0 meanings
No matches for wm7
t0llyb0ng, I think he meant Windows Phone 7 Series. The short form everyone using is WinPhone7 or #winphone7.
Duh, I meant Gigs not Megs in post #8. I used to mean Meg for Windows, but this is the 21st Century now.