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With so many companies having learned to do with fewer workers, moved offshore or no longer exist we’re told we’re heading into a “jobless recovery.” Doesn’t that imply that for many/most of these people there won’t be jobs in the foreseeable future, if ever? Doesn’t that mean unemployment benefits will have to be extended forever?

Should it be extended, or should the already heavily indebted government not spend money this way? Not doing so, of course, would drastically increase the number of homeless since the states can’t really afford their portion now.

Back in December, the qualification dates for existing tiers of unemployment benefits were extended for an additional two months. Time is up at the end of February. Now another extension is needed or millions of workers will lose benefits over the next few months.

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) released a new report last week showing that …

1.2 million jobless workers will become ineligible for federal unemployment benefits in March unless Congress extends the unemployment safety net programs from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). By June, this number will swell to nearly 5 million unemployed workers nationally who will be left without any jobless benefits.

Currently, 5.6 million people are accessing one of the federal extensions (34-53 weeks of Emergency Unemployment Compensation; 13-20 weeks of Extended Benefits, a program normally funded 50 percent by the states).

  1. RTaylor says:

    The, “Dole”, hits the US.

  2. Rufus says:

    The USA is being converted into another China. Cheap plentiful workers with Big Brother watching over them and dissenters will be sent to the camps. All this is possible because criminals in the US government perpetrated 9/11 and blamed it on bogeymen.

  3. Thomas says:

    I would much rather have the government spending taxpayer money to directly help individuals in need than to be blowing it on useless pork projects. Unemployment benefits in a hard recession is frankly on what the government *ought* to be spending taxpayer money.

  4. USA says:

    We have a war and an economy. To win the war, you need full employment as well as deployment. Unemployment is a losing strategy. Do what works and do lots of it. Looks like more snow here, so more work ahead. Hope the roof holds! If not, it’s more work along with future flooding if the thaw is quick. At least the wells won’t run dry. We’ll need plenty of fuel for roads to grind. Thanks public works. Round 3 is upon us, so perform.

  5. chris says:

    I would like to see something like the WPA. Giving unemployment is better than not, but I think people are happier when they are doing something productive.

    If the government is giving out money they should be building public goods at the same time.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    I let a couple go last year. I would like to have them back. They were friends and well trained.

    If the taxes were cut on my business, I could afford to hire someone.

    Where has the money gone they are constantly taking now?

    Oh, that’s right . . . bailouts.

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    #1 Its been here, called welfare.
    #2 Conspiracy much?
    #3 Agreed.
    #4 Sorry cannot follow your argument to disjointed, or inside information.
    #5 Agreed, but it won’t happen.
    #6 True.
    #7 Eat the rich.

  8. SparkyOne says:

    18 months without full time work.

    I had a career, a home and two bright kids going to university in California.

    After chapter 7 I still owe federal and state taxes. If they extend the benefits maybe I won’t end up in debtors’ prison.

  9. Guyver says:

    Two Thirds of the money from the Stimulus Bill have yet to be spent. Remember this was the money we just had to have or else it was the end for the USA?

    Obama is probably going to pull an FDR and spend much of that in areas that Democrats MIGHT win in the coming election.

    Battleground areas will get jobs created thanks to big government and taxpayers as elections get closer. Strongly Republican areas will get no Stimulus love.

  10. DavidtheDuke says:

    #2, everyone is turning the USA into China. People want goods at the cheapest goods and it’s going to basically evolve into a global Malthusian scenario in all terms including economically, morally, and food supply.

  11. Orange says:

    Start a carbon credit scam. I won’t drive my pickup truck today, so you can buy my carbon credits and if you don’t drive next Friday I get some back from you. You can run the wifes tiyota on old cooking oil after you fry chicken.

  12. RTaylor says:

    My father worked building schools in the CCC. It was a different era. Manual labor ruled, and buildings went up brick by brick, and the shovel or spade was the most common tool. It was back breaking work. I don’t see that being repeated unless the whole society breaks down. Do you know why many men are replaced by an excavator, or even a backhoe? My father went to enlist in the Navy the day after Pearl Harbor. It was more about getting out of hoisting bricks and mortar than patriotism.

  13. godfish says:

    I have been off for 11 months now and it looks like I’m going to be off for another 6 months at least. Nothing here in Oregon is getting any better for people out of work. I’m so depressed and feel almost worthless, I’m highly trained in my field and 16 years exp, but when theres no openings that’s it you sit. The extra gov-cheese is very helpful and is the only reason my wife and I are making it now.

    If I had the money I would try and start a business but who would buy?

    The gov-cheese will be extended, Or the USA will get even worse. The only reason most shops are able to stay open is the money we get, and if you think we are living high on the hog with all this extra money? 250 a week is not much but with the wife working its helping a lot.

    Where I used to repair and build HVAC systems now I’ll be a farmer and try and grow food this summer, If I have one thing going for me it’s that I filed BK and this june I’ll be out of chp 13, and my car will be payed off then too. So if you want my stinking corps to feed your golf course? you’ll have to come and get it.

  14. KiltedTim says:

    #7: Lazy? You’re kidding, right? I’ve worked hard my whole life. Now, it’s been 6 months since I was laid off. If the benefits aren’t extended, I’m going to have to work 2 minimum wage jobs just to equal the amount of unemployment income I get. Assuming I can even find 2 minimum wage jobs in Cleveland… Luckily, I have no substantial debt or I’d already be in big trouble.

    Let’s see how you feel when it gets so bad that it finally hits you in the pocket.

  15. Faxon says:

    To earn their handout, the unemployed should be given ticket books and shorts and become green police. It could happen. What became of BO’s Nazi youth program???

  16. Phydeau says:

    I’ve been unemployed and the benefits were a lifesaver. Better to give $500/week to someone who needs it to put food on the table for their kids, then billions to already rich bankers and CEOs.

  17. Guyver says:

    Rather than robbing Peter to give Paul $500/week, why not give businesses more tax breaks / incentives to foster job creation?… that is unless you’d rather have a social state.

  18. chris says:

    Technology has advanced since the depression era jobs programs, but so has the workforce. I don’t think matching people to projects would be a problem.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    #20, But seriously, we already are giving businesses tax breaks and incentives, but these things take time to develop.

    Which ones? I haven’t seen any yet.

  20. bac says:

    #18 — Most businesses are doing fine with the employees they have now because no one is purchasing services or goods. Will tax breaks to businesses cause people to shop? Businesses would have to hire and give employees raises to cause a major purchasing spree.

    I worked at an appliance retailer. When the housing market died so did the appliance business. If the appliance business is to ramp up again, more homes and condos need to be built. But in order for those buildings to be built people need to purchase the vacant ones out there now.

    How many here who are employed are buying cars, homes and appliances? Probably not many.

  21. The0ne says:

    IMO, this can’t continue. It doesn’t solve anything for the long term. People need work in order to provide for themselves and their love ones. Work is where stability starts, without it you’re just making the situation harder and harder every month.

    There’s also dangers such as dependencies on state/government help, more so than there are now. Then you have issues of education where kids can’t be in school. Some people or families will find themselves in the drug zone eventually.

    The state and government should try to do what is best for its citizens. I don’t know how the fck CA will do this but some out there might. As for the government, well…they’re fighting each other internally so I see no light there either. However, no matter how bad things appear we must do what is needed if only for the people!

  22. Macbandit says:

    I’m currently on unemployment and would be in bankruptcy without it. I do have a few irons in the fire and will probably be able to start making money this year sometime (fingers crossed). The problem is there aren’t any jobs here in Oregon not even below minimum (off the books) jobs. For every jobs I apply to there are at least 50 others applying as well. My biggest problem right now is that I’ve been on unemployment for 11 months and if they don’t extend I’ll be screwed. Personally I would be willing to work for unemployment. I think there are a lot of jobs the government could fill with people on unemployment or even create new ones like cleaning up streets and parks. I’d do just about anything the government asked of me just to earn my unemployment.

  23. ECA says:

    I said it before, and will AGAIN..

    LET THE STATE/FED put them to work.
    there is TONS of experience out there that CAN be used.
    redo the web sites
    FIX roads
    redesign OFFICE, sewer systems, and TONS of other things..
    THEY now have a cheap work force..

  24. LibertyLover says:

    #26 Touche’ 🙂

  25. ECA says:

    30+ million Unemployed..
    Let the gov put them to work, and TAX the companies NOT hiring them.

  26. LibertyLover says:

    #28, And force me to lay someone else off?

    That’s smart.

  27. wirelessg says:

    My following point will be simple, but I do not make it to embarrass as after over 20 years with a company, I have spent the last year in and out of paying jobs.

    Make two lists. The first list is what you would love to do for a job, even if you are not trained for it. Have fun with it.

    The second list is made up of jobs that you never could see yourself doing EVER, whether it is demeaning, tedious, above your mental capacity, too dirty, low pay, long hours, too stressful, too physical, etc.

    Take a look at the two lists.

    The second list is hiring.

  28. jescott418 says:

    When is the government going to learn that you can’t give out tax breaks to make companies hire more workers when demand is down and they don’t need them. The tax breaks don’t take care of the added expenses associated with new hiring.

  29. Hmeyers says:

    Fuck no. Learn to adapt.

    Welcome to the new future. It is scary at first, but then you’ll learn you can, in fact, survive.

    Most of you and your partisan politics are living in jobless world you deserve because your low standards for politicians have run the country into the ground.

    Now it’s time to sleep in that bed …


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