Daylife/AP Photo used by permission

Why is this man smiling?

Facing a $2.8 billion deficit and pending insolvency, Washington State’s House Bill 3176 proposes changes to its B&O Royalty tax that would give Microsoft an estimated $100 million tax cut annually and possible amnesty for more than a billion dollars in past tax evasion.

Under current law, all of Microsoft’s worldwide licensing revenues of approximately $20.7 billion annually are taxable at .484 percent or ~$100.1 million. Under the new law, only the portion of software licenses sold to Washington state customers would be taxable – perhaps resulting in less than a million annually in royalty tax from the company.

The lead sponsor of HB3176 is Democratic Representative Ross Hunter, who represents Medina, home to Bill Gates and a number of current and former Microsoft billionaires and multi-millionaires, and other areas around Microsoft’s corporate campus.

BTW, Hunter is a former Microsoft manager.

Thanks, Cináedh

  1. billabong says:

    A billionaire with a 2 dollar haircut.

  2. chris says:

    Why isn’t it taxed as normal income?

  3. Orange says:

    WaPo writer says, “Lehman Brothers is now dead, while Merrill Lynch lives on. What’s the lesson? Having a single, dominant personality run a global financial business is a recipe for disaster.” Microsoft could be in trouble and be the last to know it. That happened to GM and nobody was giving away free cars. People are giving away software, so go figure. Even toyota is having software troubles. Them’s the brakes.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Old strategic tax evasion. Threaten to move a lot of jobs out of state, and the legislators will cave. Steve Jobs played this hand with Cupertino years ago. Public companies exists to make money for shareholders. If you want to rip capitalism apart and replace it with something better great. But give me a working sustainable model.

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    It is rude of Washington state to tax their corporate overlords. I’d bet that my state would make them a much sweeter deal to relocate here, and we might even throw in a few hookers to seal the deal.

    Tax competition can get cutthroat.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    The whole goal of the “Reagan Revolution” was to turn the majority of Americans into hacks for big corporations.

    And it worked. And we got this economy.

  7. Colorado says:

    Sounds about right to me. Corporations don’t pay taxes they add it on to my bill. So why should I be paying a sales tax to Washington State? What do they do for me?

  8. Greg Allen says:

    >> # 1 billabong said, on February 15th, 2010 at 8:08 am
    >> A billionaire with a 2 dollar haircut.

    That’s the conservative vision for America. The richer you get, the less you pay back to society.

    Here’s what I say, since corporations now have the constitutional rights of real humans, they should pay the same income taxes as the rest of us real humans — 30%, off the top. No loop holes.

  9. Faxon says:

    OK with me. I don’t live in Washington.

  10. richard says:

    @ Greg Allen

    So it’s the republican’s fault how democrats run the corporations? Opps… do you believe all of the evil CEOs are republicans? Look again.

  11. chris says:

    #4 There’s nothing anti-capitalism about desiring corporations to pay taxes like everybody else.

    If you want to stop states from a race to the bottom on corporate taxation then the feds should set a floor on corp tax levels that states can impose.

  12. MikeN says:

    So does this apply to all corporations or just Microsoft? No problem with trying to make the state more hospitable to corporations to put their headquarters.

  13. sargasso says:

    Must be a nightmare, having Microsoft and Boeing in your state. Like living next door to a family of alcoholic elephants. You know it’s going to end badly, just smile and wave and wait for them to leave.

  14. ECA says:

    And a 100million will help the state?? DONT THINK SO..

  15. chris says:

    #14 Why shouldn’t this income be taxed as regular income? 20B at 15% is 3.5B. That solves the problem.

  16. chris says:

    Sorry, 3B not 3.5B

  17. Thomas says:

    Businesses do not pay tax, income or otherwise. If a company’s costs increase there are only three choices (which can be done in combination):
    1. Increase revenue (generally through higher prices)
    2. Lower costs (generally through firing people)
    3. Lower profit margin

    The very last resort is #3. Thus, a “30% tax off the top” will probably translate into a 30% increase in prices and/or a bunch of layoffs.

  18. ECA says:

    Thomas has it,
    A company PAYS FOR NOTHING, it all(every bit) gets transferred to the CUSTOMER, OR FIRING..
    Very seldom do you see those on the TOP take a HIT in the pocket..
    Even #3 will end up in LOWER customer service, Fired Employees, SLOWER development.

  19. Sea Lawyer says:

    Uh, where else is Microsoft paying its taxes? I am assuming that it pays taxes in the other countries it operates on revenue earned in those countries. Why does Washington state think it’s entitled to global revenues also?

  20. chris says:

    My state taxes me on money taken by the feds. My city taxes me on money taken by the feds and the state. Why should Microsoft get a better deal than that?

  21. Skeptic says:

    I say offer them the tax break… but for something in return. Perhaps a contract to stay put for 100 years, and regulations on outsourcing to protect local jobs.

    I’m not even in your country, but there has to be a way that everyone benefits.

  22. USA says:

    Using open source software, the US Navy was able to standardize the shipboard systems on its new destroyers, reducing the complexity of the ship’s systems and their reliance on proprietary real-time software. Wall Street now uses this same technology to execute orders predictably, without relying on vendor-specific hardware and software.”

    It’s a cash and carry world. Sometimes you pay a little, sometimes you pay a lot and there are the times when you pay everything. OSS is a powerful force. We can’t gamble with national security.

  23. Lou says:

    Sad !

  24. USA says:

    “The Fed is gambling that private investors will step in to buy the securities, helping to keep rates from spiking. Senior officials in the Obama administration and at the Fed say they are counting in part on foreigners to keep the housing market funded.” WaPo reports. Gambling created the mess, so maybe gambling can fix it. Maybe the genius types at AIG are in charge of the financial engineering. If we sell all your houses to China or Dubai, we can get a fat bonus. Everybody can pay for the same real estate twice. Instead of just sending your jobs overseas, you’ll send your mortgage payment there. It needs to work for Microsoft, so you guys get tax benefits. I never pay for the same real estate twice.

  25. amodedoma says:

    Joe Schmuck works 2 minimum wage jobs and pays nearly one third of his income in taxes, M$ pays less than half a percent. Joe Schmuck makes a $1,000 mistake in his income tax declaration and the government prosecutes him with the full weight of the law. M$ intentionally evades a billion and buys some politicians to get amnesty. Not only is this patently unfair, it’s clear that the entire system is heading for a meltdown.
    It’s not too late to emigrate!

  26. Rich says:

    Perhaps we could shift our focus here…why should Washington state by allowed to screw ANY person or corporation to feed a bloated, insatiable bureaucracy?

  27. Phydeau says:

    Funny… corporations want to be treated like people until it comes to paying taxes like people. What a surprise.

  28. amodedoma says:

    #28 Pedro, Here in Europe if somebody owed a billion in taxes they sure as hell wouldn’t be able to get amnesty this way. Also you can be sure the only reason you got M$ headquarters there still is because they pay less taxes there than anywhere else. I ain’t sayin’ this kind of crap doesn’t go on, I’m just saying they have to use more discretion or there are serious political consequences. In the US big money owns both political parties, so there it’s irrelevant.

  29. JimD says:


  30. JimD says:

    A PostScript: If, as “Supremes” have ruled, Corporations have all the Free Speech Rights as any other Citizen, why aren’t Corporations paying the PERSONAL INCOME TAX, LIKE ANY OTHER CITIZEN ? Distinguishing between Classes of Citizens is a VIOLATION OF THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE !!!

    PostPostScript: What’s with the picture of Uncle Fester ?


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