“So I gets a boot to the head, trampled, and buried under the mosh pit during the ’86 Anthrax gig. So what happens? Spanks here hob nails the turf during a 26 minute Rush tribute band guitar solo and digs me up just now. One boot to the groin and pucker your butt I wakes up. No worries, eh?”
Obama supporters enjoying a get-together to celebrate the “Hope and Change” of double digit unemployment. (with even higher numbers predicted by the White House this week)
For Kindle and with free ePub version. Only $9.49 Great reading.
Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
Happy hour for the Tea Party.
Democratic National Convention VIP and speakers area.
“Been strung out on Meth for 18 years, and see it aint had any affect on me appearance, or attitude”
Bush supporters in denial
How I met your mother
Extra’s from the Road Warrior after a hard days shooting.
Crackpot and Buzzkill?
Eideard and Uncle Dave rockin’ the Casbah.
John looks tired.
“burned in my retina”
Dvorak and Curry finally received enough “donations” to resume their lifestyle.
The 2 founding members of the “He-Man Woman Haters Club”
The cast for the remake of Deliverance.
progressive obama voters
Undercover Boss on CBS. We are AIG salesmen.
Caption: “Got Insurance”.
“So I gets a boot to the head, trampled, and buried under the mosh pit during the ’86 Anthrax gig. So what happens? Spanks here hob nails the turf during a 26 minute Rush tribute band guitar solo and digs me up just now. One boot to the groin and pucker your butt I wakes up. No worries, eh?”
The guy on the right looks like a grown up, burnt out Calvin. And his friend is a human version of Hobbes that has had too much cat nip.
Nancy Pelosi’s cousin Dilbert and Uncle Hubert
Which way to the Sheeps?
We just scored a gig at next years Super Bowl halftime show!
This job fair just isn’t working out for us.
Good. Only about half the posters here found a way to make this a political issue. Way to go, gang.
Punkabilly Founders: Judd & Zeke do their version of Rebel Yell.
Hey John, You remember that girl you met that time we went to that party in Arkansas?
This is why we don’t have nice things.
Family camping day at Boy Scouts of America.
Obama supporters enjoying a get-together to celebrate the “Hope and Change” of double digit unemployment. (with even higher numbers predicted by the White House this week)
#25 Pedrito said “Poor excuse for a human being”
Wow. Are you trying to get my attention or just competing with Dodd for most obnoxious?
Looks like 6 more weeks of punk rock.
“Mr Fusion” and “the Right Said” finally reveal what they look like