1. Dallas says:

    Happy hour for the Tea Party.

  2. Loupe Garou says:

    Democratic National Convention VIP and speakers area.

  3. I says:

    “Been strung out on Meth for 18 years, and see it aint had any affect on me appearance, or attitude”

  4. The Right says:

    Bush supporters in denial

  5. Bill says:

    How I met your mother

  6. DrDuran says:

    Extra’s from the Road Warrior after a hard days shooting.

  7. Chris Mac says:

    Crackpot and Buzzkill?

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    Eideard and Uncle Dave rockin’ the Casbah.

  9. overtemp says:

    John looks tired.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “burned in my retina”

  11. Animby says:

    Dvorak and Curry finally received enough “donations” to resume their lifestyle.

  12. Amar says:

    The 2 founding members of the “He-Man Woman Haters Club”

  13. tlmck says:

    The cast for the remake of Deliverance.

  14. goreacle says:

    progressive obama voters

  15. USA says:

    Undercover Boss on CBS. We are AIG salesmen.
    Caption: “Got Insurance”.

  16. qb says:

    “So I gets a boot to the head, trampled, and buried under the mosh pit during the ’86 Anthrax gig. So what happens? Spanks here hob nails the turf during a 26 minute Rush tribute band guitar solo and digs me up just now. One boot to the groin and pucker your butt I wakes up. No worries, eh?”

  17. ryan says:

    The guy on the right looks like a grown up, burnt out Calvin. And his friend is a human version of Hobbes that has had too much cat nip.

  18. Bah Humbug says:

    Nancy Pelosi’s cousin Dilbert and Uncle Hubert

  19. Fauge says:

    Which way to the Sheeps?

  20. Knightheat says:

    We just scored a gig at next years Super Bowl halftime show!

  21. Special Ed says:

    This job fair just isn’t working out for us.

  22. Faxon says:

    Good. Only about half the posters here found a way to make this a political issue. Way to go, gang.

  23. Donal says:

    Punkabilly Founders: Judd & Zeke do their version of Rebel Yell.

  24. kellydehn says:

    Hey John, You remember that girl you met that time we went to that party in Arkansas?

  25. marty0577 says:

    This is why we don’t have nice things.

  26. sargasso says:

    Family camping day at Boy Scouts of America.

  27. jbenson2 says:

    Obama supporters enjoying a get-together to celebrate the “Hope and Change” of double digit unemployment. (with even higher numbers predicted by the White House this week)

  28. Dallas says:

    #25 Pedrito said “Poor excuse for a human being”

    Wow. Are you trying to get my attention or just competing with Dodd for most obnoxious?

  29. andrewj says:

    Looks like 6 more weeks of punk rock.

  30. goreacle says:

    “Mr Fusion” and “the Right Said” finally reveal what they look like


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