Also in attendance at this years “My mother wasted nine months on me” gala, nominees Tommy “Tommahawk” Jones 47 and his step brother Charles “Chicken Stick”
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White Supremacists… the oxymoronic movement.
Computer aging simulation of Sid Vicious had he not died.
#30 Dallas
It’s just dull pedro.
pedro and Dodd at the Olympics.
Also in attendance at this years “My mother wasted nine months on me” gala, nominees Tommy “Tommahawk” Jones 47 and his step brother Charles “Chicken Stick”
Oh, look! It’s Uncle Dave…
So weak. Uber pwnage.
Did you like the gift Dallas gave you for Valentines Day?
I hear syphilis is in this year.
I told him to try Spinach next time…
Double pwnage.
#39. Nice photo of their practice run. They were ultimately disqualified for doing the race in a 69 mount.
#20 Ewe guessed it.
Sweet, I aced my Walmart-ology class!!!
More people trying out individuality just to turn out looking like idiots.
That’s aimed at you Emo-goth guy.