The British National party today voted to scrap its whites-only membership ­policy in a move dismissed by anti-racist campaigners as “cosmetic”.

At an extraordinary general meeting held in Essex, members of the far-right party voted in favour of changes to its constitution that would theoretically allow black and Asian people to join.

Following the result, the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, said he expected a “trickle, rather than a flood” of applications. “Anyone can be a member of this party. We are happy to accept anyone as a member providing they agree with us that this country should remain fundamentally British,” Griffin told Sky News.
Asked whether the BNP was no longer racist, [BNP spokesperson] Darby said: “Let’s put it like this: if, as a result of this, a court rules that we are now a bona fide party, that’s a great stamp of approval. If anyone says we are racist, we can say ‘no we’re not, it’s been proved in court’.”

As for whether the BNP would genuinely welcome members of “all colours and creeds”, Darby said: “I’m not prepared to even say that until we have the court ruling. I’m not going to stray into the realms of that sort of terminology.”

Earlier Griffin said ethnic minority members would be accepted if they agreed with the party’s aims.

He told the BBC: “They’ll be accepted, they’ll be welcomed, providing they’re there to do the things that we want to do, and providing they accept and agree with our principles, which is that multiculturalism, we believe, has been a failure. It was imposed on the British people without any consent, by the political elite. It’s still going on, it’s madness and it’s time to shut the doors.”

Ha! We’ll accept you and welcome you, as long as you agree with our policy of having you kicked out of the country. The BNP apparently doesn’t have the cojones to fight the ruling.

  1. USA says:

    People join political parties like the Germans became nazis.

  2. Of course its cosmetics. The only reason why the BNP have removed the whites only claused was because a court case ruled that they either had to accept anyone, or will no longer be a legal entity.

    However, I think the BNP will find that there is a surprisingly large amount of immigrants to this country who are also pro-British and anti-immigration, much like there are many hespanic Americans who are quite deragatory towards illegal hespanic immigrants.

  3. Personally, I think immigration is the best way to ensure that useless lazy people don’t get any special privileges just because of where they are born. If you want to be a lazy useless country, ban immigration, if you want to stay competitive, let the smart and the hardwork from around the world join your ranks!

  4. JScott says:

    #2 Even Hispanics are anti-HEspanic, but are they anti-SHEspanic? Everyone loves spicy shespanics.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Slaughter… intolerance… looting… molestation of women.

    This is also how many Muslims view the Christian west.

    It is always fascinating to me how people can be so isolated from each other.

  6. USA says:

    Here the political elite support the American Insurance Gestapo. They have your mortgage covered. I guess you pay or it’s to the gas chamber for the good of the party. The party built new luxury boxes to watch the sports and hobnob. Can’t clear snow for seven days. And the banks are failing left and right.

  7. dusanmal says:

    @#3 “If you want to be a lazy useless country, ban immigration” – would be true in USA and USA-like countries. Unfortunately, EU members have very different rules which are abused by many immigrants on purpose (including many of my own countryman, I am immigrant here in US). For many people from poor countries minimal guaranteed assistance from the Big EU Gov. is more than enough not just to live but to help people back home (when I first came to USA, 17000$ per year was enough both to live and help my family back home…). Guaranteed money without work is simply a great incentive for people who would immigrate for all wrong reasons. There are good and hard working people in each poor country who love to immigrate for all good reasons. They are not a problem, but they do not need guaranteed Gov. handouts. Most EU immigration problems (including perception of immigrants from the native population) could be solved by strict immigration policies (no illegal immigration) and by not allowing immigrants to be unproductive burden on the society. Any support for nuts like the BNP would be drastically cut by such policies. Good both for the host countries and immigrants. Not PC, though.

  8. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    You have to have Asians. That calculus won’t do itself. And a token knee grow…

  9. Skeptic says:

    If you don’t like where you live, come to Canada eh? You can settle in along the -soon to be- popular Northwest Passage. All the scientists who ever lived guarantee it will be clear sailing from now on.

  10. USA says:

    The enemy is smart and determined. They fooled the CIA, put a bomber on a US jet and have future plans. Islam is in death throes, all of which makes it more dangerous than ever. Nuclear bombing might actually be mercy killing. That would end the war on terror fast. Wouldn’t work politically, because politics is now about popularity and not security. Look at Haiti, all politics and no security. Send your cash, we’ll spend it wisely. We’re popular.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >>USA said, on February 14th, 2010 at 3:57 pm
    >> Islam is in death throes, all of which makes it more dangerous than ever.

    If by “death throes” you mean “one of the fastest growing religions.”

  12. Rick Cain says:

    The BNP would do better to allow everybody in but muslims, because after all thats what will destroy the UK, islam.

  13. sargasso says:

    The British have tolerated violent racist nut cases in an effort to appear “fair”. Now that the BNP and others like the various radical Islamic brotherhoods have reached a political threshold, which allows them to essentially control towns and make laws in the UK, things can only get worse.

  14. ECA says:

    this is a party that cant understand WORDS..
    AS a jew would ask, WHERE IS JEW LAND??
    AS a Methodist, I would ask where’s the METH land..
    I could add more, but this is just stupid.

    I also point OUT to those that THINK they are American..And you have how much American/incan/Aztec Blood in your system??

  15. MikeN says:

    Apparently Tony Blair opened the floodgates of immigration as a social policy to remake Britain, in a more leftist direction.

  16. USA says:

    Jim Jones was fast growing. Lots of kool-aid for all. Religion can make people nuts. It’s growing until it’s not. Hijacking jets is one problem. A whole religion was hijacked, which is a whole lot of other problems. We are getting more snow white and for the record Al Gore is full of crap. We have roofs collapsing from global cooling here.

  17. qb says:

    The growth rate of Islam is 2.9% which is above the population growth rate of 2.6%.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    Definitely time to change the words to the the song Rule Britannia.

    Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
    Britons never will be slaves.

    You hate to see it when a once great people trade freedom for slavery without so much as a whimper.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    >> USA said, on February 14th, 2010 at 5:26 pm
    >> Jim Jones was fast growing. Lots of kool-aid for all. Religion can make people nuts. It’s growing until it’s not.

    My point was that it’s kinda nuts to say that Islam is in death throes — it’s a huge religion, getting bigger.

    (By the way, approximately 0.00000001% of Muslims have every hijacked an airplane yet you typify the whole religion that way.)

    It’s also nuts to use Al Gore as some make-or-break for global warming.

    The vast majority of climatologists believe in global warming ( ), based in a vast body of peer-reviewed studies. It’s about science, not your personal feelings about Al Gore.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    … oh. and it’s kind of chilly in my house, right now. So I guess that disproves global warming, too.

  21. JScott says:

    It always amazes me how radical ideologies get taken seriously. Research shows that people who hold such ideas tend to have lower IQ scores and are looking for someone to blame. Even the news cycle on TV is low on substantive debate because of all the deception and hyperbole. No one wants to simply call on radicals to substantiate their ideas. Dick Cheney did it today and Sarah Palin is getting quite good at it. (captured in the little satire of her I posted, even if it is stupid)

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #20-Greg Allen

    Man-made global warming is a scam and always has been.

    I mean how much of a fool do you have to be to fall for the line that it’s cold because of global warming?

    It’s pure idiocy on the face of it.

  23. qb says:

    Greg Allen,

    The highest murder rates by country are Columbia, Jamaica, Venezuela, Russia, and the United States. The Russian rate sky rocketed after the fall of communism, rise of democracy, and the drop in atheism towards Christianity.

    Obviously, Christians are violent. Only stands to reason, right?

  24. Skeptic says:

    100% of Muslim murderers have killed someone.

  25. qb says:

    The head of the largest climate change study ever undertaken in Canada says the Arctic sea ice is thinning faster than expected.

    “It’s happening much faster than our most pessimistic projections,” said University of Manitoba Prof. David Barber, the lead investigator of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead study. A flaw lead is the term for open water between pack ice and coastal ice.”

    Last year was the second warmest in the last 150 years – remember you have to take temperatures over water, not just land. The thing that cracks me up about the goofs is that they think most of the planet is covered by dirt. Explains why they didn’t pass Grade 6 science class.

  26. Skeptic says:

    Re: qb #25, “Arctic sea ice is thinning faster than expected.”

    …which proves the earth is male.

    Top o’ the world to yea.

  27. qb says:

    Skeptic, but the waistline is expanding.

  28. Skeptic says:

    qb… and the south pole isn’t getting any action.

    … premature global aging. Now we just have to find out what is causing it. Maybe he’s not over Venus…

  29. qb says:


    It depends on which side of the south pole you look at. Apparently it’s a switch hitter.

    BTW, viva la Bilodeau. And Groves ain’t too shabby. And did you see the women’s team last night? 16-0? Now, if the mens’ team will only play like a bunch of women.

  30. Skeptic says:

    Our first gold…. and he was flawless. I missed the women’s hockey. (working till wee hours on a tight deadline.)


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