The British National party today voted to scrap its whites-only membership ­policy in a move dismissed by anti-racist campaigners as “cosmetic”.

At an extraordinary general meeting held in Essex, members of the far-right party voted in favour of changes to its constitution that would theoretically allow black and Asian people to join.

Following the result, the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, said he expected a “trickle, rather than a flood” of applications. “Anyone can be a member of this party. We are happy to accept anyone as a member providing they agree with us that this country should remain fundamentally British,” Griffin told Sky News.
Asked whether the BNP was no longer racist, [BNP spokesperson] Darby said: “Let’s put it like this: if, as a result of this, a court rules that we are now a bona fide party, that’s a great stamp of approval. If anyone says we are racist, we can say ‘no we’re not, it’s been proved in court’.”

As for whether the BNP would genuinely welcome members of “all colours and creeds”, Darby said: “I’m not prepared to even say that until we have the court ruling. I’m not going to stray into the realms of that sort of terminology.”

Earlier Griffin said ethnic minority members would be accepted if they agreed with the party’s aims.

He told the BBC: “They’ll be accepted, they’ll be welcomed, providing they’re there to do the things that we want to do, and providing they accept and agree with our principles, which is that multiculturalism, we believe, has been a failure. It was imposed on the British people without any consent, by the political elite. It’s still going on, it’s madness and it’s time to shut the doors.”

Ha! We’ll accept you and welcome you, as long as you agree with our policy of having you kicked out of the country. The BNP apparently doesn’t have the cojones to fight the ruling.

  1. qb says:

    Bilodeau won that gold for his brother. Quite a story.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    >> Dr Dodd said, on February 14th, 2010 at 6:29 pm
    >> #20-Greg Allen

    >> Man-made global warming is a scam and always has been.

    Hmmm. Should I take YOUR word for it or rely on real scientists who do real studies?

    >> I mean how much of a fool do you have to be to fall for the line that it’s cold because of global warming?

    Who says that? Global warming is a trend. It’s not debunked because it’s snowing a lot outside your window right now. It happens to be unseasonably warm where I am right now. But this doesn’t matter either.

    What matters is real science. Not what Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck say — real science.

    >> It’s pure idiocy on the face of it.

    I don’t believe the bogus claims ABOUT global warming that the anti-science crowd makes. For example, what real scientist is saying that “line” about the cold? Did you just make that up or hear it on Fox?

  3. Greg Allen says:

    >> qb said, on February 14th, 2010 at 6:52 pm
    >> The Russian rate sky rocketed after the fall of communism, rise of democracy, and the drop in atheism towards Christianity.

    Are you seriously claiming that more than 20 (or so) million people have been murdered since atheists quit running the Soviet Union?

    >> Obviously, Christians are violent. Only stands to reason, right?

    Christian are violent. Even though I am a Christian, I will not deny that. (I also condemn it.)

    But I can’t abide historical-revisionist claim that atheism transforms societies into some form of higher-evolved enlightenment. For most of the 20th Century, atheism was the official and only-tolerated “religion” in several countries and they were hell holes.

    This is personal for me since my religious group was murdered, raped, imprisoned and exiled by atheists because we where supposedly holding society back.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    One cool thing about being a global warming denier is that you can destroy the lives of countless others with your wrongness, yet pay absolutely no personal price.

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    #32-Greg Allen-Should I take YOUR word for it or rely on real scientists who do real studies?

    If you can find a real scientist not fudging the numbers under intimidation of losing grant money then you would have a point.

    The good news is the global warming scam has been exposed for what it is. It’s done as a scare tactic and a way to pick people’s pockets and steal power.

    More and more people are laughing at those who continue with the the global warming deception.

    But since it never ends it should be interesting to see what the leftist come up with next as a global scare that must be fixed right now or we will die in 50 years.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    So the BNP is like the GOP if you sprinkled KKK on them?

    And what does being “fundamentally British” mean? That’s not a ethnic race, that’s a nationality. So anyone born and raised in “Britian” would therefore be fundamentally British.

  7. Holdfast says:

    A cold winter in the US and northern Europe no more disproves Climate change than a Hot summer in Australia proves it.
    Weather is not the same as climate.

    Scientists cannot not say “The evidence is in”. They can say “We have (some) evidence”. The two are not the same thing.

    As an IT worker, I often have difficulty in persuading the determinedly ignorant to believe me. I am still right. I will give the scientific community the respect that I am denied. If they change their opinions, as scientists do, my opinion may well change too.

    I will not allow my opinion to be formed by, right wing politicians, big business and other groups whose interest is in pretending that climate change is unreal.

    Of course some scientists disagree. That is scientific debate. But for some voices, as Adam Curry used to say “follow the money”.

  8. qb says:

    Greg Allen,

    (start loud sarcastic voice) Christian countries have the highest murder rates, therefore all Christians are violent. Muslims have terrorists, therefore all Muslims are terrorists. (stop loud sarcastic voice)

  9. qb says:

    Dr Dodd said “…it should be interesting to see what the leftist come up with next as a global scare…”

    In Canada there is a grass roots movement concerned with climate change coming out of the prairies (especially farmers) from the folks who started the conservative Reform party. Number 1 issue for Christians under 30 in the US? Climate change. Hunters and anglers overwhelming support emission management bills.

    There’s wing nuts on both sides of this issue, but if you keep spouting cold war rhetoric you’re no different than a smelly hippy who chains himself to a Hummer. You might drive a pickup but I bet there isn’t a spec of dirt on it.

  10. RTaylor says:

    The British Empire got us into this Islamic mess, along with other colonizing States. The US was late to the party, and screwed up mostly ex-Spanish colonies. Imperialist squeezed these nations for all they where worth. Only after WWII, and Europe was too broke to maintain power did they leave. How did that White Mans Burden work out Mr. Kipling?

  11. qb says:

    “Who told you that lie?”

    Rick Warren

  12. Dr Dodd says:


    Then Rick Warren wrong.

    However, I do find it difficult to believe he would make such a claim.


  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #44-qb-Number 1 issue for Christians under 30 in the US? Climate change.

    Found no information that substantiates your claim. However, I did discover Rick Warren is against gay marriage which more than explains your reason for dragging him into the discussion.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    The BNP should be allowed to form their own party. That way it is easier to keep tabs on them.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Dr. Dudd

    #32-Greg Allen-Should I take YOUR word for it or rely on real scientists who do real studies?

    If you can find a real scientist not fudging the numbers under intimidation of losing grant money then you would have a point.

    The good news is the global warming scam has been exposed for what it is. It’s done as a scare tactic and a way to pick people’s pockets and steal power.

    I have lost track of the number of times I have asked right wing nut deniers to provide some evidence rebutting what scientist have discovered supporting global warming. So far, they have come up with nothing.

    When the deniers start doing their own research and discovering that AGW isn’t happening, then maybe they won’t look so foolish.

  16. Dr Dodd says:

    #47-Mr Fussion-provide some evidence rebutting what scientist have discovered supporting global warming.

    The idea behind global warming is one of political manipulation more than actual danger to the planet and its temporary occupants.

    If global warming was supported by real data then there would be no need for fake data and government intimidation on scientist to come up with predetermined conclusions.

    Another reason a bit closer to home is the fact that it is bitter cold outside with snow covering 49 states.

    You can say what you want, but common sense dictates this is not something you would see if global warming was anymore than an environmentalist’s wet dream.


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