SOUTHFIELD, MI (Michigan Radio) – A group of Muslim religious scholars has issued a religious document saying that airport body scanners violate Islamic law.

The Fiqh Council of North America issued a Fatwa telling Muslims to avoid the scanners because of Islamic teachings regarding nudity.

There are currently 40 scanners in U.S. airports. The Transportation Security Administration plans to add over 400 more this year, after the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas Day. The suspect in that case, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is a Nigerian Muslim.

Dawud Walid is Director of Michigan’s Council on American Islamic Relations. He supports the fatwa because scanners violate Islamic standards of modesty. “We’re not allowed to be seen by people of the opposite gender, unless it’s for an extreme emergency, like a medical emergency,” Walid says.

Walid says an acceptable alternative would be a pat-down by a same-gender security guard. The TSA says it already offers that option.

It will be interesting to see if the Politically Correct crowd gets behind this.

  1. ECA says:

    And no one to tall ya, that THIS BODY SCANNER would not have worked on this bomber??


  2. deowll says:

    I like the church lady better. I don’t think she ever issued a fatwa.

  3. sargasso says:

    #3. Come on, that’s a lady? Look at the Adam’s apple!

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, this is too good!

    Ok, refuse a body scan if you’re Muslim.

    Good. Then they will have to get the full body search instead.

    Not allowed either?

    Great. NO FLY FOR YOU!!

    Problem solved.

  5. Luc says:

    So they can’t board at American airports? America has discovered a muslim repellent? Awesome!

  6. bill says:


    Ya! G*D!

  7. generalizor says:

    I realize this is a huge generalization, but some in their culture kind of brought this upon themselves.
    Don’t bomb in the first place and this may never have come about.

  8. JScott says:

    I think you are all misunderstanding the principle. I absolutely agree with the fatwa because I am a member of a sect of marijuana smokers who don’t believe in sniffer dogs. We refuse to have our luggage defiled by those lousy, rotten sniffer dogs. You can just take our word that there is no drugs in there. Right?

  9. Lone Wolf says:

    This is so stupid. If they don’t like them just point out that they don’t frekin’ work!

  10. jbenson2 says:

    Ironies of all Ironies

    I can envision Obama and Eric Holder deciding that the body scanner is a violation of the Muslim’s religious rights.

    And end up with Muslims avoiding the scanner while Americans* end up having their nude photos passed around by the TSA.

    (* and yes, Bobo, I know there are Muslim Americans)

  11. Greg Allen says:

    It doubt it is only conservative Muslims who won’t like these million dollar version of the “X Ray Specs” they used to sell in comic books for a buck.

    Just wait until a scan of Jennifer Aniston gets posted on the web.

  12. Ron Larson says:

    Still waiting on the fatwa banning mass murder in the name of Islam of civilians simply because they are not the same exact religion as you.

  13. Wretched Gnu says:

    Well, since “politically correct” = right wing — which is obvious, since only right wing legislation can make it out of Washington, and the media is entirely dominated by 4 conservatives for every 1 liberal — then I doubt it.

  14. Rick Cain says:

    Islam resembles christianity so much. It has no problem with murder and killing, but the moment you can see somebody’s pee-pee they complain bitterly.

  15. chuck says:

    I am disgusted by the idea of TSA agents staring at my naked body.

    And so are the 1000s of women that I’ve e-mailed naked photos of myself to. At least, that’s what their lawyers tell me.

  16. LDA says:

    Some of the 9/11 ‘muslims’ went to a strip joint before boarding (not allowed) so as usual the only people this would effect are not a threat to you.

    They could also do what many religious people do, pick and choose what already suits their beliefs and ignore the rest.

  17. Phydeau says:

    I’m sure the fundie Christians will get their panties in a knot when they see this.

    It’s the fundie mindset, Christian or Muslim, doesn’t matter.

  18. Mike says:

    If it violates their religious laws then it really would not be fair to subject them to this.

    A simple solution would be if someone is Muslim they can skip the scanner. Everyone else would get scanned and that would cover most of us.

  19. Don Quixote says:

    I am against them too. While I’m not a muslim I think the best solution would be full frontal and rear nudity at airports, with a scanner stuck up the rear end of anyone objecting.

    You want to get on a plane, get naked and hand your garments to a TSI person who will put your name on them, plastic bag them, and return them to you at your destination.

    Lost luggage would then be an important part of life when flying to a cold location wouldn’t it.

    I would much prefer to sit on a plane with 300 naked Arabs, than with one who nestles his balls in plastic explosives.

  20. steve says:

    How about a special line for split-tail?

  21. Rick Cain says:

    #16, the 9/11 hijackers went to strip clubs because they were “Takfiri”. Essentially they were martyrs given special permissions by their “leaders” to hang out with single women, drink, go to strip clubs, etc… as long as they purified themselves with ritual, prayer and fasting before they went on their suicide mission.

  22. Phydeau says:

    #20 You’re so cute, little pedro. The anti-loyal little doggie. Whatever Obama says, you’re against it. Cute but predictable.

    BTW, criticized any Republicans lately? No, I thought not. Someday maybe you’ll muster up some courage and admit you’re a Republican. But until you grow up and grow a pair, you can play your transparent little charade.

    Little children pretending to be tough guys… sheesh.

  23. Phydeau says:

    #25 Dang, sorry you’re having trouble sleeping there little pedro. Guess whatever you’re repeating to yourself 2000 times isn’t working?

    Maybe having a little integrity and honesty would help with that. 😉

  24. Fik says:

    THIS is an example of an (almost) self-regulating phenomena. If you are a religious extremist, you are both prone to terrorist acts on planes and banned by your own extremism to (follow the rules to) board planes.
    I for one don’t care who sees my fat naked x-rayed body if that means feeling safer on a plane.
    Of course, now we must find a way to screen out the terrorist that poses as an religious extremist, and is in the suicide business only because of the afterlife 40000 virgins.
    And do the same for trains and subways (remember Arnold on Total Recall?)


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