If he’s thinking that and acting on that, does that mean he’s already a lame duck? The Republicans seem to be acting like it to boost November. They’re watching out for themselves even more than usual — if that’s even possible for a politician — no matter what it does to the country.

There is, I think, an amazing political fact right now that is hiding in plain sight and is rich with implications. It was there in President Obama’s Jan. 25, pre-State of the Union interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, who was pressing him about his political predicaments. “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,” he said. “And I—and I believe that.”

Now this is the sort of thing presidents say, and often believe they believe, but at the end of the day they all want two terms. Except that Mr. Obama shows every sign of meaning it, and if he does, it explains a lot about his recent decisions and actions.

A week after the Sawyer interview, the president had a stunning and revealing exchange with Sen. Blanche Lincoln, the Arkansas Democrat likely to lose her 2010 re-election campaign. He was meeting with Senate Democrats to urge them to continue with his legislative agenda. Mrs. Lincoln took the opportunity to beseech him to change it. She urged him to distance his administration from “people who want extremes,” and to find “common ground” with Republicans in producing legislation that would give those in business the “certainty” they need to create jobs.

While answering, Mr. Obama raised his voice slightly and quickened his cadence. “If the price of certainty is essentially for us to adopt the exact same proposals that were in place leading up to the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression . . . the result is going to be the same. I don’t know why we would expect a different outcome pursuing the exact same policy that got us in this fix in the first place.” He continued: “If our response ends up being, you know . . . we don’t want to stir things up here,” then “I don’t know why people would say, ‘Boy, we really want to make sure those Democrats are in Washington fighting for us.'”

More about the Pharma issue from the video above here. Change you can believe in!

  1. jman says:

    he has no choice in the matter, he will be a one termer

  2. Guyver says:

    Well he’s got two thirds of the stimulus money that we all had to have or else America was going to go Kaputt. He’ll do an FDR and spend it in battleground areas for job creation to make him look good as well as minimizing losses in Democrat seats in Congress.

    All at taxpayers’ expense. Strongly Republican areas will get no Stimulus Love.


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