Nastier than a common harlot , more endowed than a jersey milk cow and able to deep-throat Tiger Woods while pulling a train…
“It’s a bird!”
“What a pair!”
“It’s Silicone-Babe!
For Kindle and with free ePub version. Only $9.49 Great reading.
Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
Huge boobs, No Ass.
Remember to use a 2 to 1 ratio when adding kryptonite to your roofies.
The landscaping is horrible
Attractive young woman spent a fortune to become ugly.
Look ! That is Super Girl , oh no that is not Super Girl that is her arch-rival Super Fake
#3 Dallas wins!
Held up by the same things that hold up bridges: superstructure.
How not to smuggle raisins.
Proof of a global shortage of silicone.
Nastier than a common harlot , more endowed than a jersey milk cow and able to deep-throat Tiger Woods while pulling a train…
“It’s a bird!”
“What a pair!”
“It’s Silicone-Babe!
Homina homina homina …
Twin Peaks the Movie
Jenny was really enjoying her 16th birthday…prior to the Bee’s attacking…
…yeah, but Daddy says I’m the best at it.
This is how nerdy scientists pretend to test the tensile strength of their new space-age polymer fabric.
the super shirt. one size fits all.
Super Snack
…can stop traffic with a single bounce…
No one has ever seen her face.
Super DDuper.
Giggity Giggity Giggity!
Are those things in the center nipples or valve stems?
Dayam Mame!
Toys R Us
She’s no Christina Hendricks.
Creepy. Actually, a huge turn-off.
Dam Boulders!
Okay I know it’s Hoover Dam.
“Dam Hoovers” just doesn’t work.