Found by a very happy Kevin

  1. Unknown_Soldier says:

    Huge boobs, No Ass.

  2. User7 says:

    Remember to use a 2 to 1 ratio when adding kryptonite to your roofies.

  3. Dallas says:

    The landscaping is horrible

  4. ijsbrand says:

    Attractive young woman spent a fortune to become ugly.

  5. zaz says:


  6. reader1 says:

    Look ! That is Super Girl , oh no that is not Super Girl that is her arch-rival Super Fake

  7. wilblake says:

    #3 Dallas wins!

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Held up by the same things that hold up bridges: superstructure.

  9. RJH says:

    How not to smuggle raisins.

  10. RogParish says:

    Proof of a global shortage of silicone.

  11. dadeo says:

    Nastier than a common harlot , more endowed than a jersey milk cow and able to deep-throat Tiger Woods while pulling a train…
    “It’s a bird!”
    “What a pair!”
    “It’s Silicone-Babe!

  12. Walter Bishop says:

    Homina homina homina …

  13. The Reaper of the Metal Mountain says:

    Twin Peaks the Movie

  14. Dennis says:

    Jenny was really enjoying her 16th birthday…prior to the Bee’s attacking…

  15. circuitsmith says:

    …yeah, but Daddy says I’m the best at it.

  16. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is how nerdy scientists pretend to test the tensile strength of their new space-age polymer fabric.

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    the super shirt. one size fits all.

  18. jerry1726 says:


  19. Lou says:

    Super Snack

  20. chris says:

    …can stop traffic with a single bounce…

  21. bseer says:

    No one has ever seen her face.

  22. chuck says:

    Super DDuper.

  23. Me-Mongo says:

    Giggity Giggity Giggity!

  24. Killer Duck says:

    Are those things in the center nipples or valve stems?

  25. fishingmaniac says:

    Dayam Mame!

  26. Jimmy says:


  27. corPSman says:

    Toys R Us

  28. Faxon says:

    Creepy. Actually, a huge turn-off.

  29. WmDE says:

    Dam Boulders!

    Okay I know it’s Hoover Dam.

    “Dam Hoovers” just doesn’t work.


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