Found by a very happy Kevin

  1. ECA says:

    one lady asked me to stop looking at her breasts..
    I said..If you stop writing on them, I’ll stop trying to read them..

    This would be a WHOLE BOOK..Love turning over the pages.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    This was recently found to be a far more effective substitute to water boarding suspected terrorists. Super-boob boarding them into submission. So why wait for 90+ flat-chested virgins, in some afterlife? When this is available NOW!

  3. Carcarius says:

    …. and without noticing the man bruised his cheek walking into a sign post …

  4. The0ne says:

    Darn it, just two holes now? I was looking forward to three to use 🙁

  5. jollygreen21 says:

    Bitch stole my helium balloons!

  6. tradeqqq says:

    Nice Shirt!


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