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Jobs, jobs, [cough cough] jobs! Let’s vote for [cough cough] jobs!

  1. bill says:

    Worth every penny!

    Don’t smoke…

  2. gmknobl says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. TooManyPuppies says:

    #2 is either spam or some really confused dude.

  4. gmknobl says:

    No. In fact, it was a request to put it somewhere where people could learn more about a hot topic here. Moderators might consider putting something up obvious for us to submit material. I can’t find it.

    On the other hand, doesn’t this stop smoking campaign bring another meaning to crackberry?

  5. Animby says:

    I thought the shovel-ready jobs might include grave digging for smokers who refuse to quit.

    But, I’m all in favor of trying innovative ways to get people to quit. I just have a couple of questions:
    1) who’s paying the monthly fees?
    2) BlackBerry? Shouldn’t our stimulus funds be stimulating US companies?

  6. Cristina says:

    SIGN ME UP!!!

  7. USA says:

    “The meteorologist Lorentz has invented yet another expression, the “butterfly effect”. While studying the equations that determine the weather, he noticed that their outcomes are strongly dependent on the initial conditions. The weather is a chaotic system. The tiniest fluctuations in air pressure in one part of the globe may have the most spectacular effects in another part. Thus, a butterfly flapping its wings somewhere in Chicago may cause a tornado in Tokyo. This explains why scientists find it so difficult to predict the weather. To predict future situations, they need to know the present situation in its finest details. But obviously they will never be able to know all the details: they cannot monitor every butterfly flapping its wings! The fewer details they know, the less accurate their long term predictions.”

    Perhaps they will be wrong and begin claiming a smoker in Washington is causing global warming in Florida. They cannot monitor every person smoking. We have snow in 49 states. Hawaii looks like a good option right now from my position. More snow next week.

  8. lionsfan54 says:


    1. What ensures these people will quit? Or, do they just get a BB for saying they will?

    2. Why a phone that expensive? It says they need to call a hotline or text, 24/7. You can do that with a burner phone.

    3. Why? Is the big thing stopping people from quitting that they can’t make a phone call? Really? And, who doesn’t have a phone already?

  9. Animby says:

    USA #7 – Sorry. I don’t know who “invented” the butterfly effect but I’m pretty sure it predates Lorentz who did his work on chaos theory in the 60s. I know Ray Bradbury used it as a plot point in one of the stories in The Illustrated Man in 1951. It may predate him, too.

  10. Animby says:

    By the way, the open, dirty secret is the US gov (and I imagine most governments) do NOT want you to quit smoking. The tax revenue is way too important to them. In fact, I think I read in the last few days they are thinking of adding another $1 per pack tax that will raise many billions per year. That and death panels will save the budget!

  11. Killer Duck says:

    #10 is dead on…

    In China smoking has the added benefit of reducing the life span and would help with the population reduction.

  12. Don Quixote says:

    Why is #11 allowed to spam us.


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