The ex-postie had to drop 20st from his 70st peak last year before he could have the operation, which limits the amount of food going into his stomach.

Now his book, The Journey, will tell how he did it.

He used to gorge on 20,000 calories a day – EIGHT times what the average man eats.

He got so big that firemen once had to knock down a wall so he could be taken to hospital.

  1. interglacialman says:

    How did he do it ??! Did it involve eating less?

  2. killa whale says:

    Our next step in the evolutionary puzzle is not world peace or colonizing the universe. Our primary concern in the modern world is the over-consumption of easy calories. The feat was truly impressive. When our desendents look back with a quizzical eye, I wonder if they will find it arousing.

  3. pwuk says:

    Inside every fat person there’s ~3 people waiting to get out, or more in this case.

  4. Stu says:

    In other news, Silvio Berlusconi has written a book on how to have a happy marriage, with a second volume coming later in the year covering celibacy!

  5. jim says:

    I bet he plays WoW.

  6. testtubebaby says:

    He looks just like me. And I have to use computer sitting like that and with keyboard on my lap.

  7. RTaylor says:

    Maybe he does have something to offer. To get this large certainly involves some emotional or mental issues. Depression will cause some people to lose weight, others to gain. Throw in anxiety with possible agoraphobia, with a carbohydrate addiction, and there you have it. I applaud his effort and going public. I do wish some people would exit the elementary school playground and stop picking on the fat kid, or whoever is deem worthless that day.

  8. chris says:

    Rush doesn’t look well.

  9. chuck says:

    He cut back from 10-dozen donuts a day to just 5-dozen. Less carbs.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    It is a bad state of affairs in this world when there are many hungry people out there, and we have these Real-Life Jabba the Hutt type gluttons, but it’s not like these are well off “rich” people who get this way. “Rich” people tend to have health care and get doctor’s advice before he or she balloon up too much, where as a man like this only gets to see a doctor when it’s an emergency.

    Often people like this are on government assistance, and have no healthcare. However I don’t know if this man is on any sort of assistance, but then again I doubt he has a job being in the condition he is in (and how long it took him to get that way).

    Unless he’s a gold farmer in WoW.

  11. green says:

    Built in armrests…. nice.

  12. dadeo says:

    Fiction or non-fiction?

  13. roastedpeanuts says:

    I don’t understand fat people, particularly ones that are this large.

    In the case of this man, stop bringing him tons of food (literally). No one is “naturally” fat. If the people bringing him food simply brought vitamins, fruits, vegetables, and *some* grains and meats he could not get fatter and would get thinner. Duh.

    How to get thinner: Eat less.

  14. AdmFubar says:

    who the hell brought him all that food??, how does one afford that amount of food?

  15. f. garza says:

    Man I don’t know if I would take any pointers from that guy he looks like he could eat me. Scary

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    #14 my point exactly. He is not a rich man, how exactly is he able to afford all of that food that got him so large in the first place? Food Stamps?

    Even then he must be getting home delivered, which food stamps don’t cover. Someone’s cooking his food, or at least handing it to him since it looks like he never gets out of bed. Probably living with his mom who’s acting as an “enabler.”

  17. zeph says:

    A “stone” turns out to be 14 pounds, or some 6.3 kilos, for those of us living in the 21st century.

  18. Benjamin says:

    Someone enabled him if they brought him food. What happened when Winnie the Pooh got stuck in Rabbit’s hole? He got no more honey until he lost enough weight to get out of Rabbit’s house.

  19. Special Ed says:

    Makes you wonder when the last year was that he was able to see his penis.

  20. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Remember kids, never eat more than you can lift.

  21. Who says:

    #6 – You sound fat.

  22. noname says:

    It’s simple, those who can’t teach.

    Teach us your magic, oh fat one.

  23. Buzz says:

    Cherman just published a book on how blogging entries must contain core scientific values regardless of political persuasions…

  24. Ron Larson says:

    I don’t understand someone who is too fat to leave the house (a) earns money to pay for food, (b) manages to go out and purchase food. Seriously? How does he manage to eat? Did he win the lottery then has everything delivered?

  25. Lou says:

    Must get wild when there is only one wing left on the plate.
    Fat Tub O Goo.

  26. Sabrina says:

    That dude is huge! I would probably read his book.


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