• I predict this will be the last MacWorld since Apple has bailed out.
  • Google Buzz tweaked for good reason.
  • Google high-speed story catching fire.
  • The company also buys Aardvark.
  • iTunes will sell 10 billion songs shortly.
  • US video games in the tank.
  • Did I say January was a year? Listen to hear the gaffe!
  • Office 2011 for Mac is announced.
  • Chrome updated.
  • Win7 activation cracks everywhere. Look out for the blue screen of death.
  • Bill Gates criticizes the iPad.
  • Silicon Valley faces uncertain future.

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  1. deowll says:

    Why does MS even bother to make a make version of Office when 80% of Mac users duel boot?

    That is one of the reasons I don’t actually want one. The people I know that own a Max tell me Macs are great and I should buy one because they made this wonderful video last Christmas and it was so easy but most of the time they are running Windows and not using the cool software I’m supposed to want.

    Maybe I’m stupid but I’m going to buy machines that can run the software I want to run without bothering with duel booting. The two OSs that suit my needs seem to be Windows and Ubuntu. I use Ubuntu mainly for greater security on a back up machine.

  2. qb says:

    Ha, Gates wants a stylus too!

    Rumor has it that Palm has stopped production on the Pre and Pixi. That’s probably not good, right?

  3. qb says:

    Patch Tuesday BSOD’s Windows XP. That can’t be good either, right?

  4. laxdude says:

    For the last couple of versions, hasn’t the OS X version lead the way for the PC version? So it is really more of a small scale public beta that gets them valuable insight into the flagship Windows version. It isn’t like they are writing a native OS X application, they are just porting the future Windows version to OS X.

    Also, it keeps them out of potential trouble, by putting a little effort into a Mac version they get to argue they develop for a competing operating system.

    Back in the day when the feds were going after MS for anti-trust/anti-competitive practices, I thought the only meaningful punishment would have been forcing them to develop a full version of Office that would be maintained in parallel for *nix, Apple, and Windows. Had they done that, the OS landscape of today would be very different. Probably with a *nix in the lead trailed by Windows.

  5. GregA says:

    Please elucidate why we would be better off with a unix heritage than the VMS heritage that windows has? By all accounts modern Open VMS still makes unix look toyish.

  6. Zybch says:

    I have a legit Windows 7 license, but I’m running an activation hacked copy so I can avoid the cruft and rubbish that came along with the preinstalled version my PC came with.
    No issues so far.
    But then again, I wouldn’t have had to be naughty if the PC makers had some respect for their customers and stopped with the shitware they insist on clogging their machines with.

    Why oh why can’t PC makers STOP loading in their bloated utility crap that replicates stuff that windows already does, and does better, faster and with much less trouble?!
    Some of the new HP and Toshiba notebooks I’ve looked at for customers recently run at less than 1/2 their potential speed due to the sheer weight of the crapware.

  7. Who says:

    #6 – Just buy the OEM version of Win7 Pro and load it. I did this on a netbook, no junk at all.

  8. USA says:

    People move to Happy Valley, the cost of living goes down and people move back. It might be screwed, but only for a few years or a decade more or less. Invest in agritech business. People need to eat and you always have the growing season going for you. I still buy California Raisins.

  9. qb says:

    If you’re a real geek, you’re going to love a really, really, really deep fractal zoom.

    Dark room, HD, full screen.

  10. laxdude says:

    #5 yeah, the world is so much better with only expensive and insecure OSes we have today that due to the over whelming costs still have most businesses running XP because they can’t upgrade to new expensive hardware to run the bloatware OS.

    Had business had an easy and cheap *nix that ran real MS office and Outlook 15 years ago.

    You are right, it is clearly much better having people run XP with IE 6.

    I was not arguing architecture.

  11. qb says:

    Palm’s director of corporate communication, Derick Mains, said “Palm regularly adjusts its product manufacturing levels to manage inventory. In anticipation of the Verizon Wireless launch and Chinese New Year, we increased production levels prior to February, and anticipate ramping production back up after the Chinese New Year ends.”

  12. GregA says:


    Well why didn’t you say so… You have no clue what you are talking about and all your industry understanding comes computerworld, zdnet and slashdot.



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