State Rep. Sue Tibbs was one of the sponsors of a bill that makes it unlawful for “any person to willfully fortify an access point into any dwelling, structure, building or other place where a felony offense prohibited by the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act is being committed, or attempted, and the fortification is for the purpose of preventing or delaying entry or access by a law enforcement officer, or to harm or injure a law enforcement officer in the performance of official duties.”

The law took effect Nov. 1.

The law states that to “fortify an access point” means to willfully construct, install, position, use or hold any material or device designed to injure a person upon entry or to strengthen, defend, restrict or obstruct any door, window or other opening into a dwelling, structure, building or other place to any extent beyond the security provided by a commercial alarm system, lock or deadbolt, or a combination of alarm, lock or deadbolt.

The law carries punishment of imprisonment of not more than five years or by a fine up to $10,000 or by both.

This law is too ambiguous. If the dwelling is already being used for illegal activites, then what exactly is the point? This smells fishy.

  1. Breetai says:


    Just like seat belt laws, oh no we’ll never use it to pull someone over…. How’d honest was that?

    So now if you have your house secured they legally have an excuse to break in and look around.

  2. bobbo, you can't argue with emotions says:

    #31–Breetai==in good form today. At least on this post you are being rational enough to be able to spot just how wrong you are.

    1. Just like seat belt laws, oh no we’ll never use it to pull someone over…. How’d honest was that? /// Honest enough. Some state laws expressly state “not wearing seatbelt” can only be ticketed in conjunction with some other offense. In any case, driving without a seat belt is an economic and even (more rarely a safety hazard) for all tax payers. Quite appropriate to be ticketed for such stupidity. If you ((yes YOU)) are not intelligent enough to take care of yourself, the police are left to do it.

    2. “So now if you have your house secured they legally have an excuse to break in and look around.” /// Made up, fantasy, fear based, BS concern. As stated, the offense is an “add on” and comes AFTER a search warrant is served, drugs on premises, and THEN oh yeah, the house was fortified.

    I’ll look forward to your continuing excellence on this blog.

  3. Skeptic says:

    Mine is fortified with vitamins and minerals.

  4. Breetai says:

    #32 Bobbo

    I take it you’ve never been pulled over and ticketed for not wearing your seat belt. Happened to me once in college and once since. So take your lying government worship and shove it up your ass.

  5. Skeptic says:

    Breetai, would you put seat belts on your children? (guessing you don’t have any)

  6. deowll says:

    I don’t think the people who passed this law had any hidden agenda. I think they are the kind of people that would pass a law to move January to the middle of the summer in order to reduce the cost of air conditioning.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    She’s a republican of course, and Oklahoma for the first time has a GOP dominated Legislature, so look forward to years worth of bad legislation to come. I can’t wait for the constitutional amendments concerning prayer.

    Oklahomam is a tiny little Iran.

  8. angry says:


    Little Iran? Whatever man. Play the all-Republicans-are-evil game while the politicans take your freedoms away.

    Anyway, Sue Tibbs can go Fck herself. I have all of the sudafed I need for my colds until I have to go to the drugstore and submit my license for state approval. Thanks dopers and demagogues!

  9. jd says:

    The wolf banged on the door pretty hard on 911. Naturally you want to harden the door. Personally, I’d shut the doors at AIG. They had mediocre security and now mediocrity is being rewarded and excellence is punished. Lower your home security. Install cardboard doors and wait for a bonus package in a wood box. Dead logic.

  10. jman says:

    I live in Okla and I’ve never even heard this till just now, seeing it on Dvorak.
    My guess though is that it’s in response to the meth dealers who booby trap entrances of their labs

  11. The0ne says:

    China is so going to be pissed about this!

  12. Winston says:

    It’s just another law to pile on top of the charges the drug house occupants already face. “If you break the law, don’t make it more difficult for us to catch you.” I’m sure they’ll obey that one, right? However, they will continue to break all those other laws. Sheesh.

  13. Kenda says:

    You know that they will expand on this law so that it will later include any crime or suspected crime. So after they expand this stupid law possibly throughout the state, people wont even be able to fortify their homes to protect themselves from criminal break ins.
    This is a bad law. Cops just need to do their job and quit taking more freedoms away.

  14. Glenn E. says:

    So if the cops come crashing thru your door, by mistake. Instead of the crack house, next door. They can still fine you (or jail you!) for having anything but the flimsiest of doors. And all that helpful advice about how to prevent “home invasions”, by using dead bolt locks and steel doors. Apparently runs counter to this law.

    This bit of insanity, is about as bad as when they use to advice you to inscribe one’s Social Security Number on one’s valuables. So they could be ID’d by Pawn Shops. HA! As if that couldn’t be filed off. And your SSN is more valuable to thieves, than most of what they’ll steal from your home.

    So my advice is…. just wait a few years, and whatever advice you get today, will be completely wrong (and possibly illegal) by then. Especially if politicians sense you’ve got anything better than they got. Like a fortified home. Only they are allowed that luxury. So what’s next on the forbidden list, Burglar alarms?

  15. Christopher says:

    Would it be considered illegal too if your intention is to safeguard your house from potential criminals? Right now, what we normally see that houses have is just a thin plastic door that can be easily ripped apart. Screen doors or gates would be a good alternative to prevent criminals from gaining access to the house.


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