Read about it here.

  1. fpp2002 says:

    Not by a long shot.

  2. thom says:

    Uh HAIL no!

  3. Stinky says:

    Yes, I also miss my hemorrhoids.

  4. honeyman says:

    Is it an advertisement for a zoo?

  5. laxdude says:

    Why would I miss him, it’s like he never left office if you skip over the failed attempt at health care reform that morphed into health insurance reform that morphed into a quagmire.

    Still spying on citizens, still in two wars, still have Gitmo, and reupped the Patriot act.

  6. jescott418 says:

    I don’t ever miss any of them! I won’t miss Obama either. How quickly we get tired of Washington failing to do the people’s work.

  7. KMFIX says:

    I totally miss having a President I can laugh at and feel absolutely superior too. But that’s purely a selfish reason.

  8. ECA says:

    always knew he was a Joke waiting to happen..

  9. bac says:

    May be Bush Jr is going to join the Fox News Channel as a weather man.

  10. N74JW says:

    Nein, nein, nein, nein!!!

  11. gilgamesh says:

    Um, no.

  12. bigds63 says:

    Yes I do miss you Sir. The World is a better place to live Thanks to your Leadership. I just hope that Obama don’t keep messing things up in his final 3 years like he has done in his first.

  13. denacron says:

    Would that be like asking a crack head if they missed the negative effects of meth?

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    I think everyone is delusional to think that things would automatically get better the moment Obama was elected.

    I belive even Obama said things would get worse before it got better, even before he was elected.

    Also it wasn’t a matter of Obama being elected, more so than it wasn’t Bush again, nor another republican president.

    If Hillary won the primary, she would have been president just as easily as Obama had. Though if John Paul made it past the primaries, that would change it up a lot.

  15. JScott says:

    Oh gosh golly, do I ever miss him. With CEO bonuses on the virge of starting to possibly crest I fear the American companies won’t be able to retain the best and brightest people like those who have led US companies leading up to our financial crisis.

    Oh gosh darn it I fear the disappearance of the sort of maverickiness we need to confront the liberals and all of their science, logic, and rationality.

    And golly gosh I miss the cute way he would mix up simple things like syllables and vowels. Think of all the new words we will miss out on…Golly!

  16. GunToting Sarah says:

    Yeah, but eventually my aim will get better.

  17. admash says:

    Someone needs to go to that billboard and pile a few hundred pairs of shoes at the bottom of it. Now THAT’s a political statement.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Too soon.

    Let’s revisit this in three years.

  19. joe says:


  20. The Warden says:

    As much as the leftist loons on here dislike RINO GWB, who pretty much governed like a Democrat with exception of the war (but then again OBama is pretty much continuing the same strategy of Bush on the war on Terror), the fact is that many who voted for Obama realize they got snookered. The foolish so called independents who voted for Bonged Out Barack have clearly soured on the man as Obama has shown his word and promises are as empty as many of the foreclosed houses that exist through out the country. Obama is an empty suit. At least Bush did as he said he was going to do. His word actually meant something. Obama is just a corrupt Chicago Community Organizer who will most likely end up replacing Jimmy Carter as the worst president in recent times. OBama does have a chance to redeem himself but the window of opportunity is closing fast. If the trend continues, the GOP could have the last laugh starting in Nov. OBama will then become a lame duck president for his 3rd and 4th year.

  21. The Warden says:

    Obama’s following in Bush’s footsteps. Not much of the hope and change you Obamabots were hoping for, huh? How does it feel to be fooled by a crafty chicago community organizer?

  22. MikeN says:

    Warden, that lameduckness worked out pretty well for Bil Clinton.

  23. Skeptic says:

    Warden, maybe… just maybe… there is only one way to run this country and keep everyone happy enough that they don’t start a civil war.

    Different label, same adequate product.

  24. Micromike says:

    I miss having a government that operated under the Constitution of the United States of America.
    I haven’t seen that in a long time, maybe never since I was born in 1950.

  25. phiend says:

    Like a BAD rash…

  26. noname says:

    Is that two red lights I see in his eye’s. Is, could it be, it’s demon President and his back.

  27. Paul Camp says:

    Do Not Want.

  28. Lou says:

    Don’t be a Bum. Go away !

  29. Curtis E. Flush says:

    There does seem to be some brush that needs clearing around the billboard.

  30. The Warden says:


    Obama is not Bill Clinton and Obama does not have Dick Morris instructing him what to do to get re-elected. Bill Clinton didn’t really have an ideology other than how to enrich himself. Obama is an ideologue. He will not do what Billy Boy did and compromise.


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