Freedom of the press world map

Source: Reporters sans frontières (Reporters without borders)

For a better look of the map, you can download this PDF: Click here

  1. mcomi says:

    how is it that australia is ‘white’???arent they censoring the internet now? Also, France should be ‘red’ too. This map is BS.

  2. mcosmi says: that deserves white??? red at best. and if Australia is red, then italy and france should be black.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    Judging by the obvious errors in this map it just goes to show that even at DU partisan propaganda rules the day.

    What good is freedom of the press if you act like an arm of the New World Order?

  4. bob says:

    Canada is white, but the US is not?

    Any country that has a government agency that will go after people for publishing unpopular opinions, like the Canadian Human Rights Commission, does not have freedom of the press.

    This map is crap.

  5. Dallas says:

    The map us useful.

    The range of censorship is what’s important and largely what one expects. Surprised and happy to Argentina, Chile in the “light colored” range.

    Only amateurs would complain their favorite color was not used.

  6. Jess Hurchist - the leftist says:

    Try this link to the English version of the page

    It also shows the scores on the doors which the French version doesn’t appear to do.
    So, out of 175 places
    Australia 16th
    USA joint 20th with Luxemburg and the UK
    France 43rd
    Italy 49th
    Venezuela 124th
    Doesn’t seem quite so far away from reality to me. Although not actually living in or even visiting the countries does leave me at a disadvantage.

  7. wtf? says:

    “Submit” button broken in firefox.

  8. Tippis says:

    #1, #2:

    It’s a map of the Freedom of the Press, not the internet. The former isn’t particularly contingent on the latter, even these days.

  9. mcosmi says:

    #9 i completely disagree.

  10. TThor says:

    The land of the brave and the not so free! US is however in good company with countries you won’t like to be compared to I think… France, Chile, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Namibia, South Africa, New Guinea, Taiwan and Japan. Thank God there are still some white spots on that map. White spots unite against the colors!!!

  11. qb says:

    It’s odd how comments reflect the view that freedom of the press is a purely governmental function. For example, Mexico and Venezuela. Without looking at the numbers I would bet good money that far more journalists have been murdered or fled from Mexico in the last 10 years than Venezuela. Both countries are appalling but being a journalist in Mexico is a very dangerous profession.

  12. Winston says:

    The US press is labeled as having a “satisfactory situation”? How can a press that is theoretically free, but is instead controlled by the corporatist fear of offending anyone in government, a government that can regulates them heavily in the area they are most concerned about, their wallets, be considered “satisfactory.” It’s as controlled as if there were explicit controls written in the law. As a result, the _mainstream_ US press is little more than a mouthpiece for the government.

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    This map is wrong, the US should be BLACK!

  14. Benjamin says:

    I wonder about the white countries. Australia with its censorship and the Netherlands with its persecution of Geert Wilders for sounding the warning cry about extremism in that country, and Canada with a Human Rights Commission that goes after magazines it disagrees with. The US is freer than those countries, but they are yellow.

    Venezuela should be black because Hugo Chavez closes TV stations that disagree with him or who run programming other than his long boring speeches.

  15. TheMAXX says:

    USA should be orange – noticeable problems. If you watch the TV news you will notice problems with what is still the most popular way of getting news.

  16. ogman says:

    #16 Good observations.

  17. Somebody_Else says:

    Woohoo, anti-American propaganda.

    Take a look at the “Press Freedom Index” article on Wikipedia to see a similar study with actual numbers. The authors of these things are clearly misleading the viewer by lumping the US and France in the same category as countries like Poland even though they are near the the top of the list.

    The US scores a 4.00 for 2009 and falls into the satisfactory range. Canada scores a 3.75 and magically is in the good range.

  18. Loupe Garou says:

    #7 Jess Hurchist – the leftist said,
    Try this link to the English version of the page =>

    Thanks for the link. After reading the reasoning behind some ratings, in particular “Obama effect brings US back into top 20”, I can safely ignore this crap.

  19. Canucklehead says:

    #5, #16 — the Cdn gov’t didn’t go after anyone. A Canadian Muslim organization lodged complaints against MacLeans magazine, and the Western Standard magazine with a few provincial human rights commissions and the federal HR commission, plus with the local police. In every instance, the Muslim organization lost.

    Freedom of the press is alive and well in Canada.

  20. sargasso says:

    This is all BS and why are Australia and New Zealand “white”? We’re as bent as everyone else. Our NZ judiciary impose identity embargoes in cases where celebrities are prosecuted, the ancient libel laws prohibit investigative journalism, corporations own the news, the Bill of Rights is not law, and we have to read Wikileaks to see what is happening in our own country.

  21. amodedoma says:

    I can’t you guys are taking this french crap seriously, I mean it’s the french ok? So regardless of what it looks like, it comes from that distorted perspective.

  22. LDA says:

    This depends whether it means the printing press (freedom of information/expression) or journalism (news/public affairs).

    Internet censorship is a very broad term. Filtering illegal material that is for entertainment purposes is different from censoring journalism/news etc.

    Re: Australia

    The news media (including individuals) are restricted regarding reporting on suicide, euthanasia, court proceedings (when specifically stated e.g. victims or accused names or details that could prejudice the trial), some ‘national security’ issues (can be abused) and content that is discriminatory (which is selectively enforced). These are what I can think of at the moment. You can say pretty much anything else without it being illegal (I do not know if any other pressure is exerted).

    Explicit or underage sex and real violence (unless news) is banned.

    Re: Britain

    Pathetic libel laws, government pressure on the BBC, national security and not allowed to say the Queen is the biggest dole bludger in the country.

    Explicit or underage sex and real violence (unless news) is banned.

    Re: USA

    Doesn’t seem much better/worse than Australia or Britain.

    Explicit or underage sex and real violence (unless news) is banned.

    Regarding the ‘black’ category, I think you need to reserve this one for those that actually kill people not just shut them down.

  23. Ron Larson says:

    This map is crap. They claim the US’s rank rose from 36th to 20th because Obama is in office. It use to be worse because Bush was in office.

    WTF? These rankings just reflect some Frenchman’s political leanings.

  24. honeyman says:

    Australia’s internet IS NOT BEING CENSORED. The filtering bill is still at the ‘hair-brained scheme’ phase of development, possibly to be introduced as a wedge or bargaining chip in this years election. Most likely it will be scrapped so that the Government can get the kudos for coming to their senses.

  25. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Our country is “satisfactory?” Hell, Verizon is censoring 4chan!

    /Not that I ever go there but censoring anything sucks! (no pun).

  26. verycheeky says:

    What do you expect? this is the same guy that posted ” Video – Why Do Muslims Hate Americans? ” on here..

  27. savage says:

    USA on it’s way to a police state.
    No more “land of the free”.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Apparently the term “free press” is a new euphemism for “Owned and Controlled by Rupert Murdock”. Especially the press of Australia. Greenland’s only source of “news” is what the US military base up there, provides. How is that a “free press”?!

    And BTW, yellow is an appropriate color for the US, UK, and Europe. Talking about Yellow Journalism. It’s the rule now, rather than the exception.


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