UPDATE: For those who were wondering, yes, the room, bed and nightstand are 3D computer graphics. The dino, of course, is real.

  1. Marc says:

    “Darling, the bed is ready!”

  2. Alexander says:

    Forget about King Size beds.

    T-Rex Size beds ftw.

  3. ogman says:

    Dvorak, resting up before filming the latest “Cranky Geeks.”

  4. SparkyOne says:

    damn hotel bed, too short again!

  5. SRG says:

    … “big enough for a dinosaur” she said … #@%$%^&# …

  6. timcarry says:

    Nice beds I just wish they had higher ceilings

  7. Jetfire says:

    “This bed is just right”

  8. Ryan says:

    I get wasted in Vegas ONE TIME, and this is what I wake up to.

  9. bac says:

    Oh!! Frebreze…..

  10. Mac Guy says:

    Little Red Riding Hood: You’re doing it wrong!

  11. Rodzilla says:

    Its been 6 years since our sons death, Then I remembered he had a pet lizard.

  12. mike says:

    “Now I lay me down to sleep…”

  13. ManBearPig says:

    Hey, where did the elephant go?

  14. Uncle Don says:

    “Where’s my lunch? You promised me two boys from Spain and a girl from Sweden. I skipped breakfast for my ‘European Treat’ so where are they?”

  15. Donal says:

    75 million years later and it’s finally getting warm enough to get out of bed.

  16. Hawkeye says:

    Can’t wait to see how he gets out of the room.

  17. AdmFubar says:

    damn i’m tired, i’m jurassic parking my ass to bed, see ya in 70 million years.

  18. Larie Milla says:

    ‘I’ll beat any advertised
    price on a Mattress, or your Mattress is FREEE!”

  19. JoaoPT says:

    Wilmaaaaa ! Wilmaaaaa ! let me in. Wilmaaaa!

  20. Richard says:

    Marmaduke version 0.5

  21. HoltonM says:

    Dino waits patiently for Og to come home.

  22. JeyNyce says:

    Mom! Dad! Guess what I found in the park? I’ll give you a hint, he’s in my room!

  23. bac says:

    Has it only been 6000 years? Feels like 65 million to me.

  24. Gonster Macher says:

    Rex! Off the bed! Bad Rex! Bad!

  25. TooManyPuppies says:

    Get rid of the Dino and I’ll take the room. I like that bed.

  26. jbellies says:

    Ooooh. They’re going to be so mad when I have to admit that I couldn’t find the door to the bathroom.

  27. Russ says:

    Humphrey thought he was just one of the cats.

  28. KMFIX says:

    Home Sweet Home.

  29. robublind says:

    I didn’t think I drank that much, and she seemed so sweet last night, DAMN YOU BEER GOOGLES

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    And this is the preview version (NSFW)



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