Believe it or not, there are some potential benefits to the United States should Iran build a bomb. (I’m speaking for myself here, and in no way for the Air Force.) Five possibilities come to mind.

First, Iran’s development of nuclear weapons would give the United States an opportunity to finally defeat violent Sunni-Arab terrorist groups like Al Qaeda. Here’s why: a nuclear Iran is primarily a threat to its neighbors, not the United States. Thus Washington could offer regional security — primarily, a Middle East nuclear umbrella — in exchange for economic, political and social reforms in the autocratic Arab regimes responsible for breeding the discontent that led to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Until now, the Middle East autocracies have refused to change their ways because they were protected by the wealth of their petroleum reserves. A nuclear Iran alters the regional dynamic significantly, and provides some leverage for us to demand reforms.
What about the downside — that an unstable, anti-American regime would be able to start a nuclear war? Actually, that’s less of a risk than most people think. Unless the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameini, and his Guardian Council chart a course that no other nuclear power has ever taken, Iran should become more responsible once it acquires nuclear weapons rather than less. The 50-year standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States was called the cold war thanks to the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons.

RTFA. Its an interesting angle. I’m not so sure a ‘renaissance of American influence in the Middle East’ is all that beneficial though. America should just get out of the region IMHO.

  1. dusanmal says:

    “a nuclear Iran is primarily a threat to its neighbors, not the United States” – insanity. Iran have proven again and again that it will give any advanced arms it has to the terrorists form Afghanistan, through Iraq to Palestinians. With primary target either Israelis or USA armed forces. Hundreds of US soldiers have died from advanced armor piercing roadside bombs manufactured in Iran. Proven fact. What prevents them to give a nuke to some nuts who can send it to any major US city via container ship? Trivial. USA and Israel are main targets. Local Arab countries secondary ones.

    “Unless the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameini, and his Guardian Council chart a course that no other nuclear power has ever taken, Iran should become more responsible once it acquires nuclear weapons rather than less” – another insanity. No time in the past have religious zealots who feel that they have religious duty to “wash the Earth in blood” had a nuclear bomb. Even Pakistani regime is mostly pragmatic military based, interested in a local issues with India, not blowing up the World. Danger is specific religious strain that is in ruling position in Iran. Ahmad-jad is repeating that exact idea on and on,… it is time we take his (and his superiors) intents for real and not imagine the as rational humans, which they are not.

  2. thingsthatmakemego says:

    If he’s right, this would be a disaster. The US needs to become less involved and less a central player in the world, not more. We have nothing to offer than any country in the mideast wants (except possibly Israel). The hatred the whole region has for us is based on our constant meddling and involvement in an area we do not understand.

    If Iran gets the bomb, we should start removing ourselves from the region (and I hope Obama will continue his humble stance and downgrade the world’s expectations of us). We should pull out of Iraq immediately and Afghanistan soon after. Our presence surrounding Iran is what pushes them to develop weapons to defend themselves. If we were not there, they would not be doing this.

    We should not worry about what the bomb means to other countries; it’s not out fight. Israel can defend itself with its own illegal bombs, and the other countries are not our problem.

    The best result will be the US getting serious about alternative energy and leaving the rest of the world alone.

  3. Morn says:

    With middle east there would be no American superpower.
    Their oil is that important, hence America can not just walk out of the middle east.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    He forgot to mention that it will start a nuclear arms race in the middle east. KSA will want some in which THEY have they button, not the US. Iraq will want some. Turkey will want some.

    And as mentioned, many of the Hamas and Hezbolah (both sponsored by Iran) nutters wouldn’t think twice about lobbing one into Israel from Lebanon or Gaza.

    Mutual Assured Destruction won’t work here. Once multiple states get them, and Iran gives one to a group to detonate inside the US, who do we retaliate against? No one will claim responsibility since doing so will be suicide.

    The ONLY way MAD would work with a nuclear Iran is let let every middle east nation know that we hold them all collectively responsible. Thus, if we are nuked, we will take out ALL the ME states. It is not fair, but it is the only way it can work.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    “Washington could offer regional security in exchange for … reforms”

    HAR!! Does anyone truly believe we care about reforms? As long as they don’t bomb us and we can get their oil…

  6. thingsthatmakemego says:

    Morn, we are not going to be a superpower for long….the days of the American Empire are over. We need to find alternative energy sources and reduce our arrogant demands on the rest of the world.

    China is the rising power, we are the declining one. It would be better for us to pull back our reach and reorganize our economy to be more self-sufficient. Otherwise we end up like the UK or France, embarrassingly overstretched and losing face every time another of our former clients realizes we are a paper tiger.

    The US era is over, get used to it. And don’t hope for some reason to try and remain the big dog in the Mideast, it’ll only make it worse.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Too bad Iran is nowhere near a bomb. You have to get 90% enrichment level and they barely can do 20%.

    If they really wanted one they could have just called up Kim Jong Il and he would have delivered a care package of enriched uranium or plutonium ready to shape into weapons.

    Iran is not really concerned about America or Israel anyway, it fears looking weak in the eyes of the incredibly hostile Sunni-dominated arab nations around them, and some of them have USA support, USA weapons, and USA backing.

  8. Zybch says:

    “autocratic Arab regimes responsible for breeding the discontent that led to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.”

    I’m sure the article author meant to say “autocratic American regimes responsible for breeding the discontent that led to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001”

  9. Rich says:

    This angle isn’t mine, but I believe it- If Iran is to be “promoted” to a modern, developed state, it must eventually be allowed to have nukes, like the rest of us have.

  10. BigBoyBC says:

    I don’t know? Sounds like the same sort of twisted thinking that put us in bed with the former Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussan, Osama bin Laden and others, which all back-fired on us in the end…

  11. Canuck says:

    Who are you kidding? You can’t possibly afford another war. The US is on the verge of complete economic collapse like Russia, before the wall came down. Another front would tip the US over the edge.

  12. sargasso says:

    The cold war was a stand-off between the combined forces of the free world against soviet led marxist totalitarianism, not a superbowl between the USA against the Ruskies. A nuclear Iran is a target, anyone who presumes otherwise is an idiot, a liar or a fool.

  13. amodedoma says:

    #8 Zybch

    No use trying to reason with a patriot. All a patriot needs is another excuse to send his kids to war. It’s important to vilify the enemy and then later beat him into submission, – to protect american interests abroad.
    OTOH, nuclear arms control is important, perhaps even more than protecting american interests abroad. But how the heck to negotiate with people who you’ve been provoking?

  14. deucecoupe says:

    This entire thing is 110% the fault of the US….we propped up the Shah and have been threatening and opposing Iran ever since the Revolution.

    They want nukes for the very reasonable task of defending themselves against the US and Israel (the first rogue “nation” to build illegal nukes).

    I hope they test-detonate one tomorrow as a demonstration that the US is powerless against a truly free people with backbone.

  15. Morn says:

    @thingsthatmakemego I’m Australian, and certainly the last thing I want is for China to take America’s place as world leader.
    That would be very bad for us.
    Best case scenario is EU rises and works more effectly together with the USA as a team, rather than Europe being like they are today, which is sometimes they follow the leader and most of the time don’t know what they are doing.
    I’ll just say, in all of this Australia has the most to lose, being a lone western country just off China and India. And well, America has always been the perfect country to be superpower from our point of view.

  16. brian t says:

    Like other respondents, my first thought was “Israel”, and I expected the article to say a bit more than it did.

    “Third, Israel has made clear that it feels threatened by Iran’s nuclear program. The Palestinians also have a reason for concern, because a nuclear strike against Israel would devastate them as well. This shared danger might serve as a catalyst for reconciliation between the two parties, leading to the peace agreement that has eluded the last five presidents. ”

    No. The way it looks to me, the events of the last decades, in Israel & Palestine, have shown that the main Arab states (such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia) and Iran (which is not Arab) have little or no solidarity with the Palestinians, and regard them as little more than human shields against Israel. They would regard “massive Palestinian casualties” as an acceptable price to pay for the destruction of Israel. Their ideology dictates what they will do, not such concerns as casualties on the ground.

  17. jd says:

    Iran throws its own people on the scrap heap. They don’t understand talent assembly and capital deployment. In other words, they are freaking nuts. As oil prices become depressed they become desperate freaking nuts and they are suicidal for allah. You go from burning in a jet fuel fire to nuclear explosions. We still have first strike capacity, so it won’t help them to have nukes.

  18. thingsthatmakemego says:

    Sorry Morn, but the world has long wanted the US to go away and leave them alone, and that’s what’s happening under Obama. Australia should never have been such a close ally with a faraway superpower.

    Australia had better start learning Chinese and cutting the best deal you can…the West is waning.

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    #17-thingsthatmakemego-Australia had better start learning Chinese and cutting the best deal you can…the West is waning.

    Be careful what you wish for… then again you are clearly one who squats when you pee.

    You should save time and move to China. They will love you there…

  20. thingsthatmakemego says:

    Dr Dodd, it’s reality. You can insult all you want, but it won’t affect the reality that the US is on the way down.

    Don’t think I like this or wish for it, but I can’t deny it and won’t try to cover it up with macho talk. While the US has been a FAR greater force for good in the world than bad, we always treated others as vassals or junior partners, and that kept the world mad at us. Even our allies resented us.

    This resentment made its way into the universities and the culture at large, and now the US has elected a Prez who pretty much agrees with the European Left’s view of us. We are getting what we voted for…a dismantling of the US empire.

    In a sad way that’s good, as we in the west no longer have the cultural strength to defend ourselves, or even maintain our population. It’s better to have a slow unilateral withdrawal than to have things fall apart quickly and unpredictably.

    So the realistic thing to do is to make the best deals you can with the power that is clearly set for being the world’s biggest superpower.

    I won’t be moving to China….I long ago moved to a country where day-to-day freedoms are still greater than in the self-hating, PC, lawyer-infested US….and the Chinese aren’t going to invade, they’re going to our-produce, out-grow and out-think us. The US lifestyle is not going to change much for the average prole, and as long as they have Farmville and American Idol and can buy Happy meals, they’ll bitch, but do nothing.

  21. Palin says:

    That’s what I’m talk’n about!

  22. thingsthatmakemego says:

    I didn’t vote for the guy ( I was speaking metaphorically)…but America did.

    It doesn’t make me happy, as I said. You might want to read the whole post slowly. Personally I’d rather go back to the 50’s when we ruled the roost, but that’s not going to happen. The country I grew up in and loved (and it sounds like you did too) is gone…which you are unable to face. I’m not unwilling to face the truth and accept that a retreat on our terms is better than what happened to England and France…a long period of humiliation as client after client pulled away. Better to rip the bandage away at once, and get it over with, and not bleed yourself dry trying to hang onto a long-gone world.

    I’ll say it clearly: The decline of the US is bad, bad, bad, as the world is about to discover, but the US is no longer culturally capable of recovery. We’ve slipped too far.

    You and I actually agree on everything except the prognosis. I say it’s terminal, you say it’s not. I refuse to waste my energy on a nation that no longer even understands its founding ideals, much less is willing to fight for them. If you want to stay and fight, I’ll raise a toast to you, but I will not throw away my chldren’s future in a futile exercise. Every empire ends.

  23. RTaylor says:

    Simple rule. If you release a weapon in anger, we’ll retaliate ten fold, destroying your society. It’s called hardball. There’s no rules in weapons of mass destruction.

  24. Dr Dodd says:


    In the early days just before America became a nation there were naysayers that had to be dragged kicking and screaming into freedom.

    Nothing has changed.

    The future is what you make of it. To give up without a fight or even worse because things look bad at the moment is unforgivable.

    I usually don’t read people wrong – it’s a gift and a curse – hopefully this is one time I am wrong.

  25. Phydeau says:

    I think nukes are the modern Colt 45, which was called “the great equalizer”. From

    One of the first truly modern-style handguns, the Colt revolvers became known as “The Great Equalizer”, because they could be loaded and fired by anyone, whereas most previous guns had required sufficient strength and dexterity. In theory, anyone who had a modern-style revolver was equal to anyone else, regardless of their relative physical abilities.

    Now anyone with a nuke is the equal to any great power. That’s why everyone wants one.

    All of our aircraft carriers, planes, tanks, and guns won’t help us if someone decides to sail a ship with a nuke on it into New York harbor and detonate it.

    We can’t push everyone else in the world around any more. We’ve been equalized.

  26. Phydeau says:

    #25 Doddger, what you don’t realize is that we can still have our freedom without ruling the world. You don’t want freedom, you want to be a bully. You’re probably an insecure little twerp who gets off on chanting “USA! USA!”

    In case you didn’t notice, our wars have bankrupted us, just like Osama bin Laden wanted. Our idiotic leaders played right into his hands. And now you wingnuts are clamoring for more war, in Iran and Yemen. How does it feel to be doing Osama’s work for him?

  27. Dr Dodd says:


    As usual most of your assessments are delusional, but I did find one rare truth and that is “Our idiotic leaders played into his hands.”

    How can I disagree with that?

  28. Phydeau says:

    #28 Great, then you think we should withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan ASAP, right? And you’re against war on Iran and Yemen, right? Glad to see you’re coming around to the liberal point of view. 🙂

  29. BmoreBadBoy says:

    #4 and #1 Why wouldn’t MAD work in the middle east? If Hamas or Hezbollah lobs a nuke into Israel, and it is common knowledge they are backed by a nuclear armed Iran, wouldn’t they lob a nuke into Iran? I’m no foreign relations expert, but that only makes common sense to me. And if it is already common knowledge that North Korea has nukes and does trade in the black market with them, why hasn’t your little attack on any US city with a container ship theory happened yet? Zero US armed forces would’ve died from Iran manufactured armor piercing artillery if US armed forces weren’t fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, in the first place. And I wonder, how many Iranians have died from US manufactured artillery…

    #3 Canada is the biggest exporter of oil to the US, followed by Mexico. After Saudi Arabia, it is Venezuela, then Nigeria. If we walk out of the middle east, why wouldn’t the middle east feel a bigger pinch? We consume more oil than anyone else in the world. Don’t they need our business more than we need their supply?

    #16 Iran has more to fear than Israel. If they nuke Israel, they will get obliterated by the entire world. If Israel nukes Iran, (and they would do no such thing without permission from the US), there will be enough propaganda from the US and other Israeli allies to protect Israel. So Iran has that fear to deal with on top of its regional threats.

    #27 Amen and Amen. The wars not only have bankrupted and put the US into ridiculous debt, they’ve also created an incalculable increase of new enemies. All this “fighting for our freedom” is what’s causing the US to be indebted to the Chinese, while China just sits back and laughs all the way to the bank. China’s not this great nation thingsthatmakemego fears, it will fall just like the soviets did because slavery of any kind cannot yield prosperity in the end. But at least China is smart enough to not expend itself the way the US is.

  30. Dr Dodd says:


    Our so-called leaders are more worried about image than winning, and have for some time. Until the goal is to win a war then foreign wars are only a fulfillment of a politicians power fantasy.

    At this point the only thing to withdraw are the politicians who believe they are in office to be served instead of to serve.

    That should take out quite a few and eliminate the cause of many existing and future problems.


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