Found by Cináedh.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    If you need to cry, you cry. I’ll cry with you!

  2. The0ne says:

    That left hand is in the wrong place man! WTF! Oh, aren’t most of you guys ok with gays? So then WTF is with the pic sarcasm/depiction?

    Ah, it’s one of those I love sports but will bash it anytime I see it kinda thing. Way to go people, you rule!

    [It’s called humor. That’s a candid shot that I thought was funny. – ed.]

  3. chris says:

    There were a lot of commercials of guys in their underwear, and a general coldness toward women in general.

    I also liked the ‘Bud Truck drives over bridge of people’ ad. That’s really the message they wanted to send? (Bud + driving over people = fun)

  4. chris says:

    Oh, and the Denny’s ad with the president as a screaming chicken!

  5. Dallas says:

    Thank goodness the Super Bowl was not held in Uganda.

  6. The0ne says:

    hhoper, I know what you meant by it. What is funny about it? You mean that two guys hugging and the word gay is in the background? This is funny because it’s gay? Hmmm, I actually can’t see the humor in making fun of gays.

    But then again prop8 didn’t pass so it’s okay to mock and make fun of them for our enjoyment.

    [The humor is in the moment, the coincidental juxtaposition of… never mind. – ed.]

  7. wake up white man says:

    It’s a fact that most athletes are homosexuals. Most of the guys who enjoy watching them are as well. It’s also a fact that the people who protest against gays the most, are in fact the gayest of them all.

  8. LDA says:

    I believe in equality and fairness. I also believe that you should be able to take a good humoured joke. This is not a negative thing. It really is more a funny coincident than anything else.

    I also think everyone should be equally free to say whatever they want even if it is offensive (which this is not in my opinion).

  9. ff25124 says:

    Dont worry Disney Land Is close enough we can stop on the way home

  10. exdvorakfan says:

    Dvorak hates gay men and dislikes women with power. Not his fault. Old school mentality

  11. jman says:

    these comments suck.

    it’s a funny picture quit trying to project your lame ass whining onto it and just move on

  12. The0ne says:

    Think about it. If the word read heterosexual instead would it be funny to you all? No, and ask yourself why that isn’t funny and why Gay would be? How is one actually different other than the fact that you indeed view it differently and insist on laughing when you see it. If you really want to be fair and take it as a joke, then do it “both” ways instead!

    Blonde jokes, brunette jokes, fat, skinny, etc…but here we laugh simply at gays, and they’re not even gay to begin with, just the idea. How gay is that!

  13. circuitsmith says:

    If the jersey said Theone that would be high-larry-us.

  14. The0ne says:

    That’s just stupid. If you wanted to make a good comeback statement, use something like…

    The two guys being John and Adam, with Gay being in the background.

    One guy is Cherman, the other Climate change and the word reading Gay.

    That’s funny.

  15. oplama says:

    did that really happen on tv.
    looks like another malfunction at the superbowl.

  16. chris says:

    Looks like someones a little sensitive about Gay’s? If their last names were Closet and Rainbow it would’ve been even more funny.

    Perhaps the irony is past some. Let me explain, it looks like an intimate embrace. With cups touching and all. And Gay men hug each other more than straight men (that’s just the way it is, you should know). And as you know Football is a macho masculine sport. There are no gays in football *sarcasm*. Get the irony?


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