President Barack Obama won’t be re-elected in 2012 unless he can “toughen up” on national security, according to Sarah Palin. The former Governor of Alaska believes that declaring war on Iran could help the president get re-elected.

“Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decided really to come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do,” Palin told Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sunday. “That changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years.”

Palin clarified that she doesn’t think that Obama would cynically “play the war card” to help his 2012 bid. “I’m saying if he did, things would dramatically change if he decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and our allies,” she said.

Palin said she doesn’t think Obama would be re-elected if he ran today.

Obama could find himself going up against the former governor when he runs for re-election. Palin told Chris Wallace that she wasn’t ruling out the possibility of running for office. “I won’t close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future,” she said.

This woman is a loose cannon. She needs to be shut down, before it’s too late.

  1. bobbo, you can't argue with emotions says:

    #69–sosick==so you advise I have a purity test for my friends? That I make my personal life political????

    I dunknow. . . . .

    sounds kinda . . . . .


    Still, I’m not pretending to agree and friendships must be two-way streets.

    Tell us again==what “EXACTLY” you are so sick of?

  2. sosickofthiswhore says:

    If the political is important to you and actually means more than just an argument on the net, YES. The personal is political, as you may have heard.

    If someone is so stupid, ignorant and cold-bloodedly evil as to not see Palin for the monster from Hell she really is, they are obviously not what good friends are made of. Unless you think Palin is a good person, in which you too are incredibly stupid and evil as well.

    So “purity test”, no, litmus test yes. Find out if your friends share your most basic values, and get rid of them if they don’t.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    “If someone is so stupid, ignorant and cold-bloodedly evil as to not see Palin for the monster from Hell she really is,”

    Don’t be such a drama queen.

  4. MikeN says:

    >you cannot be around an apologist for tyranny

    So first people are upset at her for being tough with Iran, now they are upset because she isn’t tough enough.

  5. MikeN says:

    Listening to the video, I just don’t hear the words you are attributing to her.
    The thing she says she supports is defending Israel, not war with Iran. She gave a political analysis that here is something that could change people’s opinion of him.

  6. Dallas says:

    Palin, the GOP presidential hopeful still writes on her hand for notes.

    Regretfully, Thomas Jefferson failed to put a provision in the Constitution in case a dumbass was elected president.

  7. Lee Stevens says:

    Shes a delusional bimbo. What part of you can not quit being Governor Of Alaska for no good reason and the run for President doesn’t she get.

  8. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    #76 We know. It happened in 2008 and there’s no quick way to limit the damage.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    what’s so bad about a teleprompter? heaven forbid you have some words prepared ahead of time so you don’t ramble and sound “folksy” by writing things on your hand like a child cheating on a test instead of a piece of paper.

  10. smittybc says:

    Well in fairness, that quote is not entirely in context. Combine that with Palin doing an extremely poor job of communicating the idea because she’s virtually incoherent (which is why she gets so much play in media), and you get something that is not totally accurate.

    Pat Buchanan wrote an article that in essence said if Obama uses force in Iran then the Dems would maintain or extend their majorities. She referenced that article just before the quote, added in “declare war” which wasn’t in the article, added in support for Isreal, which wasn’t in the article, and then tried to make a point. Incoherent, yes, does she want to go to war with Iran, that’s unclear. Here’s the quote:

    “WALLACE: I know that three years is an eternity in politics. But how hard do you think President Obama will be to defeat in 2012? PALIN: It depends on a few things. Say he played — and I got this from Buchanan, reading one of his columns the other day. Say he played the war card. Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decided really come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do.
    But that changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years, because I think if the election were today I do not think Obama would be re-elected. But three years from now, things could change if — on the national security front.”

    Would she like him to declare war, or support Israel? Not clear. She didn’t say declare war AND support Israel. So without a follow-up it’s not clear. It’s only clear she’s totally incoherent in actually answering the question.

    Buchanan article:

  11. Canucklehead says:

    just remember, she’s a hunter and war-monger, but she’s PRO-LIFE

  12. ECA says:

    I dont care what she does..
    its the IDIOTS feeding her CRAP, thats going to get her in the END..

    BEFORE you get into WAR, you figure out HOW TO GET OUT/END IT..

    Even the 2 we are in(yes 2) we have TRIED to install OUR OWN figure heads, and it hasnt WORKED. we have tried 3 figure heads in IRAQ and I think 1 was killed, 1 was shot, 1 ran away.

    THE ONLY way you will create PEACE, of any sort, is to STAY OUT or to TAKE the country OVER and make them the 51,52,53 state in the UNION.

  13. qb says:

    She’ll do poorly in 2012 since she’ll have cankles by then.

  14. bobbo, you can't argue with emotions says:

    #72–sosick==you didn’t answer the question: “Tell us again==what “EXACTLY” you are so sick of?”

    I assumed you were sick of politics being disfunctional? of failing America? Of dividing the public into political zombies???===or in that ballpark.

    Evidently, taking you to the river so you can see your own reflection was not enough. You are just a slobbering political hack yourself. Still, always rather have a mindless idiot who is on my side, than the same mindset on the other side.

    Please never change.

  15. ECA says:

    I cant see why those on the show, even THINK this is a way to do anything.
    FIX the nation. FIX the corps.
    A representative GOV?? and congress??
    Look at what Reagon did?? continue a war, He couldnt get out of??
    Fire everyone that is around our REPS, kill off the corp backed persons trying to MAKE it easy on CORPS. Put corp tax back to the 70’s..
    Pick up where corps have failed..Take those unemployed and WORK them for the gov, THEN CHARGE the TAX to the corps.

  16. Howard Beale says:

    Palin’s new motto
    “Talk to the hand”

  17. BigBoyBC says:

    It’s too bad the left just doesn’t catch on to the fact that the more they attack someone on the right, the more people will rally around the person being attacked.

    To me Palin is not a person of interest nor the villian the left tries to make her out to be, she’s a Flippin “Blip”…

  18. Phydeau says:

    #89 It’s “attacking” like shooting fish in a barrel is “attacking”. She puts herself in front of the public and says incredibly stupid things. Harmful, stupid things.

    Stupid people will rally around a stupid person. Good way to find out who they are. 🙂

  19. Grey Bird says:

    “sosickofthiswhore said, on February 9th, 2010 at 4:45 am

    Unless you think Palin is a good person, in which you too are incredibly stupid and evil as well.

    So “purity test”, no, litmus test yes. Find out if your friends share your most basic values, and get rid of them if they don’t.”

    So from this I get that you believe that anyone who doesn’t agree with your opinion without question is evil? Sounds like you would get along with Stalin or Hitler rally well. Since you have the same litmus test that they did.

  20. Dallas says:

    #79 The captioned slogans directed at the sheep (including the cartoon character) were cute but no match for a Palin using her palms as a teleprompter.

    Someone in the GOP needs to upgrade her teleprompter to a crystal ball.

  21. FreeTard says:

    As profound and astute as Mrs Palin is, at least evidently to some folks, I think the more interesting Palin will turn out to be anti-American secessionist Todd Palin.

    I am eagerly awaiting the release of his ghost-written autobiography “Going Commando.”

  22. Glenn E. says:

    “This woman is a loose cannon. She needs to be shut down, before it’s too late.”

    Just cut off both of her hands, and she’ll be rendered speechless. Ha!

    Or better yet. Tie a knot in that string coming out the back of her neck. She’s no more than a talking Barbie doll of the Right Wing lunatic fringe. That US politics has come this far in 400 years, to where anyone takes someone like her the slightest bit serious. Of course, this speaks for what Fox News stands for. Taking us back to the mind set of the Salem witch trials era. So Palin thinks Armageddon will be a good thing, does she?


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