President Barack Obama won’t be re-elected in 2012 unless he can “toughen up” on national security, according to Sarah Palin. The former Governor of Alaska believes that declaring war on Iran could help the president get re-elected.

“Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decided really to come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do,” Palin told Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sunday. “That changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years.”

Palin clarified that she doesn’t think that Obama would cynically “play the war card” to help his 2012 bid. “I’m saying if he did, things would dramatically change if he decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and our allies,” she said.

Palin said she doesn’t think Obama would be re-elected if he ran today.

Obama could find himself going up against the former governor when he runs for re-election. Palin told Chris Wallace that she wasn’t ruling out the possibility of running for office. “I won’t close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future,” she said.

This woman is a loose cannon. She needs to be shut down, before it’s too late.

  1. Thomas says:

    My worst nightmare is a Palin-Obama election. We’ve had some pretty piss-poor choices in the past 20+ years, but that one would take the trophy. If an independent was ever going to win the election, that would be the one.

  2. Loupe Garou says:

    I think Palin is going to steal first place from Rush in the liberal pantheon of hate.

    I love to watch the spittle spew from the mouth of the learned left-wing sages.

    #28 Let me change this a little for you.

    Of course I am from Massachusetts and am still wondering what Brown DID TO me.

    Hint, it’s known as whipping your political ass.

    You guys are going to love 2010 when we put you back in the celler where you belong.

  3. Skeptic says:

    1984… “I would like to end world hunger, and have peace for all mankind, if I were to be beauty queen.”

    2010… “I would like to have tea parties every day, and start wars everywhere, if I were to be President.”

  4. Zybch says:

    God, if a politician (or ex-politician) here in Australia opened their mouth and spouted such bullshit they’d be laughed off ANY TV network, be shunned by all political parties, and made a nationwide laughing stock.
    That 1/2 of the US thinks she is worth listening to is extremely worrying, not just for the sanity of america but the safety of whole world.

  5. Celery says:

    Oh please, please America, how did this woman get past evolution from the single cell protozoan?

  6. qb says:

    #35 Thomas

    “My worst nightmare is a Palin-Obama election.” How about Glenn Beck vs. Woody Allen?

    [The horror! 😀 – ed.]

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Zybch…I think her fans are a fair amount under 50% of the US. To the rest of us she may as well be Anna Nicole Smith or some other meaningless tabloid face with good teeth and clear skin.

    At the first GOP debate–should she choose to pursue the nomination–she’ll be reduced to a jiggling pile of wet jello. Huckabee shits turds with more brain cells than Sarah has in her head.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    Zybch said,
    That 1/2 of the US thinks she is worth listening to is extremely worrying, not just for the sanity of america but the safety of whole world.

    It isn’t half. It is only a small number of middle class white people.

    The minute she tries to run for president the incessant cries of “quitter” will start even from Republican rivals and she will quit again.

  9. soundwash says:

    lol, not to worry…we declare war on someone within the two months or so..if it’s Iran, we’re screwed.

    ALL the markets are dropping fast which means something must be “created” to blame on “the failure of the miraculous recovery from the recession” the white house is trying to sell. they did the same thing with the second wave of fallout that was heading us deeper into a recession from the dotcom bust.. In that case, they “created” 9/11 to “bail us out”

    ARM-type mortgages are beginning to reset globally, and the second wave of (especially) commercial defaults will be way bigger than the 2007-2008 resets.

    -other factors are in play, but the we just had reports from the hill of guaranteed “terror” attacks within six months on US soil.. 2-3 months guaranteed…the banksters are banking on it.. (personally, i like the june-july window further out)


    (they moved over 600,000 unemployed to a new category “no longer looking for work” (which doesn’t get factored into unemployment to manipulate the unemployment numbers and boost the illusion of the recovery)

    –perpetual war for perpetual peace.. Orwell scripted it perfectly.


  10. ECA says:

    who thinks Obama ISNT being pushed??
    300 idiots ALL PUSHING..
    not counting the hundreds AROUND those idiots Paying them off/feeding them BS..

    IF you enter IRAN, what will you have AFTER??
    REALLY think about that, VERY hard.
    There is enough infighting in IRAN to cause problems. YOU DONT want another RELIGIOUS NUT CASE like BEFORE, to pop up and say…PUSH THE BUTTON RALPH..

  11. Thomas says:

    😀 That would certainly make some of those debates lively.

  12. sosickofthiswhore says:

    I can’t believe anyone listens to this stupid cunt anymore. She should go back and euthanize her retard baby so real people can get health care, but instead she spends her time trying to drive us the rest of the way toward a Repuglican, Christianist Hell on Earth.

  13. tcc3 says:

    Loupe, people hate Rush because hes an evil hate mongering hypocrite. No one thinks hes a moron. Quite the contrary.

    I don’t think anyone hates Palin so much as pity and an aversion to her being in charge of anything.

  14. spsffan says:

    #47…what you said!!! Here here!

    As for Beck vs. Allen, no contest. Allen gets my vote. At least he understands that the universe is expanding and thus there’s not much point to anything. :).

  15. Alf says:

    When I hear someone like her it almost feels like Professional Wrestling. Someone comes to the center of the ring grabs the mike and says something so adversarial and stupid it takes your breath away. It is meant as entertainment but not as something to guide the country. Some of us have become Palimaniacs. We cheer her most of all when she says she will solve our problems. That was the same vacant approach that got us in trouble with “O” and “W”. These politicians can’t save our country. They can only sell our country to the highest bidder.

  16. sosickofthiswhore says:

    Pity? spsffan, did you also feel pity for Ted Bundy or Tim McVeigh?

    Palin is pure, undiluted evil, not a single bit of goodness in her revolving-door vagina or her scummy redneck family. She is out to turn the country into a Taliban state, make no mistake.

    So no pity. Not ever. I don’t even speak to people who don’t hate her.

  17. slowth says:

    “All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” George Orwell

  18. sargasso says:

    #54. Orwell was actually a British infantry officer on the front line during WWI. He served with distinction and his experiences formed the moral fabric of his literature.

  19. techie says:

    Someone needs to stuff a sock in her mouth, or maybe something harder.

  20. qb says:

    “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes … known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

    — James Madison, Political Observations, 1795

  21. nader paul kucinich gravel says:

    Sarah Palin TelAviv
    Glenn Beck TelAviv
    Media Cheerleading
    All Israel all the time
    Israeli perks & junkets way up
    Sociopathic warmongers world war III
    Bloodthirsty AIPAC Neocon prostitution
    Corporate war profiteers Wall Street FED
    Selling hatred & murder wrapped in a flag
    Increasing censorship to protect the guilty
    War distracts a populace from the 9/11 liars
    Likud openly threatens “preemptive” nuclear strikes
    Worldwide ionizing fallout more cancer more birth defects

  22. Lou Minatti says:

    I find your “she needs to be shut down” proposition more alarming than Palin. She’s milking publicity for cash and isn’t going anywhere. She has every right to speak publicly. Your comment sounds like… how can I say this… didja ever see that movie Martin Scorsese did in 1976?

  23. Lou Minatti says:

    “Sarah Palin TelAviv
    Glenn Beck TelAviv
    Media Cheerleading
    All Israel all the time
    Israeli perks & junkets way up
    Sociopathic warmongers world war III
    Bloodthirsty AIPAC Neocon prostitution
    Corporate war profiteers Wall Street FED
    Selling hatred & murder wrapped in a flag
    Increasing censorship to protect the guilty
    War distracts a populace from the 9/11 liars
    Likud openly threatens “preemptive” nuclear strikes
    Worldwide ionizing fallout more cancer more birth defects”
    Wow. More anti-Semitic paranoid schizophrenia. Those dang Jooos control everything!

  24. sosickofthiswhore says:

    Lou, she’s a cancer…she shouldn’t have rights she will try to take away from everyone else. As far as I’m concerned, she’s not really even a person, just an over-fertile baby factory with a big mouth and damaged chromosones.

    No pity, no quarter.

  25. sosickofthiswhore says:

    and how can you possibly find anyone more alarming than Palin? She just shows that half of this country is brain-dead, and she’s trying to rally them to take action based on her lies and deceit.

  26. Mr Ed says:

    Oh God, please let this idiot be the GOP presidential offering in 2012. She won’t have a chance if the American public has a ounce of sense. Oh God, wait a minute, WE’RE SCREWED!

    The TEA Party is just the Klan in nicer clothes.

  27. bobbo, you can't argue with emotions says:

    I’m “perhaps” on the verge of losing a friend. He thinks Palin isn’t very well informed and speaks gibberish but he also thinks she “embodies common sense values missing in our politics.”

    I asked him how he got “common sense values” from speaking gibberish. No response as yet.

    Hopefully some corporation will speak out on this and break our stalemate.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    This woman obviously eats a bowl of stupid every morning.

  29. sosickofthiswhore says:

    bobbo, this “friend” isn’t worth having. Tell them you cannot be around an apologist for tyranny and to fuck off and die. And mean it.

    Everyone should dump the dumbasses among your acquaintances. They are poisoning public life in this country. Shun them, get them fired, insult them at every opportunity. Make it obvious you consider them not worth speaking to until they show some brains and realize what the right is doing to this country.

  30. sosickofthiswhore says:

    she should be chained under Clinton’s desk where her real talents can be put to use.


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