President Barack Obama won’t be re-elected in 2012 unless he can “toughen up” on national security, according to Sarah Palin. The former Governor of Alaska believes that declaring war on Iran could help the president get re-elected.

“Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decided really to come out and do whatever he could to support Israel, which I would like him to do,” Palin told Fox News’ Chris Wallace Sunday. “That changes the dynamics in what we can assume is going to happen between now and three years.”

Palin clarified that she doesn’t think that Obama would cynically “play the war card” to help his 2012 bid. “I’m saying if he did, things would dramatically change if he decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and our allies,” she said.

Palin said she doesn’t think Obama would be re-elected if he ran today.

Obama could find himself going up against the former governor when he runs for re-election. Palin told Chris Wallace that she wasn’t ruling out the possibility of running for office. “I won’t close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future,” she said.

This woman is a loose cannon. She needs to be shut down, before it’s too late.

  1. chris says:

    “Play the war card?”

    It really is all just a game to these people.

  2. The0ne says:

    Failed on Palin trying to sound like she knows what the hell is going on and what to do. Ignorance, it seems, isn’t hard to change after all. Here’s proof.

  3. uketommyv says:

    LOL. Yea, thats great palin.Did you write that in your hand, so that you can remember.? Your a joke Palin and the worst part is that there are americans that would actually vote for you, so sad.

  4. Raintrees says:

    1. To the harpy: We did stupid for 8 years recently, we are still recovering, we do not need more stupid in 2012.

    2. Is she one of those fundamentalists who wants to hurry along the rapture? I keep asking, as I have yet to meet one face to face, but I read that there are folks out there who believe in the second coming and are trying to hurry up the process to be with their maker sooner…. Scary, to me.

  5. Improbus says:

    This woman is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party.

  6. Nobody says:

    Or better still – invade Alaska

    * It has oil
    * We get to sell weapons to both sides
    * Nobody would object to regime change
    * Friendly country next door to fly from
    * USA guaranteed to be on the winning side
    * It will make Civil War (II) reenactments much cooler, with jets and tanks instead of horses and cannons.

  7. spsffan says:

    First of all, the president can’t declare war. Only Congress. And they have only done it three times, most recently December 8, 1941.

    Second, the primary reason lots of us voted for Obama in the first place was that he was the most anti-war.

    Third, I predict that the “tea baggers” will be forgotten in a few years, just like the “Promise Keepers”. Of course I could be wrong and they could be remembered just like the Klan. :).

  8. Thinker says:

    She’s saying just what the networks want to hear. Just like Ann Coutier. Think about it, if Palin changed her tune, would anyone still listen to her?

  9. Dallas says:

    Only able to listen to 64 seconds before I threw up a little.

    From what I heard, never mind the whiny nonsense she said. The real message is her conniving through process about doing tings for political gain. “Start a war to shake things up”.

    Wow. Scary

  10. jay says:

    This women is stupid, talk about bush part 3

  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    I will vote for the first presidential candidate with the balls to say “Fuck Isreal. They can deal with their own problems.”

  12. jpfitz says:

    She’s a kook. So by her own words a war with Iran is the best answer to a low approval rating for the President.

    Everyone think of the wackiest and most obscene candidate for 2012.

    I will bet Palin will win the Presidency. Only in America does the crazy shine through.

  13. Rusty says:

    Because a sitting president would think it’s a good idea to follow the advice of someone politically opposed to him or her, who is reportedly contemplating running against him or her at the next election.

    Um.. Right.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    If she were 5’3 and 175 lbs, she’d still be the anonymous mayor of some anonymous rural town in a mostly meaningless state.

  15. Awake says:

    Hitler had some interesting rhetoric too… and it was mostly about making the country great again.

  16. MikeN says:

    She was going off of a Pat Buchanan column Will Obama Play the War Card?
    I don’t see the big deal here other than Palin Derangement Syndrome.

  17. bac says:

    Bend it like Reagan.
    1) create or amplify deficits: Done
    2) start or increase spending: Done
    3) create or continue military operations: Done
    4) look and sound good on TV: Done

    Which is more important, solving the countries problems or getting re-elected? It seems according to Palin, the Tea Party people do not care about fixing the problems they just want to start wars, continue to spend money and sit around praying.

    Hurray for politics!!!

  18. dusanmal says:

    Most comments here simply didn’t listen for the crux of the statement: she implied that Obama can manipulate public by entering the war for the specific purpose of being re-elected as state of war would make irrelevant all of his other shortcomings. Exactly the reason Bush was elected for a second term. It was not advice, just true observation of how voters behave.

  19. Howard Beale says:

    I’m sure our President will give her advice all the consideration it deserves.

  20. bobbo, I've already heard enough of Palin says:

    but yea: stupid = dangerous and injurious to America. As said, already proven by Bushco and he even had some smarts BEHIND him, if not within him. What a puppet. Atleast he “knew” he needed help, he just had the wrong people pulling his strings.

    Palin is a whole different pile of garbage. She is so ignorant, she doesn’t realize it. Takes it as a badge of honor.

    #19–Dismal==nice try. Assuming the header quote is accurate Palin is saying much more than you spin. “..if he decided to toughen up and do all that he can to secure our nation and our allies,” The idiot, as do you, thinks waging unilateral illegal war is a sign of toughness and is in our national interest. You both are idiots to no-think like that.

    #6–Nobody==”* USA guaranteed to be on the winning side” /// Ha, ha. Good one.

    #12–Hey Another: in whole integers, how many times has Capitalism been shown to be a failure? No need to include our current predicament.

  21. connaiseur says:

    holy fuck is she ever stupid. I was having a good laugh at her but then I pissed my pants when I read #12s (another) comments – talk about an idiot trying to sound smart. Ha ha, sorry buddy it’s genetics and you lost out, you have always been and will always be – stupid. just deal with it.

  22. Mikey Twit says:

    How shallow was that gene pool she slithered out of?

    You’re right all those social democracies have been nothing but failures with their much more secular and tolerant public policies and stronger financial regulations, like Canada(where I am) and pretty much all the Nordic countries. What a beating they took during this economic meltdown. Oh, wait…!

  23. Todd says:

    Why does anyone pay attention to this person? Why does DU post her pronouncements?

    [As a warning – ed.]

  24. paddler says:

    NOOOO don’t shut her up… keep her talking. Every time she opens her mouth the less likely she will be seriously considered for any office by the mainstream voters. She just gets shoved more and more right which isn’t where most people are.

    Of course I am from Massachusetts and am still wondering what Brown will do for me

  25. LibertyLover says:

    #7, The Tea Party does not support her. The GOP is trying to coop the Tea Party.

    #11, FTW.

  26. Skeptic says:

    Hey, it was a good interview for her. At least 10 manufacturers of door knobs have asked her to endorse their products.


  27. McCullough says:

    Don’t be shocked when she becomes the GOP candidate in 2012. It will be done so as to assure an Obama win.

    That’s my prediction. We have no choice.

  28. honeyman says:

    She does nothing to change the perception that Americans are blood thirsty war-loving barbarians.

  29. Rabble Rouser says:

    Someone should give her extreme lead poisoning and put her out of our misery.

  30. Dirty Hairy says:

    You’ve got to ask yourself one question Sarah: ‘Do I act like a door knob?’ … Well, do ya punk?


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