This Episode’s Executive Producer: Steven Pelsmaekers (for The Separator)
Associate Executive Producers: John Kilburn, Ilan Shemes, Chris Scouler
Artwork by: Paul T

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  1. jescott418 says:

    I think some of the far right wing people are just as hurtful to America as the far left. Do we have any middle ground people anymore. What is triggering all this anti compromising in America. Its all about my way or the highway.

  2. robin1943 says:


    The bucket seat was the demise of the drive-in theater.

  3. Father says:

    John hits the nail on the about Greece!

    Adam’s schoolboy crush on Palin is boring.

  4. stopher2475 says:

    No teleprompter? Did you not notice she read the whole thing off a paper. Adam is moronic.

  5. Improbus says:

    Adam isn’t moronic … just stoned.

  6. Grandpa says:

    Do a show on any Democrat or Republican and you can say the same thing. A traitor of either color is still a traitor taking money from other countries to serve their interests first. They can be quite humorous while they screw you and your family. When will people realize this isn’t funny anymore.

  7. jccalhoun says:

    If Curry really thinks that the tea party movement was ever grassroots then he’s been smoking more than pot. He is also crazy if he thinks that the tea party movement is made up of an substantial number of true “independents.” The majority of “independents” at these events are people who think that the republican party isn’t conservative enough.

  8. TThor says:

    It is interesting to notice that none of the tea party ‘founders’ were mentioned. How is it at all possible to avoid mentioning an icon like Ron Paul in this connection?

    And what was this about Reagan? and Brown??? – big government representatives both and so far away from the ideas behind the tea parties imaginable.

    In my eyes this was a Young Republican meet up, for the disgruntled few that are eagerly awaiting to become part of mainstream, reactionary neo-conservtives wingnuts talking the same gibberish as Washington, in a different wrapping.

    The tea parties have been hijacked for sure. The Constitution once more forgotten…

  9. Lou Minatti says:

    “How is it at all possible to avoid mentioning an icon like Ron Paul in this connection?”

    Because he’s racist and batshit-crazy and his tiny online cult following is renowned for spammage. If you’d like I can provide plenty of cites.

  10. random_chevy says:

    I was just going to dummy up and silently go away. Then I got the generic email.

    I quit listening to the No-Agenda podcast again. This is at least the fourth time I quit, then gave it another chance. I did so due my curiosity about some event that they may notice. Now I give up.

    It is horrible listening to John and Adam praise the executive producer. I hate listening. No other media makes the audience suffer so before the meat of the program begins. I don’t care about details regarding producing No-Aganda.

    Once the show really begins, I moan and groan for the next thirty minutes. They rehash how they called some news item and do the rehash almost every episode. Makes me gnash my teeth and mutter curses as I am out doing some aerobic walking. I am cautious, so one hears me. Then a No-Agenda sponsorship drive wastes my idle mind. After the break I hope to hear something of interest, but I mostly hear more rehash.

    I hate the jingles and the prerecorded transitions. I was contributing $2 a month and then $24 a year. My year is many months from terminating. I wish they would take $8 and give it to the TWiT podcast. I quit! I Quit! I QUIT!

    I am three weeks behind in the No-Agenda series and could not give a care that episodes have downloaded but will remain silent until deletion. This episode title “Palin Teapot party” was not even downloaded by me.

    Hey go back to a weekend, once a week format and lose the prerecorded sounds, don’t ask so frequently for cash, and I may give it another chance. Best of luck on not going down with your sinking No-Agenda ship.

  11. jccalhoun says:

    Lou Minatti said,
    Because he’s racist and batshit-crazy and his tiny online cult following is renowned for spammage.
    Aside from the spam it sounds like he would fit right in with the teabaggers.

  12. Aaron_W says:

    #3 I agree. I’m getting tired of hearing Adam go on and on about Palin. He seems to love right wingers who are “MILFY” then he defends them against all attacks. Same with that Congresswoman or Senator from Minnesota he was drooling over a while back.

  13. soundwash says:

    Hey, I haven’t dl’d the podcast yet, but i saw in the show notes you mentioned the Earth+ sized objects that have been popping in around the Sun.

    I have been tracking these objects since about april 2009, and spent A LOT of time plowing through almost ALL available solar satellite data since then and cross-referencing with Earth based data.

    I believe i have found solid proof in the data that backs up the “Solargate” theories that have been around for eons.

    Remember, the Sun, like all stars, are Electric Stars (of plasma) that are powered *externally* by the galactic power grid. (kinda like a string of lamps posts along a highway)

    -anyway..using the occult’s numerology, i was able to figure out when the best windows in time were to find the portals being created. Since they seem to only last for 20 seconds. I have yet to find anyone using the datasets i use to find the portals..with luck i will post my findings in a few days at various places including here..with pictures.

    I am almost positive those like Nassim Haramei will be able to use my findings to plot (and verify) precise creation points and the like.

    -as my special “gift” is to spot patterns down in the noise floor, i use very little if any math to do anything. i only need to hear or “see” the data in question to spot otherwise invisible coherent patterns. no math required. yada yada…




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