This is the all-sheep version

A bizarre campaign ad by Senate candidate Carly Fiorina featuring what has been dubbed a “Demon Sheep” has transcended California politics to become an Internet sensation, but analysts wonder if it was such a good idea.

The Internet video, which features a man in a sheep costume with glowing red eyes crawling around a meadow, has gone viral — with the official version clocking nearly 450,000 views on YouTube as of Friday.

Since its release on Wednesday, the Demon Sheep also has inspired a Facebook group, Twitter feeds and a T-shirt line.

But political experts say the point behind the three-minute, 21-second blurb, attacking Fiorina’s top rival for the Republican nomination, Tom Campbell, as a “fiscal conservative in name only,” may have been lost…

“Carly Fiorina’s campaign is in full Mutton Meltdown mode, with an increasingly bizarre fixation on farm animals,” Campbell, who leads both Fiorina and state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore in polls, said in a statement posted on his website.

DeVore, who is running third in the race to challenge Democratic incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer in the November election, launched a website for the “society for the eradication of demon sheep from our political discourse.”

They probably deserve each other.

  1. Rabble Rouser says:

    IMNSHO, didn’t Carly really screw up HP when she took over? Their products were great before she took over, and now they are garbage.
    I dunno, but after she screwed over HP, I wouldn’t trust her with the time.

  2. Dallas says:

    To an ordinary observer, that was the lamest attempt yet by a GOP candidate to rally ….shall I say, their sheep.

    However, to GOP sheep this may be quite effective.

    Note this is step one. Step two is to develop an easy for the sheep remember, slogan.

  3. Improbus says:


    May I suggest this slogan: Carly good, Demoncrats baaaaaaaad!

  4. Richard says:


    How about Hope and Change? Wait, they can’t. Obama use it for the Dem. sheep.

  5. Thinker says:

    There you go Dallas, trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes. 🙂

  6. That’s a CAMPAIGN ad??????? Carly Fiorino is clearly certifiably insane. Not only is the ad inherently..well, crazy…but she seems to be implying that the voters are sheep. Well, they are, of course, but they don’t like to be told that. The ad also has a bizarre religious sense to it, which I find very disturbing. I don’t know anything about her opponent, but voting for Fiorino, the crazy woman who wrecked HP, would undoubtedly be baaaaad for the voters. Why can’t the Republicans run (or find?) any candidates who are sane, competent to run something, and are not religious fanatics????!!!!

  7. wolf_in_carlys_choos says:

    Seriously…. Why can’t the Republicans run (or find?) any candidates who are sane, competent to run something, and are not religious fanatics????!!!!

  8. jescott418 says:

    This is what happens to CEO’s who can’t run private businesses. They run for office.

  9. Baaaad2DaaaaBone says:

    Yes, Dallas we’ve heard your blather before. You think Republicans are evil, they’re to blame for everything, baa baaa baaa….

    A simple world for your simple sheepish mind to live in…

    I guess if you keep drinking the Fool-aide and keep repeating the same old tired message, some day you might actually believe the crap comming out of your mouth…

  10. JScott says:

    This is actually funny. Not just the ad I mean but also that it is being seen everywhere. Fiorina will no doubt be remembered for this forever. She is now the new Michael Dukakis.

    The only thing that remains is to see if she is as dense as the tea-baggers who took 3 months to figure out the double meaning of that term. In fact, some of them still haven’t gotten it. I saw a headline using the term just as I typed it today!


  11. Greg Allen says:

    Carly Fiorina LIVED the conservative dream:

    1) Export THOUSANDS of Americans’ job to cheap labor overseas
    2) Horribly mismanage one of America’s great companies
    3) Get paid millions for it.

    She’s a friggin’ conservative HERO for that!

    They hope she’ll do the same for America!

  12. JScott says:

    #7 Actually they did. Her name is Dede Scozzafava. You may remember that the Tea Party organizers railroaded her campaign in the NY 23rd district a couple of months ago and vow to do the same in the coming election to any Republicans who don’t tow the far-Right party line.

  13. JScott says:

    #1 Yes, she did in fact screw up HP but she was the first female CEO of the company and for a couple of years was #1 on Forbes’ list of most powerful females in business. For those reasons, we must celebrate her regardless how deeply she tanked HP stock.

  14. mustardtits says:

    Politics? Who cares,,,It’s Dillinger escape plan featuring Mike Patton on vocals, somebody deserves a vote for that, I’m just not sure who.

  15. cheapdaddy says:

    That was so baaaaaad! Show’s she’s got mutton.
    Or is SHE supposed to be the demon sheep, which would make her somewhat cool in a creepy special GOP kind of way.

  16. Gildersleeve says:

    Hey, anything to keep Carly Out Of Politics.

  17. Uncle Patso says:

    The absolute best thing about this video (especially the original, with the political ad) is how much it amused Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. I’ve never seen Rachel so HAPPY!

    If this version with the metal music is the only one you’ve seen, find the original and prepare to be completely befuddled!

  18. @mustardtits
    that would be me
    I love DEP and I felt it would fit so perfect with this video! thanks for embedding my video bookmarking your site now.

    I wouldn’t vote for Carly purely based on the fact that she screwed HP

  19. RiversideJoe says:

    The fact that republicans would nominate 2 job exporting traitors just proves that all that talk about flag pins and the country first signs at their convention where nothing but ad slogan B.S. they don’t love America they love Money.W had an entire department dedicated to using taxpayer money to export American jobs talk about adding insult to injury. They should stop the talk about fiscal responsibility 3 Rep. presidents (Regan,G.H.W.B., and W.) are responsible for half the total national debt,more like borrow and spend fiscal arsonists.


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