Science Daily

A new study suggests that beer is a significant source of dietary silicon, a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density. Researchers from the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California, Davis studied commercial beer production to determine the relationship between beer production methods and the resulting silicon content, concluding that beer is a rich source of dietary silicon.

I’m always happy to hear that beer is good for you.

Found by Cináedh.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    That’s “dietary” silicon, hhopper. Not the other kind.

  2. The0ne says:

    The one on the right is hot! 😀

  3. Improbus says:

    And it makes your boobs bigger be you a woman or a man.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Mormons will spedn millions of dollars on defaming it just like they did in support for prop 8.

  5. Curtis E. Flush says:

    I’m down with the whole “bone density” thing.

  6. Uncle Don says:

    #2 & #6:

    Her nickname is “Beer Camel”, as I understand it. No idea why.

  7. Connaisseur says:

    what a super hot rack on that blonde. They are so firm and full…. wow!

  8. Jess Hurchist says:

    That’s science I can believe in.
    Who paid for it?

  9. Skeptic says:

    Nice jugs!

  10. LibertyLover says:

    What’s the mating call for a blonde?

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #11, “I’m SOOOOOO Drunk!”

  12. Rabble Rouser says:

    Beyond the boobs, the study states that there is more dietary silicon in lighter malts, and highly hopped beers. Since I drink dark Belgian Ales, Belgian Tripels, and stouts, I guess it doesn’t apply to me that much.
    Oh well, it still sees to it that the most fit brain cells survive.

  13. Dickmnixon says:

    Fap Fap Fap

    sorry the 14 year old in me couldn’t help it.

  14. Faxon says:

    #4 Thank you for bringing your screwey political agenda into the discussion.

  15. Randomized says:

    #11 and #12


    I can hear the nature show now..

    Watch closely as the common North American bar-slut calls out to a potential one night stand by yelling “woo.” If you listen carefully, you can hear the table filled with males yell “woo” back to show interest. Once the female selects a male, he will empty his wallet in order to convince her that he is a suitable mate.

  16. soundwash says:

    the real questions should be: is this truly organic silicon or a byproduct of silicon used in production?

    Organic Si is a vital mineral and helps bone and cartilage production amongst other things while manufactured Si causes major degenerative joint disease.

    i’ll have to dig around to find the source funding of this study to find the truth. Science Daily only pushes “consensus” science -not “real” science.


  17. ECA says:

    Beer= food of the gods..and old quote for a good reason.
    If you dont take all the GOOD STUFF OUT.
    Beer has just as much nutrients as most meals and is a better vitamin supplement then VITAMINS.
    BUT we like to filter all the good stuff out in USA beer. I wonder if the WORT(the beer base), is worth more then the beer?

  18. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I’ve always liked that little girl and by now she’s probably old enough that I wouldn’t have to go to jail.

  19. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    While I’m at it, here’s the latest blonde joke:

    A blonde is showing off her new tattoo of a giant seashell on her inner thigh.

    Her friends ask her why she would get such a tattoo and in that location.

    She responds, ‘It’s really cool. If you put your left ear up against it, you can smell the ocean.’

  20. RTaylor says:

    I’m not sure, but I believe brewers yeast is high in silicon. I do eat marmite on flat bread, covered with rolled anchovies and capers. And drink a lot of water. No heart of BP problems, but the rest is mostly gone.

  21. BigBoyBC says:

    I don’t know if Silicon, dietary or otherwise, is good for you… But Silicone could kill you, especially if she has a boyfriend…

  22. sargasso says:

    I was just admiring her pearl necklace.

  23. noname says:

    The more I drink the bigger hers get. How does that work?

  24. qb says:

    Ah, drunken motorboating.

  25. t0llyb0ng says:

    We likes Czech chicks
    with big tits

  26. deowll says:

    You drink that much beer you don’t need to eat that day, you need super kidneys, and you have to be legally drunk in the states. That mug must contain at least a six pack all by itself.

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    # 2 The0ne:
    “The one on the right is hot!”

    Ain’t _none_ of ’em ugly!

    # 14 Rabble Rouser:
    “Beyond the boobs, the study states that there is more dietary silicon in lighter malts, and highly hopped beers.”

    I _knew_ there was a reason I liked Sam Adams lager!

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    @Uncle Patso.
    I’ll drink ANYTHING that Boston Brewery (aka Sam Adams) makes. As well as, Unibroue in Canada, St. Bernardus, in Belgium, Brooklyn Brewery, in my home town, Magic Hat, in Vermont, Sierra Nevada, in California, Bieres de Chimay, in Belgium, Brouweirj Corsendonk, in Belgium, as well as my local brewpubs, The Gilded Otter in New Paltz, NY, and Keegan’s in Kingston, NY. There are others and you can find many of them at the beer advocate website.

    Heck, I’d never take a trip to Europe, because I might not come home. There are just too many great breweries, and too many great beers there, especially in Belgium.

    Heck, I will never vacation in Belgium

  29. TThor says:

    Thank God! At lest something good from the brewski, besides the obvious…


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