The way they cover this is once you are in the store, some signs have the fine print where it’s not really 99 cents, it’s 99.99 cents. When you get to the cash register however the screen indicates that they are rounding the 99.99 cents up to a dollar, so it’s not really even 99.99 cents. It is actually $1.00.
When a store uses 99 cents as it’s identity stating that you will never pay more and 99 cents for anything and then you end up paying a dollar, that’s more than just a 1 cent fib. It makes the whole premise of your business model a lie. It makes your identity a lie. It makes your brand a lie. That’s a big lie. It takes the magic out of the 99 cent name. And once the magic is gone then you realize that you probably could get the same item at Walmart or Costco for even less.
So Dvorak/blog readers – How do you feel about paying a buck at the 99 cent store? Do you think they are being smart about this by milking the customer for that extra penny at the expense of their very identity?
Get a life…
A couple of years ago, they had a bit of media coverage when they announced that thay were being forced by inflation to raise their prices.
The final announcement was more of a gimmick for the publicity in that they raised .99 to .9999.
Most people don’t even bend over to pick up dropped nickles, or dimes, and especially pennies. So, it might not hurt them, but I got pissed on pricipal when I went in and bought 10 items and was charged $10 instead of $9.99
If you think that’s bad you should’ve seen the stuff businesses were doing with prices when European countries made the change from their individual currencies to just the Euro. A conversion rate was to be applied, and when it was, it was always rounded up. Some company’s recalculated prices altogether, always upping the price. Good thing about living in a free country is if you don’t like a place, you don’t buy there, to do otherwise just demonstrates that you’re a whiner.
I think you need to increase your meds.
You’re not serious. The penny should have been discontinued decades ago. I refuse to accept them. If the store doesn’t have a penny jar I leave them on the counter. No stupid pennies to deal with. Total loss: a couple of bucks a year.
This is how gas is priced at the pump.
I will never shop there again.
Full confession – I have never seen one of the “99cent Stores” specified in the article, so stating “again” above is technically incorrect.
But, I will never go into one, even if the opportunity arises.
I see your point, once the magic was gone you saw how yet again it was a triumph of marketing.
That’s like the “1 Hour Drycleaning” stores scam.
I would ask for my penny back as it just makes cents.
So your compaint is that the sign mis-represents the product?
– Like when a commercial or window-banner depicts a big, juicy delicious burger and you get a smashed, dry, flavorless mass instead?
– Like when a commercial shows smiling, happy employees behind the counter, and you get Mr. and Mrs. Pissy all too eager to snarl at you.
– Like when the commercial shows you bathroom sparkling and shiny, and you get fumes and stubborn grime instead?
– Like when the window sticker claims 28 MPG and you never get over 20?
– Like when they advertise “internet anywhere”, except where ever you happen to be a that moment in time?
– Like when the photos make the hotel room look sexy and modern, and you room is worn, dank, and noisy?
Yeah I’m know, it’s the principle of the thing.
I worked for the 99 cent store’s IT department for 3 days in 2008. My experience is that this firm is very cost conscience, read cheap, that’s why I had such a short stay. I found higher pay within the first week I worked for them. 🙂
Oh the outrage.
There is a huge market for expired aspirins and cough syrups for under a buck.
This is the core proposal of the Republican Healthcare reform.
I shop at 99 Cents Only Store about once a week. Mainly because they are 2 blocks from my home, but they DO have some genuine deals. Just watch out for the things like what looks like a great deal on Reynolds Wrap, when in fact the roll is so puny that it’s cheaper at the supermarket.
On the other hand, 3 hearts of Romaine lettuce is $2-3.50 in the supers, lately, Danish Creamery brand butter 1/2 pound for a dollar, lots of cleaning supplies, hair conditioner, bell peppers, Kraft salad dressings, milk, eggs, are all good deals there. But, I heard recently that their average markup is higher than Walmart’s, so some things have to be a rip.
In the back of my mind, I seem to be aware of the 99 cents vs $1 thing. When they first opened, everything was exactly 99 cents. No 2 for 99 or 3 for 99. They basically didn’t need a fancy cash register. The clerk simply counted items. Then they went to selling things for less than 99 cents, which kind of blew the concept right there, but it permitted them to sell a greater variety of stuff. The current pricing scheme is a bit sleazy, but it’s so petty that its not a deal breaker.
Now, I WOULD support a constitutional amendment to disallow gas stations from pricing in fractional cents. I once saw gas priced at whatever and 7/10! Just so they could be cheaper than the station across the street. Shesh!
Um, have you never noticed how gasoline is priced?
It’s the name of the place, like “one hour cleaners”. Motel 6 was originally named that because they CHARGED SIX BUCKS for a nights sleep…..but, when the prices went up, name stayed the same (now they charge $40-80 bucks a night, depending on location).
Less coffee, Mark
I read the first comment and I have to say it to everyone here again GET A LIFE.
Jim – did they only *pay* 99 cents too?
Marc – can you say: “I’m making a mountain out of a molehill”.
I understand your concern but imagine this more apparent in just about everything that is marketed out there and that penny suddenly becomes insignificant.
Marketing lies, A LOT. I’m sure you’ve seen those commercials for medicine on TV. This is awesome, take it…just take note you’ll die.
Is it just my area or are the $1 (One Dollar) stores going out of business while the .99 Stores are flourishing???
Yes, its all BS, but BS sells.
‘taint worth the time or breath to think about it!!
When my children were little I would allow them to buy a couple items at the dollar store that was next to the grocery store. I would notice grocery items, but never purchased them there. If you purchase items and compare price per ounce a dollar/99 cent store is very high. I imagine there are exceptions, but it seems to me those stores are way over priced for what you get.
I am a big spender I only go into dollar stores.
I wonder if the “Dollar Store” charges $1.0099
I also wonder if “Jiffy Lube” is really jiffy or jiffy.99
I’ve never seen a 99 cent store. Most are dollar stores. Or 100 yen stores. or whatever.
Actually, 100 yen stores in Japan are pretty cool. Yes, you can get sushi at a 100 yen store. And no, I did not get food poisoning. lol
What’s really annoying is going into a 99 cent store or a dollar store and paying $1.07. Damn taxes!
You think you’re pissed?? Imagine my distress at having to read all these crap postings from everybody but JOHN DVORAK!! THIS BLOG IS CALLED **DVORAK** UNCENSORED, who the hell are all you other assholes??
I don’t know who Marcus Pickle is, I don’t know what you look like, I’ve never watched or listened to one of your pod or vid casts, and I don’t want to, if I wanted to read Markie Pickle I’d go to PICKLE UNCENSORED, but I DIDN’T CLICK ON THAT ONE, I CLICKED AND BOOKMARKED **DVORAK UNCENSORED**.
I WANT JOHN DVORAK DAMMITT !! And you have the GALL to bitch about false advertising??? Go get your own blog that nobody will read because you’re NOT JOHN DVORAK.
If JOHN **DVORAK UNCENSORED** is gonna have all these posts by whoever the hell knows who shouldn’t you guys have to post your picture up by your name so we can ignore it and not get suckered into reading something we think was posted by JOHN DVORAK??
False advertising my ass, I’M NOT GONNA READ THIS BLOG EVER AGAIN,
or until the next JOHN **DVORAK** POST.
In Milwaukee, WI, there’d be a 5.6% tax added, so the charge would be more than 99-cents. Big woop.
Think of it this way: you won’t have to (in California) have too much change rattling around in your pocket. One golden dollar coin per item (or an old-fashioned greenback, but who uses those nowadays?).
Geeze. Go complain about something important.
When I go to Starbucks I don’t expect to get a gigantic ball of incandescent gas in a state of self sustaining nuclear fusion and a hand full of dollar bills.
After all, if your complaint was valid thats exactly what I should get judging by the company name.
We have a perfectly honest dollar store. Everything is priced in dollars… $7… $5… $18….