If there ever was a title that should be on a bad and bloody, 70’s horror film, that is it! But instead, it’s on an article about an NPR interview with (R) Congressman Duncan Hunter discussing repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

When NPR went looking for someone to speak out in favor of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” thy could not have found a better representative of thinking on that side of the aisle than Duncan Hunter. Wait a sec… did I say thinking because that clearly not a problem that afflicts Congressman Hunter.

Duncan Hunter: the military is not civilian life. In think the folks that have been in the military… that have been in these very close situations with each other, there has to be a special bond there. But that bond is broken if you open up the military to transgenders to hermaphrodites to gays and lesbians.

NPR: Trangenders and hermaphrodites?

Duncan Hunter: Yeah, that’s gonna be… uh, uh, uh… part of this whole thing. It’s not just gays and lesbians. It’s the whole gay lesbian transgender bisexual community. If you’re going to let anybody in no matter what sexual preference that they have, that means the military’s going to let everybody in.

I can’t tell what’s stranger: that Duncan Hunter is in a rash about hermaphrodites invading the US military, or that he thinks being a hermaphrodite is a sexual preference.

So, what do you think about Obama’s wanting to change the policy? Should homophobes be considered more of a liability in the military than gays? If you feel gays shouldn’t be in the military, do you feel blacks and women shouldn’t either since they also can’t help how they were born? When you’re being attacked by the enemy, which is more important: the guy next to you can shoot straight or that he’s not gay?

  1. Dr Dodd says:


    I don’t know anyone that chooses their skin color, except for maybe Michael Jackson, but everyone who participates in deviant behavior does just that – chooses.

  2. qb says:

    Dr Dodd, Is this OK?

  3. Dr Dodd says:


    I always suspected you to be a little light in the loafers – now you have confirmed it.

  4. Mikey Twit says:

    Dr.Dodd, if your using the term deviant in the clinical sense as in deviating from the accepted norm, then fine and good. If you’re using in the derogatory sense, your just homophobic ass.

  5. qb says:

    Let’s see, what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

    Gay or lesbian (or hermaphrodite apparently)
    Oral sex
    French ticklers
    Don’t touch the latex, it burns
    The Paul Bunyon (not even close)
    Knowing location of clitoris
    The Eiffel Tower
    Sex with an atheist
    He plays the incorrigible industrialist and she’s the stern nurse

    On the border
    Missionary position with woman of different race
    Missionary position with woman of different religion
    Looking at the Victoria Secret catalogue
    Taking socks off during sex

    Missionary position with woman of same race – as long as she doesn’t have an orgasm or last more than 2 minutes

  6. fpp2002 says:

    #38, and where is your scientific proof that gays choose their lifestyle? I suppose all the examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom are chosen too?

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    #36-Mikey Twit-If you’re using in the derogatory sense, your just homophobic ass.

    Have you seen pictures from places like the San Francisco street gay-fest? There are simply no words to express what goes on there… and that’s in public.

    Anyone with any sense of morality would be homophobic after seeing such deviant behavior.

    So yes, I am proudly homophobic and not afraid to admit it.

  8. Loupe Garou says:

    #41 They are trying hard to match it with the New Orleans Southern Decadence festival.

    #40 Where is the proof of the “gay gene”?

  9. fpp2002 says:

    #42, where is the proof of the “choice” gene?

  10. Mikey Twit says:

    #41 Dr.Dodd. You do know that, that does not represent all gay/lesbian people any more these idiot teabaggers represent all conservatives. And just based on numbers alone, “straight ” people have had “deviant” and “debauched” behavior locked up for a long time.

  11. Dr Dodd says:

    #44-Mikey Twit-You do know that, that does not represent all gay/lesbian people.

    It certainly represents the ones I saw and that’s good enough for me.

    And by the way, the everybody does it defense is not really a defense.

  12. noname says:

    # 11 dusanmal has it right.

    I served in the Navy. “Do not ask, Do not Tell” is the best solution.

    There is no need for some gay to flaunt their sexuality out in the middle of the ocean in some cramp work space.

    No one wants to get into a “spurned man” situation, where “NO” is not good enough for someone.

    Life/death situations does strange things to people and, it wouldn’t surprise me, someone shows up missing after ending up overboard overnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WAKE UP AMERICA, “Do not ask, Do not Tell” works, leave it alone!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Thomas says:

    Again, no one chooses their sexual proclivity. It comes down to this: having sex with someone of the opposite sex will not get you dishonorable discharged; having sex with someone of the same sex will. THAT is the inequity. THAT is why the “Don’t ask; Don’t tell” is a bunch of homophobic hogwash.

    All evidence points to sexual proclivity being innate. Yes, at the time you are born, your sexual preference is pretty much set in stone. It may or may not be genetic, but it is innate nonetheless.

    Have you seen pictures from places like the San Francisco street gay-fest?

    How would you know? Only someone that is curious would take interest in the gay parade.

    Anyone with any sense of morality would be homophobic after seeing such deviant behavior.

    Ah, the universal cop out. The mainstream said the same thing about Protestants, Catholics, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and just about every other group that was different. Frankly, I consider 15th century discrimination to be deviant.

    “Don’t ask; don’t tell” only works if you cannot be reprimanded or discharged solely for having gay relations. Hell, I’m straight and I wouldn’t want to know about most people’s heterosexual relations. Why not discharge heterosexual soldiers for having sexual relations? Either you can be discharged for having legal sexual relations or you cannot. The details of that encounter should irrelevant.

  14. qb says:

    #45 Dr Dodd

    By that logic, tea baggers are deviants and should be kept out of the military. Or even marry and have children for that matter.

    Restricting freedom cuts both ways.

  15. Lone Wolf says:

    This is so fucking stupid. Before the rise of Christianity homosexuality was accepted. Homosexuals and bisexuals fought in armies including ancient military super powers like The Roman empire, the Persian empire, Alexander the Great himself was bisexual, in Classical and Hellenistic Greece homosexuality was not only accepted it was common even in the heavily militaristic Spartans.

    The idea that homosexuality is wrong originated in Judaism and from there went into Christianity and Islam pretty much everywhere else it was accepted to the point that people didn’t even have a word for it. Judaism most likely adapted the stance that homosexuality is wrong in response to homosexuality in cults of goddesses.

  16. Timuchin says:

    Freud made homosex activity an identity. Before him it was considered a choice and perhaps an addiction.

    As an Aspergers, I’m tired of homosex addicts trying to seduce me so they can claim my identity is “homosexual.” Aspergers have trouble with women because we can’t do that social interaction trick like neurotypicals. But we do like getting our hands on a woman!

    Homosex activity is a major disease vector for the AIDS pandemic; the CDC should take appropriate action.

  17. qb says:


    Freud? Nothing like a coke addict to addle your brains.

    Strange thing. I grew up in a gay friendly city and never had any gay men try to pick me up. I work in high tech, lots of gay men. Never a problem. Women hit on me, even with the wedding ring, but never men. I wonder why they are hitting on you?

  18. Good order and discipline says:

    I think the Congressman is jumping forward a couple steps to the time when a male service member who sees himself as a woman sues to be able to wear female uniforms.

  19. yanikinwaoz says:

    Just curious…
    Are there any nations on earth that DO allow openly gay men and women to serve?

  20. honeyman says:

    #53 hmmm lets see. Just a few

  21. Nik (no C) says:

    Been serving in the Navy for 16 years. Had at least one “openly gay” Sailor and guess what, there were no problems, he was trusted, reliable and got the job done. He didn’t try to convert people, chase down eigth grade boys, beat off on public transportation, any of that deviant behavior the homosexuals normally exhibit.

    No one cares if someone is gay, or a tranny or a lesbo. Some might be a little uncomfortable to start. So is the white guy from Montana that joins the Navy and sees their first black guy, EVER. They get over that crap, I’ve seen it all the time.

    Get rid of DADT, more stupid laws that aren’t needed.

  22. noname says:

    # 47 Thomas What planet are you from?

    “Why not discharge heterosexual soldiers for having sexual relations? Either you can be discharged for having legal sexual relations or you cannot. The details of that encounter should irrelevant.”

    I think # 11 dusanmal said it best “if someone is doing the job {24/7 mind you} (which has nothing to do with sexual orientation) why on Earth does he/she need to disclose it?”

    The details of that encounter is anything but irrelevant when doing a 24/7 life/death job!!! (# 47 Thomas your such a Jack Ass, do your social engineering some place else)

    Currently military people are dishonorably discharged all the time for all kinds of sexual behaviors within the unit, both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Basically anything not work related is inappropriate.

  23. abolitionists for human rights Howard Beale says:

    #41 Dodd
    >Have you seen pictures from places like the San Francisco street gay-fest?>There are simply no words to express what goes on there… and that’s in public.
    have you seen the street Mardi Gras fest in New Orleans? there are simply no words to express some of what goes on there… and that’s in public!
    only Catholics would be interested I guess.
    Anyone with any sense of morality would be hetero/homophobic after seeing such deviant behavior.
    are you talking about some of what goes on in San Francisco or at Mardi Gras I lost track.
    >So yes, I am proudly homophobic and not afraid to admit it.

    have you ever been to a strip bar in an army town? That should scare you too.
    The only question should be does this soldier behave in a professional manner not do some people with the same sexual preference as this soldier party in ways that might upset Dodd.

  24. deowll says:

    When one looks at historical precedents one comes across mixed answers. _Some_ Greek city states seem to have produced effective military units that were in large part homosexual.

    On the other hand the Romans allowed the practice with out hinderence in civilian life but if it occurred in a military camp they terminated you with extreme prejudice.

    They also weren’t very fond of heterosexual activity within the military camp. I think that is the real bottom line.

    Sexual activities belongs outside the military camp and shouldn’t involve people in the same chain of command in combat zones. In fact the entire topic might best be banned because it isn’t safe outside the military camps.

    What happens off duty state side is much less of an issue.

  25. 888 says:

    Hermaphrodies = yuckiest YUCK

    In the past they were “terminated” with extreme prejudice in all of the societies and civilizations.
    Ours is the first so-fucked-up society in which any cripple can *demand* whatever they want (like hermaphrodites being allowed into army) and the rest of normal and healthy society simply must oblige… Such society can’t survive too long.
    O tempora, o mores!

    It’ll be fun watching when it all collapses and falls down on the stupid liberals’ brainless heads 😀

  26. ECA says:

    Can I ask any of you to look DEEP, into history.
    That MANY of the great warriors and THEIR MEN, were Gay, Straight, Bi sexual.
    Dont even talk about SAILORS and trips that lasted 6 months to YEARS on the sea.
    Gay soldiers are Kinda NEET, as they carry 1/2 their OWN entertainment with them, You dont need a Caravan of SLAVE girls to carry around that COULD give everyone syphilis, and didnt RAPE ALL the women when raiding.

    I love people that HATE gays persons..
    “I ask them WHAT IS IT?
    Are you jealous of the Girls NOT WANTING YOU?
    Are you jealous because the GUY dont like your wife??
    I would be HAPPY that there is less contention with my girl/wife.

    AND fighting? THINK about a BUDDY fighting for HIS BUDDY. esp when they REALLY LIKE EACH OTHER.. Gives new meaning to “I’v got your back”

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    Most of the gay people I have known were good at their jobs. That’s all I know.

    Oh, and one other thing: I don’t think 90% of them were gay by choice — who in their right mind would choose that, the way they get treated?

  28. Dr Dodd says:

    #57-have you ever been to a strip bar in an army town? That should scare you too.

    Somewhat puzzled is more like it. Any common sense person must wonder why people choose to wallow in some of the gutters they do. Your example reveals that people choose to behave in that manner just the same way as in homosexual behavior.

    In both cases – choice it the common factor.

    Trying to justify others perverted behavior with the “born they way” defense is someone looking for an excuse to justify their own perverted behavior with immunity.

  29. Dr Dodd says:

    #58-deowell-Greek city states seem to have produced effective military units that were in large part homosexual.

    Your example suggests if not proves that homosexuality is a learned behavior. How else could a “large part” of a military be homosexual?

    Statistically speaking this would be impossible if “born that way” was how it worked.

  30. Mikey Twit says:

    Dr Dodd

    How long before you accept the world is not flat? I guessing never.

    Must feel lonely watching the world leave you behind. We’re better off with out ya anyway.


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