The poll is closed and a slim majority of Dvorak Uncensored readers think the Colts will win. Feel free to discuss your opinions on your favorite team in the comments.

To our non-American readers, we feel your pain. Spending three hours to watch 12 minutes of actual play time is asinine to us too. But take solace in the fact that the ads are entertaining, the cheerleaders are smoking hot, and any excuse to drink beer is a good one.

  1. Waltersobchack says:

    I think the Colts will win but I like both teams. I just want a really good game that comes down to the wire.

  2. Dallas says:

    Like them both but siding with New Orleans. A Saints win will further boost the city morale still recovering from the hurricane.

    Also, a symbolic relationship with the Haiti disaster. Both disasters are horribly costly in human lives and anguish. Both disasters declared to be punishment from God from the head of the Christian Taliban, what’s his face.

    Go Saints!

  3. The Pirate says:

    #3 Dallas

    As usual you are unaware of the facts. The Colts have more than a “symbolic relationship with the Haiti”. No NFL player is prouder of his Haitian heritage than Pierre Garcon.

    Since a massive earthquake hit the nation’s capital of Port-au-Prince last month, the Indianapolis wide receiver has championed relief efforts at every opportunity. Garcon carried a Haitian flag bearing the motto L’Union fait la Force — “there is strength in unity” — after starring in each of the Colts’ postseason wins.

    Hate to burst your liberal faux ass Dallas but Garcon, along with the rest of the Colts, will rain torrents of defeat upon the Saints, much like Pedro kicking your ass politically, philosophically, and concisely on this forum.

  4. Dallas says:

    #4 I like both teams. Still going with the Saints.

    As far as Pedro goes. I’m not sure he has said anything other than sheeple (which he coined from me).

    I wasn’t aware you were keeping score but happy I’m one of your fans!

  5. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    1. You don’t need an excuse to drink beer. It should even be allowed at work.

    2. The Saints are overrated. The Vikings went to their stadium, committed at least 7 soul crushing mistakes and still not only took them to overtime but had a legitimate shot to win in regulation. The Saints will have to play well above themselves or the Colts will have to falter for the Saint’s to win.

    3. Football is the sport. Yes, the modern game has a lot of precision and finesse but at it’s heart it’s still about brute force. One side simply trying to exert it’s will on the other and crush them. This is and should be the hearts and soul the American spirit. For more details:

    4. The cheerleaders are hot but they wear too much.

    5. I hope the Colts are up by 21 or more at halftime so I can relax and enjoy the second half.

    6. You don’t need an excuse to drink beer.

  6. nospam says:

    That’s tomorrow? Okay, after the Break and Circuses Bowl tomorrow, can someone remind me which dumbass kids game takes over to keep the over-entertained lumpen distracted for the next few months?

  7. chuck says:

    I believe the team that scores the most points will win the Super Bowl.

  8. Faxon says:

    Sunday will be a good day to go out to a movie, or a diner. The assholes will be watching their expensive flat screen televisions to see a bunch of millionaires chase a ball around.

  9. Uncle Don says:

    You forgot the third choice: the advertisements. They win every year.

  10. Father says:

    Everyday is a struggle against the competition, at work, for the honour of continuing the battle tomorrow and for the spoils of success. The victory of advancing above the vanquished is the greatest reward, especially if the vanquished still respect you afterwards.

    I guess those that feel that there is no success in life waiting for them, find the virtual battle on the gridiron to be satisfying.

  11. The0ne says:

    “Spending three hours to watch 12 minutes of actual play time is asinine to us too.”

    Of course this is coming from some who Loves the sport I assumed. I will never understand this behavior. If you hate it so much, don’t report on it or even bother commenting.

    It’s like saying “I have to watch my fucking kids play soccer and all I want to do is take them back home and beat the shit out of them for making me watch their little dumbasses round around kicking a ball in the field.”

    Here’s a tip…do what you say! beat the living crap out of your kid for making you suffer through the horror of “sports.” If you don’t have the guys, send them over!

  12. The0ne says:

    Forgot to mention also that if you kid(s) are playing America’s favorite past time sport, I’m speaking of baseball of course, then do yourself a favor and beat the living hell of of them as well.

    Baseball, as you know, is so fucking boring one has to be a living zombie to stand the shit. So you see…don’t watch any sports. And if your kids want to play any type, BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THEM so YOU can feel good about not having to endure such shenanigans.

    I for one love sports so I won’t be beating anyone up but rather enjoying the “sport”. You know, sports of any kind even the whacky ones from Japan 🙂

    All this crazy sports talk is getting me excited! Please youtube your beatings. Thank you.

  13. SN says:

    12. “It’s like saying “I have to watch my fucking kids play soccer and all I want to do is take them back home and beat the shit out of them…

    Let me get this straight. Thinking it is asinine to spend 3 hours to watch 12 minutes of sports is the same being impatient to beat your kids?!

    I’m beginning to think people should have a license to make an analogy. Because people like you should not be doing it.

    And by the way, I love watching football, I just use a DVR to skip through the crap.

  14. Thomas says:

    I have no dog in the fight between the Colts and Saints but I’m guessing the Saints will win. First, everyone says they won’t because Payton Manning is the next coming of Einstein. Similarly to 2005 when everyone said that USC would beat Texas, I think all the media fawning over the Colts will work against them. Second, the Colts have no defense and doubly so if Freeney doesn’t play (but I suspect the talk about his ankle is gamesmanship and he’ll play).

    Why is football better that all other sports? Single elimination championship with no ties.

  15. Proud Alien says:

    What is Super Bowl?

  16. Waltersobchack says:

    Fact: the world cup final draws more viewers.

    Fact: American football averages 12 minutes of playing time per game.

    Fact: Soccer averages 90 minutes of sheer boredom per game.

    Soccer, with lots of low scoring, crying pussies, and ties? You betcha.

    I’ll take real American football any day.

    Fact: those are my opinions and do not reflect the views of John C. Dvorak.

  17. sargasso says:

    Cricket games last three days, and involve men in white standing standing silent and motionless in a meadow. The BBC televise it.

  18. sargasso says:

    I have double standings today.

  19. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    #13 – you got it. The True spirit of sport is to try and destroy the opponent so lopsidedly and thoroughly that they feel unworthy and commit suicide. Give it your A effort at all times – anything else is disrespecting your opponent.

    For example, you’re playing ping-pong for the last time to 100 with your 105 year old dying great-grandmother. You’re ahead 99-0. Do you let up and let her have a point or slam home the final ace?

    #14 – the crap is there to set mood and build anticipation for the next 6 seconds of play action. Try doing “stoner vision” football: mute the TV and play the radio broadcast of the game for audio. The radio guys have to paint a picture with words and usually do a better job than the TV guys.

  20. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    BTW: Super Bowl Sunday is the most important day of the year. It should be moved to Monday and made a mandatory two day holiday. This would allow the full weekend to party in preparation, game day on Monday and hangover day on Tuesday. Everyone in the country gets two days off with pay.

  21. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #7 asked “.can someone remind me which dumbass kids game takes over to keep the over-entertained lumpen distracted for the next few months?”

    That would be NASCAR. Daytona 500 is Feb 14, 2010. Start your engines.

  22. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #6 said “The Vikings went to their stadium, committed at least 7 soul crushing mistakes and still not only took them to overtime but had a legitimate shot to win in regulation.”

    But this was the Vikings. Guaranteed to break my heart every time they begin to look like they may actually win the Big One.

  23. ArianeB says:

    I’m mostly rooting for an exciting game. The last two Super Bowls were incredibly exciting right up to the end.

    Will we get 3 in a row?

  24. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    #25 – I agree, but the point is that the Saints are beatable. The Vikings Curse is another matter…

    #26 – Hope not. Hope it’s Colts all the way. A lot more enjoyable that way.

  25. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    #25 – By the way: It would be nice if the Vikes could at least get to the Big One before the heart rending loss. 😉

    Considering the Curse, my thought is the Vikes will make the big dance, have a comfortable lead and be cruising when an earthquake will strike and level the stadium.

  26. deowll says:

    This is unAmerican: Sorry, but why should I care?

    I’ve never met any of the people that will play nor been to their cities and in the end moving a piece of chemically treated pig skin around seems to be something better suited to a few friends playing outside after school or on a Saturday. I can remember doing that with great fondness.

  27. SG says:

    Who cares?

    …But at least it is a great day to go to the movies.

  28. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I hope the white chick wins!

  29. Personality says:

    Based on the two cheerleaders, The Saints will win.


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