Instead of just pointing to other articles, this is an original opinion piece I wrote about Obama’s leadership… something I think a lot of people will agree with. We’ll see.

There’s a difference between getting elected and assuming leadership and I’m still waiting for President Obama to assume leadership. Obama’s management style seems to be that he’s just another member of a team rather than the team captain. America is in a crisis and both the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress are acting like a class full of unruly 10 year olds with a weak substitute teacher.

I am asking you Mr. President today to take charge. I am asking you to be a leader. I am asking you to assume your role as the decider. You are the chief executive and you are in charge. You are the leader but you have yet to assume leadership. A year ago we made you the most powerful man on the planet. We gave you the power and we expect you to use it. Instead you’re like a Jedi Knight who won’t use The Force. You’re like Superman in his role as Clark Kent. You’re like Charlie Brown who just tries to keep kicking the football just to have it jerked away by Congress at the last minute.

It is time, Mr. President, for you to take charge. It’s time to open up a can of whoop-ass and set Congress straight. It’s OK to be reasonable and rational in the way you make decisions but please, if you are passionate about something you can at least raise your voice and show it. Here in real America things are so bad that we are waking up in the middle of the night screaming. We want to hear you scream too. The role of President was given to you. We are still waiting for you to claim it. Be the leader!

  1. TheMAXX says:

    Only the evil people and Al Franken assert themselves in our government. SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAAAY!!! for one night only! Al Franken vs. the Evildoers!!! We’ll sell the whole seat but you’ll only need the edge!

  2. WmDE says:

    Screaming never inspires confidence. Hitler got away with it for awhile.

    The problem with whoopass is it begets returned whoopass. It’s hard to be the most powerful man in the world if Congress cuts your budget to the point that you are serving MREs at state dinners.

  3. bobbo, a student of corrupt politics says:

    Well said. Does appear to “echo” Al Franken unless he picked up on your lead?

    #2–Wm==typical right wingnut imaginary flailing around. Since when does “leadership” equate to whoopass unless it is aimed at Demoncrats?

    and btw–isn’t a filibuster response to everything including bill you introduced yourself about the biggest foulest mess of whoopass you can think of?

  4. dusanmal says:

    This assumes Obama is not a leader “behind the shadows”. I would bet on exact opposite, that he is indeed leader behind the shadows and that Congress actions closely reflect his work. Why doesn’t he want to appear a leader? – Look at Nancy Pelosi ratings … He wants others to take face and flak of his actions. Only when something is finally enacted – than it is His Accomplishment. So, instead “take leadership” , he should “take responsibility”.
    Certainly, leftist simply can’t see how it is not Nancy’s health care bill or Holder’s decision on where to prosecute terrorists but clearly Obama’s. Because they don’t want to see it. Because it reflects the true character of the current President.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    It should become obvious by now to even the most rabid Obamapologist that Obama isn’t the man we voted for.

    He simply doesn’t have the demeanor to take on the mantle of President.

    He is still being manipulated by his Chicago friends and by Pelosi & company.

    He’s pissed of our servicemen and women (they are terrorist in disguise) postal workers, police officers, China, Germany, Russia, France, England, …

    He obviously intentionally misrepresented who he really was just to get elected.

    And then he blames everyone else for his ineptitude, for heaven’s sake!

    I personally know high school sophomores who show more maturity and accountability than this guy.

    He obviously believes his own hype. He acts as though the world will continue to swoon at his feet.

    What magic do we expect to shower down from above to change any of this?

  6. Dr Dodd says:

    Obama reads a mean teleprompter and bows ever so gracefully, but leadership material he is not.

    When Obama was elected president you may as well have elected George Soros and his dreams of a one-world government.

  7. bobbo, a student of corrupt politics says:

    #5–Ah Yea==you need more sleep. Almost everything you say is your own PROJECTION. I would challenge you to match your assertions up to actual Obama statements/actions. Yes, in default you can go to the weaker argument of things said/done by his administration, and even there you will mostly fail showing your bias.

    Or do you claim Obama took credit for the sun coming up?

    Silly post.

  8. Anon says:

    There are many different ways to lead, and all o them can be successful. Obama’s style is very similar to how I choose to lead, take input from everybody, form an opinion, try to show dissenters your opinion and reasoning. Bring up facts to support your decision making, then go forward. It has worked for me so far, but I work with logical human beings for the most part. My point is you don’t have to be a screaming rage filled, whoop ass can handing out President to be a good one.

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    #8-Anon-Obama’s style is very similar to how I choose to lead.

    Not sure how you came to that conclusion since all of Obama’s “leadership” is hidden behind closed doors.

    There’s not even a CSPAN camera as he promised.

  10. amodedoma says:

    Obama has been very unconfrontational in his performance so far. I remember presidents in the past using press conferences and fireside chats, convincing the public and swaying congress. I also remember Obama’s campaign speeches. It’s time to start winning hearts and minds or he’ll never overcome the organized opposition and the influence of lobbyists and special interests. Even so it seems hopeless.

  11. soundwash says:

    -in a word, Wow.

    Marc, this is an outstanding gathering of words.

    -Excellent flow and rhythm, -and balance in using the “truth” of humour to help visualize a very on-point and serious national concern.

    -your lighthearted [yet serious] use of three *distinct* generational “superhero” analogies gives something for all three generations to relate to and urges them to read on.

    This speaks to the entire voting populous without finger pointing or political bias.

    It touches on [emotional] points peoples from all walks of life can relate to and thus, brings the article’s topic of concern (and politics in general) down to Earth were even those who are unaware, or do not care-for or about, -politics, can easily understand and participate in discussing the topic without feeling awkward or uninformed.

    It alienates no one, yet floods the imagination of all [and in many ways] to focus on the undeniable truth of the main topic of concern: The profound lack of leadership at the top.

    Marc, you have a true gift of [innuendo] and insight in the understanding of how to reach the American psyche. -do not let this go to waste.

    This is a true work of Art. Further still, it is a true work of political and psychological Art. Great article on all facets. Hat’s off to you mate.


  12. Micromike says:

    Obama is the Uncle Tom of the 21st Century. He does what he is told quietly and doesn’t make a fuss while keeping master happy.

  13. Dallas says:

    I would agree! Obama should have dropped the idea of bipartisanship soon after he took office and instead should have run over these motherfucking Republican speed bumps.

    While Obama was able to halt the tailspin free-fall of the economy, the opportunity of a lifetime to reform our crippling health care is likely dead. In other words, the GOP succeeded in their strategy to suspend governing to prevent a Democrat from enacting the will of the people. Risky strategy for the GOP but cleverly executed.

    I hope in 2010, Pres Obama takes a more unilateral strategy to tackle the domestic challenges facing our country. Basically, Obama needs to grow a pair and call these GOP slugs to the carpet and have take no prisoners attitude.

    While healthcare reform is likely forever dead, I hope he is able to succeed in making our country energy independent and have this country lead in clean energy. For this one, he cannot rely on Republican support. As Jon Stewart correctly surmised, the executive branch should treat the legislative branch as a bunch of self preserving partisan liars and thieves.

  14. ECA says:

    I find it funny,
    That other countries are as Bad off as the USA.
    That we condemn OTHER countries and NOT our own.

    I see our country as DEMO republic. and that we can ADD features to it. And a bunch of idiots run around Disclaiming ANYTHING that could work, if they arnt getting money from it.
    A person mentioned how corrupt india was, that they had to pay 3 times the amount of building, just to get something done. I mentioned that we had more inspectors and property tax, and by the time it was build we would pay over 5 times the cost of the materials.

  15. denacron says:

    My impression is that he is a media creation with enough dirt on him that he has to wiggle in the way the puppet masters twitch. Our last DOTUS (dullard of the U.S.) appeared much the same also.

    I have very little faith in our “leaders” to do what is best for our country. They are career politicians and it could be that the ‘right thing’ to do would politically destroy a career.

  16. Loose Stool With Cheese says:

    Based on his own campaign speeches,I’m very relieved he’s been ineffective so far. I hope he accomplishes even less in the next three long years. What he promised in his speeches was horrifying and incredibly unamerican.

  17. soundwash says:

    -as to the subject of the topic on hand..

    #5 gets the gold star for spelling out
    what Marc’s article is in part, meant to illuminate.

    #7 gets the foot-in-mouth award for channeling
    almost exactly what obama (and hillary’s) campaign (agenda) was all about:


    Or do you claim Obama took credit for the sun coming up?

    (it’s quite comical actually. -you do
    this far more often than you realize.
    -unless of course, this is your intent)

    #7 -May i direct you to take a look at the [symbolic] pictures of points #4 and #6 on this page:

    Once you learn how to interpret and understand (the meaning) and coding behind the use of symbolic gestures and images in politics, knowing what the true intentions
    of any player in the political arena is as easy as reading the Sunday comics.


    This is alludes to the “duality” of the current times and of media messages i have posted about in the past. my most recent
    (plain) illustration can be found in my DU post (#40) in Feb 4th’s “Colin Powell: Repeal ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’” DU article:

    Suffice it to say..once learned, you’ll see it’s everywhere, hidden in plain sight.


  18. Phydeau says:

    Obama was raised by a single mother. He didn’t have a father figure in his, life from what I’ve heard. So I think he tends to use the more feminine tactics like urging everyone to cooperate. Maybe he doesn’t even know how to kick ass if he never saw it demonstrated.

  19. bobbo, a student of corrupt politics says:

    Soundwash–heh, heh. Finally responding to posts I made months ago? And the best you have is a challenge to make sense of your gibberish website?

    Capeche???? – Ummm, No.

    Sorry, but you will have to be express. You know “express”–spelled out in words. And just for you==words that are on point forming a logical argument.

    Showing the commies with a poster or two with the sun coming up has virtually nothing to do with my challenge to An-Yea to fill in his PROJECTION. Whereas Ah_yea may or may not have a point or two that he can butress, YOU HAVE NO POINT AT ALL as your butress is meaningless word association.

    Too bad. WASH yourself with more than words. They aren’t the flotsam and jetsam of something to be thrown out on a blog. WORDS are what you think with == TRY to find something sensible to say?

  20. Faxon says:

    Whatzamatter, Messiah can’t deliver? Awwww….

  21. Faxon says:

    Hope, Change, Hope, Change, Hope, Change. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Your wind-up boy is clanging the cymbals, but nothing is happening.

  22. Dallas says:

    #16 Loose Stool – I don’t see healthcare reform in this country happening neither nor do I see it happening anytime soon. If that’s what you wanted, congratulations.

    It’s tragic the health insurance and drug industry is now even more emboldened. Worse, now that that the Supreme Court enables corporations to pour unlimited money into Congress, it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion as to who’s the dog and who’s the tail.

  23. WmDE says:

    #3 Bobbo

    I did not bring up whoopass, Mr. Perkel did when he wrote “It is time, Mr. President, for you to take charge. It’s time to open up a can of whoopass and set Congress straight.”

    My point was beating up on the people who control the money may not be a good idea. I thought I was defending President Obama.

    Mr. Perkel also wrote “Here in real America things are so bad that we are waking up in the middle of the night screaming. We want to hear you scream too.”

    No we don’t. Ask Howard Dean.

  24. bobbo, a student of corrupt politics says:

    #23–Wm==I apologize. I missed that line in Perkel’s missive. From that context, what you say is not partisan but rather the invitation to a good discussion. I agree with you. “Leadership” does not succeed in using whoopass except very rarely. The threat of whoopass is even dangerous.

    No, leadership is convincing the other guy “it was his idea to begin with.”

    No one knows what goes on behind the scene. Publicly, Obama does appear a bit timid and more a “manager” than a leader. He does need to open another can of “competency” at a minimum.

    Thanks for your clarification.

  25. MikeN says:

    Perhaps you’d like him to do everything by executive order? Maybe some signing statements?
    Assassinate US citizens by fiat, maybe, oh wait he is doing that.

    Perhaps you want him to treat the Constitution as a goddamn piece of paper?

  26. Loose Stool With Cheese says:

    #22 – You are correct. I would like to see health insurance reform, but what Obama was talking about is NOT what I want to see. Doing nothing would be better than what he was speechifying about.

    PS – Don’t forget the cheese. Loose stool is not so good, but with cheese – Mmmmmm: suitable for Iron Chef!

    Oh yeah, as far as the SCOTUS decision: all that does is put real Americans on an even footing with the unions.

  27. ECA says:

    I thought the history of congress and reps, IN-OFFICE was cool.
    And todays versions are TAME.
    remember the vids from other countries, with people THROWING STUFF, yelling and screaming..
    THATS HOW it used to be..
    NOW you just flash money and most follow you to the bank.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    The problem is not the Whitehouse or the House, it’s the Senate. Obstructionists conservatives (EVERY Republican + a handful of conservatives Democrats.)

    The only way for the Senate Democrats to get bills passed is to do it with rules tricks.

    This is the way the Republicans did it, but they will howl about it, anyway.

  29. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    #30 – they’re only obstructing horrifying, anti-American bullshit.

  30. Hmeyers says:

    Great article.

    I was not thrilled about the stimulus or health care bills because Obama left it to the House and Senate to write up just whatever they wanted.

    Having 60 senators was an opening to get some real work done in a strongly directed manner. Not much happened and it was the equivalent of “Congress goes wild!”


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