Warning: The interview is about 42 minutes long.

  1. sam says:

    I am glad we have Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz and.


    and more of them telling us how Amerkwa should be run.
    After all could goyim “cattle” really run their own government?

  2. chuck says:

    #1 – I must have missed the Daily Show episode where John Stewart officially endorsed the Iraw war and announced he was a “neo-con”.

  3. Dallas says:

    How anyone can stand watching this O’Reilly guy day after day is an enigma.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Sheep to the slaughter Dallas.

  5. bac says:

    It is great that the Fox News Channel has Mr. O to explain what all those big words and complicated statements mean for their audience.

    Mr. O seems to think that the audience of the Comedy Channel are more educated than the audience of the Fox News channel.

    Mr. O is the Mr. Rodgers of the Fox News Channel.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Don’t watch him often, but BillO rarely lets a guest speak like this, especially if the guest begins a direct challenge (they never get to finish).

  7. Animby says:

    #3 Dallas – What amazes me is how this guy goes from being the standup shill for Hollywood Insider or whatever that show was to some sort of political analyst? Just skipped all that other stuff … the, uhh, oh yeah, journalist experience.

  8. johnhattan says:

    What came through in this interview is how desperate O’Reilly wants to be Stewart’s rhetorical equal. O’Reilly seems to be throwing out quick one-liners, whether they make sense or not, in the hopes that Stewart (and presumably Stewart’s far younger audience) will think he’s quick witted and hip too.

    Kinda like that one friend’s mom in high school who was desperate to be thought of as the “cool mom” among all your friends 🙂

  9. GigG says:

    JS never said he was a journalist or a political analyst. In fact he regularly says he isn’t. But comics have been making fun of politics for hundreds if not thousands of years.

  10. E@$+ C0@$+ Cr@ck P0+ says:

    Ron Paul turned into Peter Paul. WTF was that? Dr. Ron Paul MD. continues to be a Congressman and O’Reily is a TV host.

    O’Reily’s version of being critical to Bush is much softer than other subjects he is critical of.

    O’Reily is a dirty infected wound, and Stuart cross sectioned him nicely for all of us to see.

  11. Dallas says:

    #8 you are right. This interview is about O’Really and Fox wanting to expand their demographic to a younger audience.

    Won’t work. O’Really was so desperate for one liners, tag lines and “gotcha’s” that it came across as phony. The guy only appeals to brain washed Republican sheep. Fox knows this.

  12. Stooosh says:

    If O’R. and his ilk had no opposition, we would see the fascism hiding under the thin veneer referred to as neo-conservatism.

  13. ikapuza89 says:

    Who was the one random guy in the background laughing?

  14. Ah_Yea says:


    “watching this O’Reilly guy day after day is an enigma”

    Naw, more like an “enema”

    O’Reilly’s a pompous ass. Never could stand the guy.

    Stewart owned him even before the interview got started.

  15. Ron Larson says:

    #7…. I view Jon as our court jester. The clown that is allowed to speak the truth.

  16. Jorn says:

    Anyone else caught Stewards the “in the morning” @ 16.30 ?

  17. Anon says:

    Fox sure spent a lot of time in edit room on what they aired.

  18. Howard Beale says:

    Stewart 60
    O’reilly 40

    Win to Stewart funny that seems to be the same spread as the Senate or whole Nation for that matter.

    So how dose this work Stewart advances to the finals and plays Beck and O’reilly and Colbert battle it out for the Bronze?

  19. mawd says:

    Could O’reilly come off as more of a dick?

  20. The0ne says:

    I love this epsisode! It clearly shows just how clueless O’Reily is and some of the questions and baits he wants to put Stewart in. Got to love having them backfire back with reasonable answers from Steward that he CAN’T either grasp nor denied 🙂

  21. The0ne says:

    You will never find the answer. I have two co-workers who are very decent, intelligent and easy going but absolutely loves Beck, O’Reily, Savage (radio), and other similar characters. They absolutely love how these news “reporter” tell it “like” it is.

    They take everything, as far as I can tell, for truth. This is why shows like Beck and O’Reilly are so dangerous imo. If they can cloud smart people like my co-workers just think of the fcking average joe/jane watching them.

    And yes, I’ve reconfirmed my comments just yesterday asking him how he could stand Beck. His response was that Beck is right in what he says and does…everything. Then I asked why he absolutely hates NPR and he declares it is government funded and thus government run. Which if it is not transparent to you yet, means, propaganda by the government to brainwash the public. For anything on NPR…this includes

    1. Car Talk
    2. Wait Wait
    3. Way with Words
    4. Prairie Home

    And so forth that have absolutely nothing political about them.

    I told him straight out how I can even begin to imagine why a nice smart person like him would approve/disapprove of such things. He just smile like I was crazy and switch subjects. Maybe I’m the one that’s crazy, I mean I am on DU blogging away. O.o

    So you see, don’t wonder, don’t ask, just know that some of these people are fcking lunatics and be grateful you are not one of them (extreme left or right)

  22. Anon says:

    I love how well prepared Jon is. He quotes O’Reily from memory. This is a good spirited debate, it’s a shame it wasn’t just aired as a 42 minute block.

  23. Civengine says:

    Nothing like losing to an MTV host.

  24. Dallas says:

    #14 LOL. Yep, enema is about what O’Really looks like he was having.

    Fox gambled that O’Really can go toe to toe with Jon and it failed. He came off as a total douche while Jon was articulate, witty and had O’Douchebag squirming to go to the next topic.

  25. Father says:

    Walt Mosspuppet just told me, “Damn it, those jackasses on DU just posted another Flash video that the brilliant Iphone can’t view! They don’t have the intelligence to see the utter perfection of Steve Jobs’ vision of a web without Flash?”

  26. Father says:

    The above was a paraphrase of a report I heard on NPR a day or two ago.

    Anyone who watches O’R, for reasons other than to laugh at O’R, is a moron, no matter how intelligent they might appear.

    Being learned is an entirely different matter than being intelligent.

    Think of O’R as being a litmus test for intelligence.

    And yes, my spelling is impossible.

  27. deowll says:

    I saw it once. That was enough.

  28. Kat says:

    Lol, O’Reilly needs crib notes for reality

  29. wilblake says:

    Nice find, Gasparrini. Even though O’Reilly had the home field advantage, he was in over his head. Enjoyed it; thanks.

  30. Carcarius says:

    Stewart thinks Obama should just push agendas through and sidestep Congress? He would rather Obama be a dictator?


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